We SDAs like to jostle each other within our religious affiliation; however, it's a different story when those without take the within to task. Attempt to come to a realization that those within which you may disagree may not have your understanding of character which you attribute to God with reputation which you attribute to that fellow member.
We are all witnesses if we call ourselves Christians whether we like it or not. We all need to be intelligent witnesses in this journey we call life to build a good reputation with out fellow man which works wonders in human relations. Before I go any further, I aver that reputation is not necessarily on "all-fours" with character as seen by God. You may have a good reputation with the world outside your church while elsewise within the fold. You may have a good character as seen by God while your reputation may be elsewise to some extent within the fold. We have also been reasonably advised that guilt of one commandment is esentially equivalent to guilt of all.
Some view commandments as laws; whereas, others see them as promises. Let me, as a seasoned lawyer, advise you that they are apt to be both when viewed through the total population with no view toward any dilution of God's apparent intent to measure man's character. This side of Heaven and eventually the New Earth where we will study the Plan of Salvation, there will continue a window for possible disagreement, both within as well as without the fold. Selfishness and greed may have a part in how we view the reputations of our fellow man.
Due to time constraints to post this message with the need to meet a mandatory schedule, I will present how I have handled the commandment pertaining to adultry. I feel I have the duty to my spouse to even avoid the appearance continuously as opposed to continually that could become an excuse for them to fail in this respect. I have openly avowed a promise to my God, Creator, my spouse, and the world during a public assembly using some very definate terms that neither be misunderstood nor misconstrued in their most conservative construction. I have explained on a number of occasions that my attitude on fidelity on any of the commandments is initially to a Higher Power than man with man standing second in line. I'll not try to install these on a prayer-wheel device(period). As a Christian Publican for more than two decades and additional decades in law, my character was investigated as it related to honesty, thrift, and dependability. I say character rather than reputation on the basis of length, depth, and width, width meaning on an ongoing basis so long as I was employed.
If I was in the independent broadcast ministry alleging SDA some connections with the hope of broad SDA membership financial support, preferably through a "conduit" supported by organization on an equal with its own organized broadcast ministry rather than at the behest of individuals for their individual contributions and had co-authored a publication on the Ten Commandments, how strictly would you rate me and in which community on reputation or character, your choice, when it comes to any of the Ten?
Even some within a conservative fold may enjoy celebrity status liberally which many time requires an inordinate amount of advertising or public display with a possible liberal view of moral terpitude.