Christ's actions.
Many years ago there was a man named Jesus. He was a perfect child, which caused many to hate him. He grew and finally went about His Father’s business. This caused a great big stink and many said bad words about him. They accused Him of many things. Jesus did not retaliate. As time passed, others realized This man was too powerful. He never lied or caused pain to others. In fact he spent many hours in prayer to his Father and helping others. He even raised the dead and changed so many lives.
Jesus started a new religion so to speak. He wanted the Good News of his life and the prophecies of his final return to take his followers home to be with him.
Never did he sue anyone. Never did he even answer all the allegations against him. He let His life speak for Him.
Then one day, he was taken to court and sentenced to death. Even though Pilate said he found no guile in This man, off he went to Calvary to die for OUR sins. He was beaten all the way. He bled the blood that we should have bled! But, He did not retaliate.
In fact, right before He died for our sins, he said, “Father, forgive them for they know not what they are doing.”
Time passed, and many followers took up Christ’s cross and started ministries. Along the way, somehow, they left the path of forgiveness and started suing many people. They forgot to be like Christ. Instead they decided to talk very bad about their wives and the people that told the truth about them. They would not forgive, but only condemned others. Every time someone called them on their actions, they set out to sue & destroy those people.
Many people knew these ministry sinners were full of sin, but decided to allow their sinfulness for the “greater good.” These bad ministries claimed to be anointed and having no sin. They said the others were lying, but they were really telling the truth. Even other ministries backed these sinful ministries! They preached about obeying the Ten Commandments from God, but looked the other way to protect their own personal gain. They too, lost their credibility and the Light from the Cross.
Many people followed these sinful leaders for personal Gain. Somewhere, things went very wrong. People suffered greatly at the hands of those sinful ministries. Everyone just told those hurting to just chalk it up to a bad experience, and to shut up and go away. One ministry has continued to try to destroy one person in particular for 4 years. This person has a ministry of Christ and stays close to the Savior. Yet this ministry continues, after 4 years, to crucify the Christ Like one on another cross.
Just as it was in Jesus’ time, many are closing their mouths and just going away. They can’t afford to be sued by a person with ubiquitous cash. The cause of Christ has been harmed and people have lost their way.
Who will answer for all of the ones crucified by these ministries? One day the prophecies will come true. Jesus will return. These sinful ministries will cry out that they have been faithful and have preached the Word. Jesus will look at them and say, “I know you not!”