Quote from: Bob Pickle on Today at 06:53:26 AM
Why do we keep seeing similarities between this saga and those of the Vatican? Why did both Roman Catholic Cardinal Pell and Walt Thompson meet with the alleged perpetrators and/or their relative but not with the alleged victim(s)? Why did Walt Thompson approach this situation like Roman Catholic Cardinal Pell rather than in the way I would think the average Seventh-day Adventist would expect him to?
Ian responded--Because that is what you choose to see and say?
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Re: Possible way to win 3ABN critics.
Date: Mon, 27 Nov 2006 09:04:53 -0600
From: Walt Thompson
Dear Bob,
Thank you for you attempt to understand my sensitivity and that of 3abn administratin and board. We believe we have acted responsibly and wisely, appropriate to the circumstances. While one can always be criticized after the fact and without all of the evidence then available for consideration, often those same critics would have made similar judgments had they been there......
Subsequently, after this issue has been brought back to the forefront (I think there is only one person who could have known about this and brought it to world wide attentionm, and that person was then on the board and voted with the concensus) I contacted the only person from the Chruch of God that I could find that knew about the situation, and who had been present and witness to the events. (Accept for pastor Dryden\'s personal accounts, there are apparently no other records of the allegations) The picture that was painted by that leader of the Church was exactly as portrayed earlier by Danny. Dryden was jealous of Tommy and was out to get him - a jealousy that has continued to the present. I was again informed that the DA knew about the allegations and not finding a basis, refused to act against Tommy......
Quote from: Ian on Today at 07:45:29 AM
Because that is what you choose to see and say?
Pickle responded--No, because it\'s the truth.
Are you ready yet to return to the ranks of conservativism and take a stand for righteousness? Are you ready to say that Walt should have spoken with the alleged victims and not just the alleged perpetrator and his brother?
I wonder what you would think if the police routinely spoke only with the alleged murderer, the alleged thief, the alleged rapist, and never the alleged victims, and took the alleged perpetrator\'s word for it that everything was fine.
Bob Pickle, I know what my opinion is of you and what you stated above by its contents.
1. Ian was correct in saying your stance is one you choose to see and say and you did it again when you totally ignored what Dr. Thompson said in the quote Ian gave from him. Also he did not make the decision all on his own.
2. You wanted Dr. Thompson to do as you do. Hear something and rashly move on it by trying to find anyone or anything that might back up the alleged allegations instead of being open to all the information and possibilities within the limits set upon him and prayerfully considering all of it. You seem to think that he should have put aside what the police and prosecutor investigation ascertained and just move on what he had heard to begin with. You seem to think that he should have put aside what the church that was involved ascertained too. And through all of it spread the alleged allegations far and wide stating it to be the truth. If I were being accused of anything I would rather have Dr. Thompson looking into it in a Christian and ethical way over one such as you that chooses to be a pawn and mouthpiece for the accuser of the brethren.
3. It has been stated before that you are or were at the time of these alleged allegations a pastor. Then as a pastor it was your responsibility to contact the appropriate legal persons over and rather than 3ABN, if you were really concerned about the alleged victims. It does not take any courage at all to spread around alleged allegations and let others take up the cause for you. That way if things do not go as you want you can slip out and let the others take the responsibility and consequences for your actions as well as their own.
By the way I agree with what Petunia said in post #225.
This is exactly why I think it was wisdom for Walt Thompson to make the choices he did, regarding the contact from Dryden. There is an appropriate manner in which these types of issues should be handled, for the sake of both the alleged victims and the alleged abuser. To build a case on words or gossip alone is not only fruitless, it is dangerous. I\'ve seen so much of that happening with some of the issues being discussed here on Adventtalk. Opinion becomes treated as fact without the benefit of due process.