Not a lot has changed...some believe yeah, others believe nay, and even more supporting evidence continues to come in clarifying and in some cases clearly elucidating unknown reasons for certain actions, such as why did Brad Walker join Tommy Ray Shelton in Dun Loring? Who was paying them and why? And what was Brad's role, before Dun Loring, during Dun Loring and after Dun Loring? And why would he sell his soul to such a lot of scoundrels? And just how many other cases are there in Dun Loring, at 3ABN, Kentucky, etc?
I guess I can sum it up as the more rocks you turn the more there is to discover and study. The problem is, the more you turn the more parties, players and liability you also uncover. You begin to wonder if there are enough days left in this life to complete the story. Or even if it is worth the effort?
Gailon Arthur Joy