What is a 'NORMAL kind of transgression'? NO transgression against God is 'normal'. That's the point! That's why it's called 'SIN'!
While there may be no sin that is "normal" I do not think all sins are equal. When this is a response to someone that has been badly hurt,the results are the opposite of what most hope for
I will agree, however, that forgiveness is a necessary thing, but only in the context that the victim has been carefully and lovingly heard and reassured that they were in no way responsible for what happened to them or anyone else if they had been instructed to 'not tell' or otherwise threatened. There is much more to this area but I will not go into that here.
You are so right in this. Most survivors of abuse are already struggling with guilt and shame. Heaping the old "all have sinned' on them is cruel and not in the least productive.
There is a time for that. Even in cases where it has not been sexual abuse,maybe even something that another would believe to be harmless. the piling on of "forgive 7x70" or "all have sinned" can have some pretty serious consequences
There is much more to it. The 'victim' is not responsible for what a perpetrator has done. However they CANNOT continue to be a victim for the rest of their lives.
Most do not remain victims and MOST do not wish to. Survivors of any kind of serious abuse are some of the strongest and most forgiving people I know. In the five years Survivors-N-Trivers was active I met the most amazing women I have ever met.
Not one in all those years had a postivie story concerning aid and support from their denomination. Most, not all were SDA's. Each one did it in spite of "all have sinned" "we are all guilty"mentality.Not because of it
What each wanted more than anything is to educate others in the dealing with the "victim" so they did not remain a victim forever.
GrammieT]In the example of the article in the OP, that man was just shuffled around the area and given free reign to raid other trusting congregations. Thank God that he has finally been caught up with. Does he need forgiveness? Of course, but he must never have opportunity to do his hurtful acts again. In his case, HE needs to take full responsibility for his behavior by always informing the officers of the churches he attends that he will not be available for office and he should never be allowed without a chaperone in the restrooms, or anywhere that others could be alone with him. He should be willing to have the congregation know that he is not to be trusted, and that they should be extra cautious around him. Otherwise he has not taken the responsibility that forgiveness gives him. In other words, forgiveness is not a 'get out of jail free' card for him. And it is not our responsibility to make him feel 'comfortable' with us.
The forgiveness he needs to realize is that Christ's blood on the cross was for his transgression as well. But I disagree that anyone should count on HIM to disclose his offenses to 'unsuspecting/trusting congregations'. As far as denominational employment goes, in MY opinion...IT'S OVER! I know God can and will still use him for his(God's) own purposes, but I WILL NOT trust him with my own kids. The 'get out of jail free' mentality with GODLY FORGIVENESS is NOT the same thing. Again...forgiveness that comes from God does NOT enable more abuse...are you all getting that?!
Grammie T
Now are you getting this Forgiveness that does come from God does not enable abuse. Forgiveness so often preached by others, claiming it comes from God fosters all type of abuse
As to becoming victors and overcomers, this is something that will come when those who have been hurt have begun to receive the love and understanding that Jesus is there for them.
I agree. Some Christ-followers are in a better position to understand their 'identity in Christ alone' than others though. There are many factors that play into one realizing what it means to be 'in Christ alone'. I don't take those three words (in Christ alone) lightly! Jesus is the Jubilee! (This is a DEEP subject...which, again, is why I KNOW I have been misunderstood by some...).
You may believe you have been misunderstood, time will tell. When the first words I hear or see on the topic of forgiveness,no matter what the harm,is forgiveness by the injured party,I have my doubts It never comes with, before or after any counsel for those hearing or reading about what the guilty need to hear and do. NOT A PEEP.
In the end it matters not to the victim whether their abuser confesses and seek repentnece. For their own emotional well being and their eternal life they need to . However, we can make it a whole lot harder for them.
Usually it's phrased, "Why do bad things happen to good people?"
However, I have come to realize that 'no one is good but God'. There are NO good people, except that they are IN CHRIST. Only God is good (Jesus' words).
This is another one that gets thrown into the mix. Use this to speak to someone badly hurt and you cannot even gaige the damage that is done. But of course it is biblical so how can it cause problems. I don't think it is meant to be used the way it so often is.
Tell the child that has been abused,Or others that have been abused
"There are no good people" except they be in Christ. Only God is good"
What they will hear and understand is a whole lot different
GrammieT I am still dealing with this aspect of the problem to a certain extent but for you to upbraid me for not having reached your level of understanding would not be appropriate, just as it is not appropriate for others to do at the time of the distress and especially if the perpretator, when known, has not been dealt with appropriately.
I'm not 'upbraiding' you about ANYTHING...
It seems a lot like you are.
Here's the thing...if the perpetrator get's off scott-free, does that mean that the 'victim' can NEVER let go, forgive (not to enable the perp again!!!), and move forward? Just because the 'system' failed, or they were protected by a corrupt denomination/sect?
No, and most do. If you have spent as much time dealing with this you will realize most do let go, and because of the misguided, or deliberately cruel advice and preaching, They go on to become advocates
Jesus is ABOVE denominational-protections and man-made church. Jesus is GOD...and faith in HIM alone is NOT faith in a denomination/leadership. If they're protection criminals with a denominational system, then they should ALL go to jail!
But EVEN IF THEY NEVER DO!!!! the 'victim' can and SHOULD move to VICTOR in Christ! I sincerely HOPE you can agree with that.
My dad used to call people like this coatholders. Never would dream of committing these acts, but would stand by and hold the coat of the abuser. A predator of this type can usually only exist among us because someone is holding the coat. Our denomination is no exception
The forgiveness by a victim of abuse should never be on the condition of confession and repentence of the guilty.. But forgiveness cab be hard to find, not for the prepatrator, but those that hold the coats, because of those that preach endlessly about forgivenss of the other guy.
GrammieTGod only was the One Who was able to reach me on that level and only after I had sought Him on my own. I think this is what Bonnie and Ozzie and the others have been trying to get you to understand.
I understand exactly what they have been trying to say. But they have not taken it to the very end of the healing that Jesus alone offers. I DO NOT enable 'victims'. Victim mentality is destructive and enslaving, but Jesus releases captives and complete healing is in Him alone. Most 'Christians' do NOT really understand this and resort to human 'psychology', which ignores Christ-centered healing (Spiritual healing). It's supernatural and ONLY comes from Jesus Christ. Most are 'Home Depot' healers and want to 'Do It Yourself'. I disagree (even as a licensed counselor!).[/quote]
And what you do not understand is you still are playing leap frog and getting /winning to the end of the line.
You are very demeaning to many that have been victims by saying that many christians do not understand this. I am assuming that you claim to have this knowledge that so many do not possess.
Maybe in your eyes many do not understand,Or maybe, just maybe it is because you are leaving somethings out and in a hurry to get to the end of the line.
What does happen at times, is people using all the standard responses make it harder for those that need to get there.
I had a whole lot easier time forgiving the predator pastor that wrecked havoc in our lives, than I did or have concerning many that spouted ad-nausem the same that I have heard again
GrammieTAnd that seeking did not come through the Adventist church I am sorry to say. But that is a subject for another thread and time.
I won't even go there...
Jesus is the Master Healer! If only people would trust in HIM!
In CHRIST alone...
No, sad to say our church has little to nothing to offer. Except forgivness by the injured and it will all go away.
"If only people would trust him" is another great concept. Again, it comes across as very demeaing to those struggling.
That is the bottom line but first we need to stop putting as many obstacles in the way as possible.
If as much concern was placed on the guilty party, if so many were as concerned about their salvation, it should at least get honorable mention AND IT DOES NOT. Not in place of, or even first, I would settle for last even, but it never comes. If I were a pedophile,I think the best place to committ my acts would be a church that concentrated first and last on the forgiveness by the victim. If I were a pedophile, sincerely repentent I would be discouraged. Never seeing a concern,or interest in my eternal salvation.
And that is what is done with forgiveness. Go back and read. How earnestly we work to get the victim to forgive and yet ignore the guilty party. Not as in sticking it to, or punishing, but in the "concern" you show the injured party