I believe anyman has brought up Gregory Simpson's name, and indicated he thought him more believable than me.
I noticed in the filing he did this week in Minnesota that he used a copy of Jerrie Hayes' affidavit, the one that claims that we got 2500 additional pages when it was really only 250.
I pointed out this problem to both he and Jerrie on June 4 and/or 5, and he filed the affidavit uncorrected on June 18. Why would he do a thing like that? Why would he file an affidavit that he knew was wrong?
I couldn't do a thing like that. My parents taught me to tell the truth, and I just couldn't file an affidavit that I knew contained bogus information, unless I made it clear that it contained errors.
What does Garwin think about the lawyers in the law firm he used in the past, when they do stuff like this? What does he think of Duffy invoking non-existent common law copyright in his nasty January 30, 2007 letter?
I think we need to hear from Garwin at some point that he thinks lawyers have to always tell the truth and always be above board, or else people will eventually think that he doesn't mind such antics at all.