From Miriam-Webster online:
Main Enrty: aberration
Function: noun
Etymology: Latin aberrare
Date: 1594
1 : the fact or an instance of being aberrant especially from a moral standard or normal state
2 : failure of a mirror, refracting surface, or lens to produce exact point-to-point correspondence between an object and its image
3 : unsoundness or disorder of the mind
4 : a small periodic change of apparent position in celestial bodies due to the combined effect of the motion of light and the motion of the observer
Main Entry: aberrant
Function: adjective
Etymology: Latin aberrant-, aberrans, present participle of aberrare to go astray, from ab- + errare to wander, err
Date: circa 1780
1 : straying from the right or normal way
2 : deviating from the usual or natural type : atypical
Well, if that is what it means, is it normal for people to sue under the circumstances we have?
By what I have observed, at least here in this country, yes, it is normal for people to sue. Many people sue for far less. It's just the way many people solve their problems. Yes, I know you feel that the suit is attempting to constrain or threaten your First Amendment rights, but it is normal for people to sue for such.
Is it normal for someone to allow a preacher to compare them to Moses and put them beyond human correction?
Is it normal for someone to allow Gailon to compare Fran to Jesus writing in the dust and chasing away the Pharisees?
Isnt' it the right, under the First Amendment, for both the preacher and Gailon to say what they want, even if it might be offensive to others?