Nope, you didn't provide anything by your edit. The section you cherry picked,
"and the single defamatory statement remotely related to Danny Shelton's personal finances would make relevant only the title, purchase documents and payment information for a Toyota Sequoia automobile [Complaint P 50(g)]."
and placed here out of context culminates a list of items that 3ABN considers relevant, and relevance is at the core of this issue. According the 3ABN's response you have been "abusive" in your demands for document production. Among the ridiculous demands you have made, you have demanded:
"virtually all of 3ABN's financial, accounting, bookkeeping and auditing records from 1997 to the present"
"all minutes 'and other documents' of the 3ABN Board for its entire existence 'and on an ongoing basis'"
"All types of phone records or other documents enumerating phone calls made by 3ABN officers from January 1, 2003 onward . . ."You have failed to narrow the scope of your demands to those documents that the Complaint sets the relevant context for. The little tidbit you posted is at the end of a long list that suggests to the Court (but doesn't set as mandatory or limiting) what documents may be relevant and thus holding you responsible for the defamatory statements you have made in regards to:
The Board and it's "actions in regards to moral, ethical, and financial allegations you have made and whether they were ignored, buried, or otherwise improperly disregarded by them"
Purchase/sale of vans
Purchase/sale of furniture with 3ABN funds
Donations to Cherie Peters' ministry and Board orders in such regard
"Book royalties earned by and paid to 3ABN or erroneously or improperly paid to Danny Shelton"
Documents about the use of the corporate jet
Documents relating to the ASI "dispute-resolution process"
"The public record in Danny Shelton's divorce proceedings"
Formal documents with/from the IRS, DOJ, EEOC, or Dept. Of LaborAll of those things are listed BEFORE the statement you provided. They are all taken directly from the Complaint against you - which IS holding you responsible for your words and actions in regards to all of those things. There is the context of the statement! To put it as simple as possible, 3ABN says that the only documentation of Danny Shelton's personal financial files that even "remotely" is connected to the Complaint would be the ones involving the vehicle. So it is obvious that they are holding you responsible for ALL of your defamatory claims.
Additionally, the response to your motion outlines a rock solid argument as to why the court should ignore your petition to compel, your petition to have free rein and access to 3ABN, it's property and all of it's files, and your petition that 3ABN foot the bill for you.
The response outlines brilliantly the fact that you have been "overly broad" in your demands, failed to make any effort to provide an argument of relevance for your demands, and slowed the process by trying to add to the lawsuit that which wasn't/isn't part of the Complaint brought against you.
Because there is no context.
I've edited the post to add the context. It was from 3ABN's latest court filing.