appletree of BDSA- Advanced Member - Member No.: 4,244 Gender: m
" The trouble with Gailon's answers to 3abn questions is this: He is usually wrong. Though he knew the date of the board meeting (as many people did) his statements of what would happen in the meeting were totally generic, speculative and wrong as usual. Once he put his "ideas" in writing, in people's minds they became facts. "Joy is in the know, he knows what is happening in the board meeting." This, is why there is a lawsuit. His stabs in the dark were exactly that, stabs in the dark....with no basis of fact whatsoever. As far as I can see, he was wrong on all counts concerning the boards agenda, Danny and the future outlook for 3abn.... Joy knows no more "Hidden Truths" about 3abn than someone on the street. He isn't "in the know" as has been proven time and time again when his speculation and opinions have played out. If anyone wanted "true" facts about 3abn, the Pickle/Joy team would be the last place you would go to find them." Appletree of BSDA Forums
Well, here we are...the official authorized statement of the officers and directors of 3ABN...apparently Appletree is the Secretary of the 3ABN Board and here is the report!!! Hope the IRS Investigators aren't watching...oh, yeah...they are!!!
What a shame. No constituency, no operational changes, no reformation, no settlement with the IRS, no accountability to the stock-holders in the pews...just more of the same!!! Is that why the house got sold very quickly to Gilley and Gilleys' house got sold just on time to pay Danny and Danny is building a house on land he doesn't even own. Yup, guess you are right, appletree...more of the same old, same old. Not the change of culture the IRS was looking for, but then, what do I know???
Unfortunately, Appletree, you are about to know just how much we really know, just how much the IRS knows and just how little you know..or is it that you simply refuse
to acknowledge???
Confession is cathartic for the soul... Appletree needs to consider it before it is too late, for him and his career.
Believe me, every source I have is saying the same thing...DANNY is being eased out...wonder why...wonder when Linda will be back??? Yes, the nemisis of 3ABN
is certain to be the big winner as Danny gets caste to the, just when
will they apologize for what 3ABN and Danny did to Linda Sue Shelton? Just when
will they dis-continue their campaign to prevent her from conducting her ministry?
Time is running out and they need to act quickly. And a lot of change is imperative!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy