Missions is what I am speaking of. ASI is an organization affiliated with the General Conference. ASI Missions is a ministry that is not part of the General Conference. Members may join ASI Missions. Self Supporting ministries and Businesses that are active in Missions or outreach through their business can apply to be a member.
Notice the website doesn't say who is what or what is what.
I had to call then to figure it all out.
Programming has a large portion of ASI members (Businesses and Independent Ministries). Amazing Facts I consider to be a Quasi Conference/Independent Ministry. It is written is an Adventist Ministry. I still see Shawn Boonstra and Breath of Life. The Adventist Programming is fast fading. Interviews are of independent ministries or those that became Adventist by watching 3ABN. Almost all Ministries get to ask for money. That is strange for 3ABN. Before it all was for 3ABN and Independent Ministries that had programs to be run had to take the trailers off that asked for money. That was policy with Danny in charge.
However, Money was being solicited for an India orphanage that the Division takes care of. They asked people to send the money to 3ABN! Not me! I have no proof they send the accurate amount of money they receive to the other ministry or project.
My take on this after figuring a few things out. Maranatha builds churches and schools. They rake in donations that members would be giving to the Church missions and Church support. Once they build they go away and the Conference/Unions/Divisions then have to foot the operations bills.
They are building fast. They are evangelising fast. Maybe faster than the GC can afford to handle. That being the point, I believe their are some that feel they need to build and control the things they build because the Conference/Union/Division/GC is inept and not able to manage anything much less the churches.
I believe they would like to control the school system, the Medical Systems and any other thing the Church controls. These few feel they are the power brokers to get this done. That would put them in control of all of these facilities.... They are almost there.
I also see these ministries entering the local churches. Churches will begin Media Ministries. This is all good stuff. It is the control factor that has my spine standing on end and gives me goose bumps.-
ASI and ASI Missions, Inc need to be investigated IMO. I believe they have become an Empire while the church wasn't looking. If this happens, The will take over the church and these Power Mongrels could be in charge. I would like to see their 990's and Audit reports. How transparent are they?