Oh yea Mr. Pickle there are a couple of times people have suggested that there might be a personal tie between you and all of this obssession with Tommy Shelton and you haven't answered. It might be of benefit to people if you come clean on that and indicate if you have a personal experience that might make you harp on that one issue more than all the others.
Bob Pickle can speak for himself as to personal experience,but I find this completely insulting to any of us that have an interest in preventing abuse and preventing the coverup of complaints. There are those that have suffered abuse, particularily as children, that become actively involved in working towards prevention and support for others. There are others that have the ability to care and not want abuse for others,PERIOD. No hidden agenda, no secrets to hide, just enough compassion and conscience to do what they can.
When our situation blew up in our face, it was not child abuse. I soon came in contact with those that had been horribly abused as very young children and as vulnerable young adults. I have been active and interested since.
Would I remain quiet if I had good cause to believe there had been abuse?? NOT ON YOUR LIFE
Would I remain quiet if I knew allegations were being ignored and covered up. NOT IN THIS LIFETIME.
And no, Mr. Ficticous AnyMan, I was not abused as a child, nor at any time in my life in this way. It has been circulated that is so,but blatanly false and done with the thought in mind to hopefully diminish anything those like myself say. Quite Frankly, I believe that is what you hope to accommplish.
Back to the issue, were there allegations, did TS write this so called confession and repentence, when did DS know and exactly what steps did he take upon learning of this?
You do not have to be abused to want abuse and the cover-up of allegations to stop