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Author Topic: Visions of Ernie Knoll  (Read 105274 times)

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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #30 on: July 20, 2009, 09:16:36 PM »

07/17/2009 - NOTICE FROM ERNIE: We know this will come as a shock, but we have come to believe that the dreams are not of God. Even though there was truth in them, there was also error. We believe that Candace may have been an evil angel. I also received personal dreams that were obviously not from God. We will be putting a notice on our website soon. Our future meetings have been cancelled. ... Thank you.

Satan knows his time is short and is working to deceive even the very elect. We are so sorry and pray that the Lord will guide us into all truth.

Love & prayers
Ernie & Becky


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #31 on: July 21, 2009, 05:06:23 AM »

It takes courage to make such an admission. Thank God for that!

Daryl Fawcett

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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #32 on: July 22, 2009, 03:26:09 PM »

As there's a lot more to it than that, I suggest you check out their web sites.


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #33 on: July 23, 2009, 08:47:02 PM »

As there's a lot more to it than that, I suggest you check out their web sites.

It now appears rather complicated.


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #34 on: July 25, 2009, 04:59:12 PM »

Ernie Knoll exposed is all I can say.......

This just posted on Ernie Knoll's website.

The 4 His People Ministry Board learned of some very disturbing information the week of July 15. This information has led us to believe that though the dreams appear to be of a supernatural source, we now believe that this source was of Satan.

Along with the meetings being cancelled and no future meetings authorized by the board, please know that Ernie and
Becky Knoll are suspended from any activity related to the 4 His People Ministry.

Please cease contributing funds to this ministry.

For those of you who read the testimony and/or received emails from someone going by the name of "Candace", we were able to determine through tracking email IP information, that Ernie Knoll is "Candace". When pressed, he admitted to this on July 21 at 2:43 pm in a phone call to two ministry board members. We have also determined that the "Great Commission Counsel" is also Ernie Knoll.

We urge everyone who has a "dream book" to throw it away, as we now understand that there are mind control elements in it.

We sincerely apologize to all who have read and believed these messages. We pray that those whose lives have been affected, including those of us on this ministry team and our families, will find closure. Thankfully, we have a loving Savior in Jesus Christ who is willing to forgive all who come to Him with sincere repentance.

While we have concerns about some of the arguments and statements made by those who openly opposed the dreams, we apologize to you specifically. We may at some time in the future ask that you consider the unscriptural positions taken, but it is clearly not appropriate at this time.

Please know that all of us involved in this ministry, only ever wanted to serve in the cause of Christ, to win souls for the kingdom.
It is our prayer that those who have returned to Jesus, as a result of these messages, will not cast Him aside. While we cannot trust in man's opinions, we can trust Jesus. Always look to Jesus for light and strength. May He find us ready, when He returns.

4 His People Ministry Board


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #35 on: August 26, 2009, 04:57:23 PM »

I wanted to write a response some time ago.  But I had to go through formality of being accepted onto this site... Went on vacation....

Now I'd like to say that the enemy- Satan- would not compel the church to repentance as Ernie has.  Jesus taught us that a house divided against itself will not stand- but fall.  Satan is too smart and evil to attempt to get the remnant church to repent- that would defeat his purpose, which is to destroy the church.  Yes, there has been some confusion concerning the site statements....  However, if we would prayerfully study to show ourselves approved unto God the truth would always be revealed to us and shine through us.  We would not be deceived. Be encouraged in this.  Some of the dreams that Ernie has had have been supernaturally confirmed to me and more ways than one.  Furthermore, they are scripturally sound.  We should be very careful how we judge matters.  The last days of God's judgement are already upon us and the judgement of the living has already begun.  The church is being judged first (Ezekiel 9) and then the rest of the world will be judged.  The 144,000 are now being sealed.  Let us all strive to be a part of this number!  Let's get on and remain in one accord fellow church members!  Let's then watch the salvation of our Lord!  It's time to rise up and march forward as the church militant.  We must finish the work that the Lord has begun through the patriarchs. 

Let's not miss out on being a part of the end time awakening and revival.  Laodicea must repent and realize its nakedness, wretchedness and poor state so that God can do a mighty work in this present day church.  It's time for Laodicea to arise and awake!


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #36 on: August 27, 2009, 12:39:23 PM »

"Some of the dreams" -- but not all? Partial truth? Is that how God works?


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #37 on: September 01, 2009, 06:38:30 PM »

I wanted to write a response some time ago.  But I had to go through formality of being accepted onto this site... Went on vacation....

Now I'd like to say that the enemy- Satan- would not compel the church to repentance as Ernie has.  Jesus taught us that a house divided against itself will not stand- but fall.  Satan is too smart and evil to attempt to get the remnant church to repent- that would defeat his purpose, which is to destroy the church.  Yes, there has been some confusion concerning the site statements....  However, if we would prayerfully study to show ourselves approved unto God the truth would always be revealed to us and shine through us.  We would not be deceived. Be encouraged in this.  Some of the dreams that Ernie has had have been supernaturally confirmed to me and more ways than one.  Furthermore, they are scripturally sound.  We should be very careful how we judge matters.  The last days of God's judgement are already upon us and the judgement of the living has already begun.  The church is being judged first (Ezekiel 9) and then the rest of the world will be judged.  The 144,000 are now being sealed.  Let us all strive to be a part of this number!  Let's get on and remain in one accord fellow church members!  Let's then watch the salvation of our Lord!  It's time to rise up and march forward as the church militant.  We must finish the work that the Lord has begun through the patriarchs. 

Let's not miss out on being a part of the end time awakening and revival.  Laodicea must repent and realize its nakedness, wretchedness and poor state so that God can do a mighty work in this present day church.  It's time for Laodicea to arise and awake!

Where is the evidence that the judgment of the living has begun?  The 144,000 and the other living righteous won't be sealed until the Sunday law is passed.

"The image of the beast [Sunday law] will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided....  This is the test that the people of God must have before they are sealed."  Maranatha, p. 164

I'm not too familiar with Ernie's "dreams," but one that I read had a scene in which God's people were being guillotined.  Seems like Ernie is reading "Left Behind" books or anti-government propaganda.

The death decree by the government will not be passed until after probation has closed, and then, none of God's people will be killed.  So at what time does Ernie's dream place the guillotine scene?  Before probation closes?   Would the government be beheading the saints before probation closes, and then, after probation closes, decide, "Duh, we need to pass a death decree."  Ridiculous.

And when the government does pass the death decree after probation closes, it will merely withdraw government protection from the righteous and allow the populace to attack/destroy the saints.  It will not involve the government in directly killing God's people.  "A decree will finally be issued against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment and giving the people liberty, after a certain time, to put them to death." ( The Great Controversy, p. 615, 616.  See also p. 635)  The guillotine scare is bogus.

That in itself shows that Ernie's dreams are not of God as they contradict the Spirit of Prophecy.  People who believe Ernie's dreams must not be familiar with the Spirit of Prophecy which is why they are deceived.

Besides, he admits to lying about Candace and the Great Commission.  Why would anyone want to continue to believe an admitted liar?


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #38 on: September 06, 2009, 11:29:52 AM »

I share your concerns.

I wanted to write a response some time ago.  But I had to go through formality of being accepted onto this site... Went on vacation....

Now I'd like to say that the enemy- Satan- would not compel the church to repentance as Ernie has.  Jesus taught us that a house divided against itself will not stand- but fall.  Satan is too smart and evil to attempt to get the remnant church to repent- that would defeat his purpose, which is to destroy the church.  Yes, there has been some confusion concerning the site statements....  However, if we would prayerfully study to show ourselves approved unto God the truth would always be revealed to us and shine through us.  We would not be deceived. Be encouraged in this.  Some of the dreams that Ernie has had have been supernaturally confirmed to me and more ways than one.  Furthermore, they are scripturally sound.  We should be very careful how we judge matters.  The last days of God's judgement are already upon us and the judgement of the living has already begun.  The church is being judged first (Ezekiel 9) and then the rest of the world will be judged.  The 144,000 are now being sealed.  Let us all strive to be a part of this number!  Let's get on and remain in one accord fellow church members!  Let's then watch the salvation of our Lord!  It's time to rise up and march forward as the church militant.  We must finish the work that the Lord has begun through the patriarchs. 

Let's not miss out on being a part of the end time awakening and revival.  Laodicea must repent and realize its nakedness, wretchedness and poor state so that God can do a mighty work in this present day church.  It's time for Laodicea to arise and awake!

Where is the evidence that the judgment of the living has begun?  The 144,000 and the other living righteous won't be sealed until the Sunday law is passed.

"The image of the beast [Sunday law] will be formed before probation closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided....  This is the test that the people of God must have before they are sealed."  Maranatha, p. 164

I'm not too familiar with Ernie's "dreams," but one that I read had a scene in which God's people were being guillotined.  Seems like Ernie is reading "Left Behind" books or anti-government propaganda.

The death decree by the government will not be passed until after probation has closed, and then, none of God's people will be killed.  So at what time does Ernie's dream place the guillotine scene?  Before probation closes?   Would the government be beheading the saints before probation closes, and then, after probation closes, decide, "Duh, we need to pass a death decree."  Ridiculous.

And when the government does pass the death decree after probation closes, it will merely withdraw government protection from the righteous and allow the populace to attack/destroy the saints.  It will not involve the government in directly killing God's people.  "A decree will finally be issued against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, denouncing them as deserving of the severest punishment and giving the people liberty, after a certain time, to put them to death." ( The Great Controversy, p. 615, 616.  See also p. 635)  The guillotine scare is bogus.

That in itself shows that Ernie's dreams are not of God as they contradict the Spirit of Prophecy.  People who believe Ernie's dreams must not be familiar with the Spirit of Prophecy which is why they are deceived.

Besides, he admits to lying about Candace and the Great Commission.  Why would anyone want to continue to believe an admitted liar?


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #39 on: September 07, 2009, 07:25:25 AM »

I wanted to write a response some time ago.  But I had to go through formality of being accepted onto this site... Went on vacation....

Now I'd like to say that the enemy- Satan- would not compel the church to repentance as Ernie has.  Jesus taught us that a house divided against itself will not stand- but fall.  Satan is too smart and evil to attempt to get the remnant church to repent- that would defeat his purpose, which is to destroy the church.  Yes, there has been some confusion concerning the site statements....  However, if we would prayerfully study to show ourselves approved unto God the truth would always be revealed to us and shine through us.  We would not be deceived. Be encouraged in this.  Some of the dreams that Ernie has had have been supernaturally confirmed to me and more ways than one.  Furthermore, they are scripturally sound.  We should be very careful how we judge matters.  The last days of God's judgement are already upon us and the judgement of the living has already begun.  The church is being judged first (Ezekiel 9) and then the rest of the world will be judged.  The 144,000 are now being sealed.  Let us all strive to be a part of this number!  Let's get on and remain in one accord fellow church members!  Let's then watch the salvation of our Lord!  It's time to rise up and march forward as the church militant.  We must finish the work that the Lord has begun through the patriarchs. 

Let's not miss out on being a part of the end time awakening and revival.  Laodicea must repent and realize its nakedness, wretchedness and poor state so that God can do a mighty work in this present day church.  It's time for Laodicea to arise and awake!

 Hope I do not get these quotes all mixed up.

But relating to the 144,000.  It took me many, many many years and to read an outline of EGW books to finally find in the end how simple the understanading of 144,000 in the litteral and symbolic message you would or not get from the pulpit because we lacked understanding of it to cause discrepency. I am a person of facts and find. I do not feel other then the Holy Spirit that turned the light on for me as I was searching for truth and not my own theory.

I ran across two little words that played or kept jumping out to make a really big difference. The words EGW used back in her day with different people that she stated would be "with" the 144,000.  It came back more times then one that she did not say "they would be "OF" the 144,000."  If that was the case then it seemed it would be a subtraction of the 144,000 and the number would finally run out.

So then as it relates in Rev. of John as he foresaw down through the ages till the end he writes that there ( past tense using the word WERE )
(sealed messangers )  He gives the name of the 12 tribes he would send to (for last message to be given) as only he knew in his present time as in future he would not know all or give all the modern day places or tell where all tribes would be located. So being the future was determined by God's chosen way and method AND WHO on how all tribes would be reached He sealed the orginal 144,000 that would come to the last generations before his coming to give that message.

Now it took a lot of reading and places to finally believe that this might be the correct understanding FOR ME to believe in.  Therefore at the 3rd angels message given God knew to whom his chosen was and that is why EGW stated that it was not important to know who they would be as we "would soon know". So therefore, I felt it was not important either but it was important to know the understanding of the 144,000 meaning.  I felt the orginal 144,000 was a beginning litteral number. But was shown that it would be multiplied through (like Manassa) these chosen messangers as the sand of the sea. So therefore I believed the litteral number would multiply "with" the 144,000 down through the ages. For one reason is the special ressurection for all those that died in" their works" of the 3 angels message. EGW stated several would be with the 144,000 and never included saying that of herself but I am stating that I believe she would be also "with".

The 144,000 I do not believe is something of the future to start the litteral number. I can go into great detail but not important now unless someone can convince me other then what I read. The 144,000 started at the last message of the 3 angels message and like EGW and others that were already in place around the world and with all people that were shown the same things as EGW, God knows what He is doing, His plans, and prepared way ahead of anything we could do or come up with on "who" are the 144,000.  One thing for sure is He says he can doing nothing without Human Instruments.

It turned out years of study for me and all very simply put and to undersand when I finally finished and how dense humans can be. But one thing for sure to find truth you will go digging. I care, I want to be there to see the face of "Jesus" .  Wished I could write less compliated as my mind sees it in simplicity.


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #40 on: September 12, 2009, 05:07:38 PM »

Ernie recently communicated with my wife via email and told her that he had repented of lying about Candace, but now he says that some of the dreams were from God and that his wife Becky was wrong to post that the dreams were from Satan. So- it appears that he has recanted from his recent position of asking for forgiveness and admitting his wrong. Ernie has opened a new website, and is taking donations. From a practical standpoint, one would be led to believe that Ernie has some serious credibility and other "issues", most thinking people would discount any and all things he should say from this point on, and have to disregard anything he said or reported previously. God does not lead in the way Ernie has claimed to be led, God does not mix truth with error, God is not the author of confusion. And sad to say, it appears that Ernie is seriously confused!


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #41 on: February 26, 2010, 05:38:41 AM »

Once Ernie admitted to making stuff up - a gave a timeline for (at a minimum) when he started to make things up - the whole thing melts down.

The one thing a prophet cannot do - is make stuff up in terms of what they claim is a message from God. Once they admit to doing that - it is all over.

in Christ,



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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #42 on: February 26, 2010, 03:22:29 PM »

What lesson can we learn from this?


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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #43 on: February 26, 2010, 07:55:04 PM »

1. we had some really dumb responses to the ForHisPeople ministry - that would not be convincing to very many Bible students. Almost all of Ernie's detractors claimed he was legit in reporting the news - they just did not believe that the messages were coming from God. But in fact - he was just making them up.

2. The test of "doctrine" is not the only test of a prophet. The primary risk for anyone claiming to have a message from God is "trust". The question "can they be trusted" has to be answered. Obviously you cannot get inside someone's head and find out if they are really seeing a vision from God - but you can contact their friends and board members to see if the person is known as a prayer warrior - Bible student -- (ie the fruits of the Spirit).

I personnally don't like going down that road because it looks so much like an ad hominem attack on the person - while ignoring the message. But the person has to have good fruits as Matt 7 - and that means that those close to them have to be asked to give an honest appraisal of the Christian discipline that the one claiming to hear from God is engaged in.

Certainly Ernie had a lot of strict rules about his diet and a heavy travel schedule. But the real questions should have been about prayer and Bible study with his Board. The board members should have been asked and so also any of his close friends - to see if this was really a "value" for him.

That was not happening.

3. The third lesson is this one about the luke warm church. One of the balancing "justifying" tactics used by Ernie was to promote Joe Crew's books. Books with warnings in them that many people just ignore anyway. When someone comes around as a prophet - and they point to clear areas of reform that are obviously needed - it is easy to confuse the Holy Spirit really telling you about the real need to reform - with the messenger that happens to hold that out as a decoy.

If you are in need of reform - do it now. Don't wait for someone to come along claiming to be prophet - because you could easily be left in a fog confusing the real prompting of the Holy Spirit about real reform needed - with the not-so-real claims of a supposed prophet.

The other ditch - equally as deadly - is that you toss out the prophet and the reform - because neither of them "is soothing to the ear that is married to compromise". We saw a lot of that with those who rejected Ernie Knolls.

Both ditches were filling up fast.

in Christ,



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Re: Visions of Ernie Knoll
« Reply #44 on: February 28, 2010, 05:00:25 PM »

Was King David a prophet?  Did he ever deceive?  Did he cause the people to stumble, and even suffer, in numbering the people against God's will?  Did God forgive him?  Were all of his writings (see the book of Psalms) void because of his mistakes?  Hmmmm.  Makes one think.  Let's be wise, watch and pray.

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