We should not hastily credit evil reports. These are often the result of envy or misunderstanding, or they may proceed from exaggeration or a partial disclosure of facts. Jealousy and suspicion, once allowed a place, will sow themselves broadcast, like thistle-down....
A glance, a word, even an intonation of the voice, may be vital with falsehood, sinking like a barbed arrow into some heart, inflicting an incurable wound. Thus a doubt, a reproach, may be cast upon one by whom God would accomplish a good work, and his influence is blighted, his usefulness destroyed.
Among some species of animals, if one of their number is wounded, and falls, he is at once set upon and torn in pieces by his fellows. The same cruel spirit is indulged by men and women who bear the name of christians. They manifest a Pharisaical zeal to stone others less guilty than themselves. There are some, who point to others' faults and failures to divert attention from their own, or to gain credit for great zeal for God and the church.
The tongue that delights in mischief, the babbling tongue that says, Report, and I will report it, is declared by the apostle James to be set on fire of hell. It scatters fire-brands on every side. What cares the vender of gossip that he defames the innocent? He will not stay his evil work, though he destroy hope and courage in those who are already sinking under their burdens. He cares only to indulge his scandal-loving propensity. Even professed Christians close their eyes to all that is pure, honest, noble, and lovely, and treasure up whatever is objectionable and disagreeable, and publish it to the world.....
You have yourselves thrown upon the doors for Satan to come in. You have given him an honored place at your investigation, or inquisition meetings...Jealous, revengeful tongues have colored acts and motives, to suit their own ideas. They have made black appear white and white black.
5T 57-60
To all those who are reading on this site. Please prayerfully consider what the Lord hath said.