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Author Topic: Balls of Fire....  (Read 12666 times)

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Balls of Fire....
« on: September 30, 2016, 01:31:53 AM »

I was at Wednesday night prayer meeting and afterwards they showed us a video from 3ABN on what has been finally released from the White Estate on the balls of fire that will hit the cities, in this case what Ellen White said about Nashville specifically. Take a look...

Here is more on this....
"In our own time Ellen White was given a view of final, end-time events. Her most complete scenario is to be found in her book The Great Controversy, as we have noted in chapter 5.{GVEGW 124.3}

But not all the important events are therein described. Two of her most interesting and significant visions (in view of our present-day knowledge of nuclear physics) are to be found in other works.{GVEGW 124.4}

1. On Friday night, July 1, 1904, at Nashville, Tennessee, Ellen White was given a view of apocalyptic doom. The next morning, toward the close of a sermon in the chapel of the Southern Publishing Association, she made a brief, if oblique, reference to it: “Last night a scene was presented before me. I may never feel free to reveal all of it, but I will reveal a little.” 2{GVEGW 124.5}

Four months later, writing in the Review and Herald, she elaborated upon this “very impressive scene“:{GVEGW 124.6}

“I saw an immense ball of fire falling among some beautiful mansions, causing their instant destruction. I heard someone say, ‘We knew that the judgments of God were coming upon the earth, but we did not know that they would come so soon.’ Others said, ‘You knew? Why then did you not tell us? We did not know.’ On every side I heard such words spoken.” 3{GVEGW 124.7}

2. Two years later, at Sanitarium [St. Helena], California, in the early-morning hours of Friday, August 24, 1906, she had a similar dream. Again she characterized it as “a very impressive scene” of “a terrible conflagration.” 4 In her diary that morning she wrote:{GVEGW 124.8}

“In the night I was, I thought, in a room not in my own house. I was in a city, where I knew not, and I heard expression after expression. I rose up quickly in bed, and saw from my window large balls of fire. Jetting out were sparks, in the form of arrows, and buildings were being consumed, and in a very few minutes the entire block of buildings was falling and the screeching and mournful groans came distinctly to my ears. I cried out, in my raised position, to learn what was happening.... Then I awoke. But I could not tell{GVEGW 124.9}

where I was, for I was in another place than home. I said, O Lord, where am I and what shall I do? It was as a voice that spoke, ‘Be not afraid. Nothing shall harm you.’{GVEGW 125.1}

“I was instructed that destruction had gone forth upon cities. The word of the Lord will be fulfilled. Isaiah 29:19-24 was repeated. I dared not move, not knowing where I was. I cried unto the Lord, What does it mean? These representations of destruction were repeated. Where am I? [Said the Lord,] ‘In scenes I have represented that which will be; but warn My people to cease from putting their trust in men who are not obedient to My warnings and who despise My reproof, for the day of the Lord is right upon the world when evidence shall be made sure. Those who have followed the voices that would turn things upside down will themselves be turned where they cannot see, but will be as blind men.’{GVEGW 125.2}

Bob Pickle

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Re: Balls of Fire....
« Reply #1 on: September 30, 2016, 08:36:43 PM »

"Jetting out were sparks, in the form of arrows, ...."

If I remember right, this seems like an incendiary bomb rather than an atomic bomb.

The first atomic bomb did have arrows shooting out from it, but those had to do with the guy wires tied to the tower upon which the bomb sat. As whatever travelled down those wires, it sounded like it looked like arrows.

Well, what she was describing wasn't stationary bombs sitting on towers that had guy wires attached to them. Thus I think she must have instead been describing an incendiary bomb.

An important question is, when will this be fulfilled? At the second coming, or before?

Last night a scene was presented before me. I may never feel free to reveal all of it, but I will reveal a little. {Ms102-1904.31}

It seemed that an immense ball of fire came down upon the world and crushed large houses. From place to place rose the cry, “The Lord has come! The Lord has come!” Many were unprepared to meet Him, but a few were saying, “Praise the Lord!” {Ms102-1904.32}

“Why are you praising the Lord?” enquired those upon whom was coming sudden destruction. {Ms102-1904.33}

“Because we now see what we have been looking for.” {Ms102-1904.34}

“If you believed that these things were coming, why did you not tell us?” was the terrible response. “We did not know about these things. Why did you leave us in ignorance? Again and again you have seen us; why did you not become acquainted with us and tell us of the judgment to come, and that we must serve God, lest we perish? Now we are lost!” {Ms102-1904.35}

Thus this dream on July 1, 1904, seems to connect these events to the actual coming of Christ. reddogs, what do you make of it?


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Re: Balls of Fire....
« Reply #2 on: October 01, 2016, 02:43:15 AM »

The commentators also said it must a atomic bomb as back at that time that was foremost in their minds, but this is a Sodom/Gomorrah wrath of God being poured out on the cities, so it has to be part of the end time woes.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Balls of Fire....
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2016, 05:37:39 AM »

The commentators also said it must a atomic bomb as back at that time that was foremost in their minds, but this is a Sodom/Gomorrah wrath of God being poured out on the cities, so it has to be part of the end time woes.
H. G. Wells wrote his novel about atomic war leading to a one-world government and a one-world religion in 1913, and published it in 1914. It was entitled The World Set Free.

But at that time, no one knew how to release the energy in the atom. I thus don't think an atomic bomb was a big concern at the time Ellen White had these dreams.

In 1905, Einstein came up with E = mc2, thus proposing the amount of energy within an atom. That would be the year after one of the dreams.

1T 268 pictures two world wars separated by a little time of peace, after which men's hearts fail them for fear, and for looking after those things that are coming on the earth. Thus, I think the great fear over nuclear war must be after WWII. This is why the UN worked so much better than the League of Nations.

If the UN has anything to do with the image of Rev. 13, then the fire from heaven in that chapter could be nuclear bombs, since I think it was the latter that was a strong motivation for having a UN, and the fire leads to the making of the image, it seems. But currently the UN does not seem to be a union of Protestantism and the state, so the UN doesn't currently seem to fit. However, if Protestantism does at some point control the UN, then we'd have a situation similar to the papal system in 1517, when the papacy worked through the Holy Roman empire.

The fire from heaven of Rev. 13 is supposed to have something to do with spiritualism. Since it seems to parallel Elijah's experience on Mt. Carmel, then maybe it has something to do with Pentecostalism, whose services sometimes can remind one of what the priests of Baal were doing on Carmel, minus the cutting. On the other hand, J. Robert Oppenheimer, who was in charge of the bomb project, is described as subconsciously summoning the spirit of an ancient Hindu to witness the occasion of the first atomic bomb's detonation. So we do have a spiritualism component in the making of the atomic bomb.


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