Soul, in our church a ShareHim campaign with two lay members presenting the lectures brought more results than a $30,000 Amazing Facts campaign. Can't necessarily blame Amazing Facts; it all depends on the preparation the locals do. When the preparation is in place, I figure the ShareHim presentations work as well as anything. You
can edit individual presentations to match your personality/congregation/society, whatever...
Now, in response to Gailon:
Did you notice the emphasis of the "partnership" between Share Him, Amazing Facts, 3ABN and Quiet Hour?
The concept of Transcending the General Conference and creating a world ministry platform is still alive and well. I am sure that ASI and the ASI Mission Board, Inc are silent partners, but heavilly involved in putting humpty dumpty back together again.
Ouch! Shades of Battle Creek Sanitarium!! (Oh where oh where are those BSDA smilies?!)
A "world ministry platform transcending the General Conference" in this case would mean that a power-brokering group of influential and wealthy Adventists would control the "ministry" of the world-wide church of Seventh-day Adventists.
Does that make you shudder as it does me?
I imagine the idea makes the enemy jump up and down with glee. That way he needs to influence only a very
few individuals to have a world-wide effect! That's the whole problem with personality-focused ministries. (Remember that "many a bright star will go out in utter darkness.")
It looks like there's much more to the problem than Danny's moral failings. Apparently that's just the tip of the iceberg.
While satellite broadcasts are useful,
I'm certain that this proxy method of evengelism is not the way the work is going to be finished. Ellen White's vision of individuals "hurrying from house to house" represents personal work done by individuals. It corresponds with the statement that "when the character of Christ is fully reflected in His people, then He will come to claim his own." (approximate quotation from somewhere in
Christ's Object Lessons)
Since we're planning a church plant, we've been researching how to approach "postmoderns." They are not impressed by arguments, much less by proof texts. They
are won by personal relationships. And the bottom line is that the sharing of personal Christianity -- a Christianity that has transformed
my life still works! After all, it is Christ's method.
A Canadian, Marshall McLuhan (sp?) years ago pronounced a thesis that has become famous:
The medium is the message. I don't believe he was a Christian, but that statement is very true for Christianity. (I wonder about those thousands "won" by evangelists who are not converted themselves, remembering that Satan is also eager to bring members into the church. Otoh, I realize that the Holy Spirit speaks directly to hearts
in spite of the messenger.)
And I still think that 3ABN giving itself out to be
the venue of proclaiming the Three Angels' messages borders on blasphemy. (I'm not saying they
always do that, but Danny has made such statements in the past.
The partnership is still heavilly reliant upon the participation of 3ABN so you can bet they will redouble efforts to clean up the IRS issues and keep this thing going.
<sigh> What is clearly needed now is a demonstration that the Lord doesn't need 3ABN or any other big-name organization to finish His work. Too many people are depending on big-name, money-hungry ministries to do the work for them. If all of us would take the subject of our Sabbath School lessons this quarter personally, there would be a hundred conversions next year, where now there is only one. And that would be a whole lot more than all the prominent ministries combined.
God is
still on His throne. He can channel more power through
one truly converted soul than through 10 jaded televangelists. (Not meaning to put down all our evangelists; just making a statement for contrast.)
P.S. Please don't read this as totally putting down the media ministries. They have their place. But they do
not take the place of personal relationships.