It is still saying this over at that other site:
The website you were trying to reach is temporarily unavailable.
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As an Adminstrator I will say that the other website appears to be unavailable... and will continue to be so IMO as these arguments and attacks are petty and a waste of time for most since those involved have mostly moved on or have lost sight of how to proceed, or refuse to cast pearls to swine or have dogs turn and rend. .. The good news being a priority, and those with emnity being a mostly ineffectual and losing party not worth the time for those who haven't lost touch. I don't need to tell you the fruits of those on each side , YOU KNOW THEM. Whether you refuse to acknowledge them or not. I, myself, may post here, if allowed, and if any here are interested, as the inclination and spirit moves me--- or not..
Is not, is too, traded arguments and insults are dumb, right? Facts are needed and so is Christian love, imo. The lack of love causes so many to wax cold and be offended... ,The lack of both love and facts has caused so many on both sides to fall by the wayside IMHO. I myself had to recoup and pray for months... This is all soooo sick and negative, Is it helping our brethren? Is it our calling? I don't believe so...
Jesus is coming, bigger troubles are coming, people need to be prepared. Are we so focused on our desires and grievances that we have lost sight of that? I HOPE NOT. <3
We are accountable. I hope and pray we can all stand in that day.
~ Cindy