For years, we've been told by the pro-evolution, anti-SDA education, anti-Ellen White, pro-ecumenical, pro-evangelical factions within the SDA church that program X or program Y or program Z was the panacea for every ill in the church.
You know those programs: Cell-churches, Natural Church Development, Alpha Courses, Purpose-Driven plans, Willow Creek training etc etc etc!
When each of these is brought in we're told "This is it! This is all we need to finish the work and take the gospel to the whole world!"
But did anyone notice what was missing from those programs? Well, I DID!!! ---Women's Ordination
I don't recall seeing that THOSE programs that THEY brought in had as a finishing of the gospel work an absolute requirement for the ordaining of women.
And yet now we have cackling from all quarters of the pro-WO crowd that the work cannot go forward without it! We are told that the Latter Rain will not fall unless this is done!
So my question: Why did the pro-WO lie to us all these years about these programs? Why was it never NCD plus WO will be the formula to finish the work? Why was it never Seeker-sensitive services plus WO to finish the work? Why was it never "Let's go paint our poor neighbor's house on Sabbath plus enact WO"?
Why NOW is it a must when it never was before?