It matters not what the "Monatist" taught, the Holy Roman See taught, Martin Luther taught or what Johann "thinks". It comes down to "Thus Sayeth The Lord".
And now it comes down to whether the Seventh-day Adventist church will continue to be a Bible Based Faith or just another religious entity that has fallen into apostasy based upon the
wisdom of Man.
Unfortunately, it is clear the current direction of the NAD leadership and it's various unions. It will be open warfare from hereon in and I do not expect an easy or speedy resolution. It will be a pitched battle, Division by Division, Union by Union, Conference by Conference and Church by Church. Each member must decide whether he or she will follow the Bible or Apostate Leadership.
The very roots of the Remnant will come forth from this REAL revival and reformation, in time, and the Sunday Law debate will be the final defining seperation of the wheat from the chaffe and determine just who will give the Loud Cry Message.
Choose now whom you will serve and what price you are REALLY willing to pay to make the Bible the absolute source of Faith.
Gailon Arthur Joy