....and all of you left blacksda.com off the list, where all of you here have visted/or are members, go figure. Over 250,000 posts in five years makes BSDA the most active Adventist forum on the Internet. First Adventist forum to have a chat room and shoutbox, which Stan and Daryl soon followed. First to do interviews, which Stan followed. First to allow open discussion on 3ABN, which Daryl followed with Adventtalk. Most extensive set of smilies and avators to select from and a 300 game arcade in case you had not noticed.
Well if they believed in the Adventist message I would have added them, but sadly that is not the case as Clay, the administrative group under him and others have made quite clear...
They have fought against and attacked anyone that comes in to the BSDA forum with any belief in Adventism, they have made it clear in their statements that they do not accept Ellen G White or the Spirit of Prophecy or the message given to the the SDA church for the end times, they do not believe in the teaching of the Heavenly Sanctuary, or Pre-Advent Judgement, they feel the seventh day Sabbath is no longer important, they are against the Three Angels' Messages (exposing the papacy, Babylon, ecumenism, explaining the Sabbath-Sunday-question, exalting the law of God, etc.), they have made it clear that they do not believe that the SDA church is the church of the Remnant, they reject what they call the 'imposition of the 28 fundimental beliefs' upon them, they do not accept that 1844 was a key point in prophecy and that the Advent movement that arose out of it was relevant and have repeated their views even at other sites. In short, they do not believe in Adventism and fight against it with every weapon, strategy and tactic on that website, and at the Christianforums.com website, so I am quite familiar with their purpose and beliefs.....
Clay and I have gone over this quite extensively, so if any question on it, please feel free to discuss it with Clay...