I would say we can reckon the setting of the sun on the 6th day tp mark the beginning of the 7th day Sabbath from when the sun sets on the 6th day in Jerusalem and follow the setting of that sun around the world.
Whenever the sun sets after it has set in Jerusalem around the world, that is when the 7th day begins from the setting of the sun in Jerusalem to when it sets anywhere else around the world.
Daryl, what you have stated is a posiiton of a minority group of SDAs.
I don't think that's a position Adventists hold. A very similar position was promoted in 1900 and strongly spoken against by Ellen White and other leaders.
By that concept everyone east of Jeruselem up to the recognized international dateline would have to start keeping Sunday, in order to be worshipping at a time AFTER the sun set in Jerusalem. That includes something like 2/3 of earth's population. What a glorious victory that would be for the beast and his image!
If the day BEGINS in Jerusalem, that means it would end somewhere around the Jordan River. Jerusalem would be one day ahead of the Jordan and everything east.
It was addressing just such a concept -- when a group in 1900 started agitating that the dateline should be in "Eden" (in Iraq) and when the sun sets there the sabbath begins and travels around the world, which would mean all 7th day Sabbath keepers would have to keep Sunday east of that proposed "divine" dateline to the recognized internation dateline. -- that Ellen White wrote these words:
" Is it possible that so much importance can be clustered about those who observe the Sabbath, and yet no one can tell when the Sabbath comes? Then where is the people who bear the badge or the sign of God? What is the sign?
The Seventh-day Sabbath, which the Lord blessed and sanctified, and pronounced holy, with great penalties for its violation. {3MR 254.2}
The seventh-day Sabbath is in no uncertainty. It is God's memorial of His work of Creation. It is set up as a Heaven-given memorial, to be observed as a sign of obedience. God wrote the whole law with His finger on two tables of stone. . . . {3MR 255.1}
Now, my sister, although I am at present sick, I write sitting up in bed to tell you that we are not to give the least credence to the day-line theory. It is a snare of Satan brought in by his own agents to confuse minds. You see how utterly impossible for this thing to be, that the world is all right observing Sunday, and God's remnant people are all wrong. This theory of the day line would make all our history for the past fifty-five years a complete fallacy. But we know where we stand. . . . {3MR 255.2}
It is definitely NOT the answer.
It is not supported by scripture, nor by history, nor by common sense.
Can you imagine Jesus going to Jerusalem and keeping the Sabbath on the seventh-day there, but when He traveled east of Jerusalem into the Jordan valley, He had to "set his watch" back a day.
There is NO NEED to be confused as to what day is the Sabbath.
I'm sure the devil is extremely pleased to see people getting all confused over which day is the sabbath and thus he can with ease shift them into his day of worship.