Johann said:
No matter how you turn it, the ordination is worthless for employment unless the employing conference accepts the ordination and it is reconfirmed at the next conference elections where each pastor's ordination is evaluated by a committee and the proposal by the committee is accepted by a majority of the delegates. No loophole there. I think if you go far enough back this happened annually. Later every other year. Now a number of conferences do it every third year to save traveling and other expenses.
I hate to seem to be arguing minor wording issues with my friend Johann. There is a fundamental correctness in what he said below, although I have a little problem with some of his wording.
In the SDA Church, ordination is for life unless annuled. Ordination is not affected by employment. Unless annuled, one remains an ordained minister regardless of employment.
Credentials authorize the level on which one is to function. A credentialed ordained minister is authorized to function as an ordained minister. Committees grant credentials. Due to a change in job function an ordained minister may be granted the Missionary Credentials or Commissioned Minister Credentials, or something else. Granting such authorized that ordained minister to function on the level of the Missionary Credentials or those of the Commissioned Minister, or whatever else has been granted. Regardless, the authorization to function on that level did not affect the fact that the person remained ordained, just authorized to function on a different level.
Remember, in most (not all) cases, it is the Union that approves ordination, not the local Conference. So, also, it is not the local Conference that removes a person from the status of an ordained minister. That is the function of higher a higher level of the denomination which may act on the recommendation of the local Conference.