The WO issue is definitely a divisive issue, however, right now I am more concerned over the action of a few Unions over their voting to go against present GC church policy, not only in relation to the WO issue but any other issue that they may one day disagree with in relation to GC church policy.
The action of these Unions is opening up a can of worms that may affect the integrity of the SDA Church's organizational structure, if the GC doesn't make an appropriate response, as they eventually did in relation to the NAD action that was declared null and void by the NAD President.
What action was that?
The NAD action was last fall. It concerned affirming the NAD's variant wording of the E 60 policy, which says that commissioned ministers, not just ordained ministers, can serve as conference and mission presidents. Why? So that women can serve as conference and mission presidents.
Dan Jackson's January 2012 letter informed church leadership and members that that decision had to be rescinded, since it was contrary to GC policy, since the NAD is but a part of the GC. That then led to all the current agitation over WO.
When I first read about the NAD action, I just couldn't believe it. The NAD had requested the GC at annual council a little earlier to permit the NAD to have that altered E 60 policy, and annual council had said no. Then, the NAD voted to do it away.
What would you have thought if you had a child that acted that way after you said no?