The church leadership recognized the Ordination of Ellen G. White "by the Holy Spirit" and and gave her credentials for the pulpit. At no point did she participate in an ordination ceremony as the recipient of the "laying on of hands". Anyone here qualified???
There is a baseless rumor spread by clearly agenda driven subversives that the 1881 General Conference adopted the "Ordination of Women". In fact, the issue was on the agenda and was referred back to the General Conference Executive Committee for study. It was never adopted and in fact never came up again for nearly 83 years in Austria, and was soundly defeated as un-biblical.
There are many well studied treatises on the role of women in the church, including one on Amazing Facts. Un-biblical has still not changed!!!
The point is the Headline is in Fact ACCURATE and puts that Union at odds with the decisions of the General Conference in Session.
This is an outright rebellion against properly constituted church authority and creates a congregational church. If this is not challenged head on as the "Tip of The Iceburg" that it is, then we should absolutely be required to apologize to "Certain Private Organizations" that were the subject of "Issues..." of 1991, including "Hartland Institute, Hope International, Steps to Life (John Grossball), Modern Manna Ministries (Danny Viera) and John Osborne."
And any entity will be free to exercise private opinion and establish a "congregational" church organization with no unity of purpose, no unity of Faith and no unity in the Spirit. In fact, the seventh Christian Church would see it's history simply end and from the fractured ashes would arise the Phoenix of the Remnant to give the Loud Cry message, our institutions having been swept into the tides of history, millions abandoning the church of the "Ten Commandments and the Faith of Jesus"... as we plunge into the dark ages of modern christianity with no organization to fight the adoption of a National Sunday Law and the eventual death decree that will most certainly have to come!!!
And the remnant will cry out "Lo, come Lord Jesus" and the congregational ex-adventists will be "left behind".
These are solemn times and the eschatology of Ellen G. White unfolds before our eyes...cling to the spirit of the organized church and to the Saviour that is it's husband, lest we "fall away" and be lost. So close, yet so far and "Paradise Lost"!!! Not the ending we really want if we embrace spirit of this rebellion.
Gailon Arthur Joy
Founded in part by Ellen White, the Adventist Church has always supported women being active in a broad spectrum of ministry. Yet the Sunday vote represents a major departure from the historic Adventist position that the Scriptures only support men being ordained as pastors.
Is Amazing Facts being entirely honest in this statement? From my understanding of church history, the SDA church historically ordained women, including Ellen White, and this practice continued until after her death. It is also my understanding that on December 5, 1881, the GC in session approved the ordination of women. It would then seem that Amazing Facts has their information inverted.