Believe it or not, but since the beginning of 2012 the "official" Adventist churches in Samoa gather on Sundays for Sabbath School and worship, the same day as other Christian churches worship. It is reported that a growing number of Adventists refuse to give up Sabbath worship and are gathering on Saturdays.
The problem has arisen due to a revision of the International Date Line. It is reported that the Division office supports the Sunday keepers, but that the General Conference president refuses any attempt to settle the dispute, claiming that since this a cultural/anthropological problem it has to be settled locally. Some do not understand how he can classify a Sabbath observance question as a cultural problem when he claims that the ordination of women is not a cultural, but a theological problem, which needs years of study before it can be settled.
Could you share with us the source material where Elder Wilson describes this situation as a cultural/anthropological problem?
A private source dealing with the local people
We normally don't use the words "It is reported....." when referring to a private communique'. That terminology ("It is reported") is generally used to refer to public reports.
Do you feel the issue is cultural or astronomical?
I understand you have crossed that date line. Could you determine then if it was placed on the right astronomic line?
I asked you first.
You have crossed the line, I haven't, so it is up to you to decide, since it makes such a difference to you.
here you have two groups:
1. The majority has no problems. They have the support of
a. Their church leaders
b. They keep the same day, Sunday, together with most other churches in the area. And since they do that:
c. They will neve be persecuted for refusing to keep Sunday.
d. They have little financial problems because they have the support of all the pastors who get paind from tithe money.
e. Seemingly there will not be any problems from the General Conference.
f. It even appears like they are supported by several members of this forum.
g. A major problem for this group seems to be that more and more people leave this group and join the minority
2. The minority goup seem to have a greater awareness that they are in a difficult situation.
a. A majority of their former fellow Adventist are against them
b. The chuch leaders are against them.
c. Pastors are not allowed to preach to them, so they are dependent of lay preachers and leaders.
d. They risk financial problems because they receive less tithe and than the large group, and no finaclial support from the General Conference.
e. Even some people on truth-loving AT accuse them of herecy.
Perhaps some of you would adjust theses lists.
d. They probably meet ridicule from other Christian groups, as well as worldly people for not following the majority