Yes, Mr. Gregory, on occasion your denial of the Gift of Prophecy shows through so decisively!
And this is one of those moments.
There is plenty of guidance on this issue in the Counsels. And, yes, by their fruits ye shall know them. Your fruit is showing here and you may need a graft or two. I know I certainly do!!!
Soon, there will be very clear differences between those REMNANT SDA's and those who will be blown out of the Faith of Jesus by every wind of strife. Unfortunately, on the way between here and their, there will be many clear signs where we stand in our relationship and the direction of that relationship, like it or not. And reproof is simply a way for the Spirit to call us to repentance, revival and reformation.
There are clearly those who can identify the difference between the real Faith and the artificial. And they do use the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy as their standard, and yes, their vision is clear and well grounded in Faith. Accept it as a call to Faith and if you have a problem, accept the call and self exam to determine if just perhaps your human ego must be set aside for the calling of the Spirit. Do not reject that Spirit and accept it's call.
May even change your perspective on Women's Ordination to accept God's perfect purpose for HIS Church to be a peculiar people that DO believe the Bible is the Foundation of Faith and don't use human imperfect reasoning to abandon God's Purpose for HIS Church.
Gailon Arthur Joy