First, the roll of women and men need to be affirmed. I believe that the question is not about ordination at all but rather whether we will follow the dictates of other prodistant religions and be excepted. The question of ordination is an issue of the current times and the desire of women's rights and comes from the same pot as those that advocate gay rights etc... Bu
Do we use Scripture to affirm that role? If we do, then we find women in such roles as judge, at the time when that was the highest civil post in Israel,(possibly prime minister)
as prophet in Old and New Testament, and this is what comes close to the post as pastor/evangelist today,
as female deacon when deacons also baptized new members,
as mother,
as wife,
There is no female priest in Scripture. The priests within Christianity today are the catholic priests who still perform the offerings of the Old Testament priests, except they do it as miracle mongers when they make the bread in their communion into real flesh, and the wine into real blood, according to the teachings of their church.
The priests of the Old Testament had to struggle with and kill real bulls and other animals, and this was not regarded as fitting for women.
The term ordination is not found anywhere in the Bible, so it needs to be defined. . . How, and by whom?