For one thing, Mueller's conclusion appears to contradict what was published in the Jan. 24, 1895 issue of
Signs of the Times by presumably the editor, M. C. Wilcox:
No. 176. Who Should be Church Officers?
Should women be elected to offices in the church when there are enough brethren?
If by this is meant the office of elder, we should say at once, No. But there are offices in the church which women can fill acceptably, and oftentimes there are found sisters in the church who are better qualified for this than brethren, such offices, for instance as church clerk, treasurer, librarian of the tract society, etc., as well as the office of deaconess, assisting the deacons in looking after the poor, and in doing such other duties as would naturally fall to their lot. The qualifications for church elder are set forth in 1 Tim. 3:1-7 and in Titus 1:7-9. We do not believe that it is in God’s plan to give to women the ordained offices of the church. By this we do not mean to depreciate their labors, service, or devotion. The sphere of woman is equal to that of man. She was made a help meet, or fit, for man, but that does not mean that her sphere is identical to that of man’s. The interests of the church and the world generally would be better served if the distinctions given in God’s word were regarded.
That issue isn't on the GC's archive site, but the above is a non-EGW snippet found in the EGW ST articles. I copied the above from the "other site" which has gone mostly dead since Tommy's sentencing. What appears to be the last two posts included the above on March 31, and a comment to the March 31 post on June 2. I checked to verify that the above quote is in the EGW ST articles, but did not check the accuracy of every word.
I'm not saying that Wilcox was right in his assessment of 1 Tim. 3:1-7. But given the conflict between Wilcox and Mueller, we should go through the reasons Mueller gives and check them out, rather than just take Mueller's word for it.