3ABN files a motion to dismiss. Their motion can be seen at 3abnvjoy.com. Then look for Walker vs. Three Angels Broadcasting Network, Tommy Shelton.
Is it up to the judge to decide at this stage, or what will your lawyer do?
According to one of the motions by 3ABN's attorney's they will be appearing before the judge on September 7th to argue why it should be dismissed, I am sure my attorney's will be there as well.
If you notice the list of witnesses that Jim Gilley states in his Memo. It's laughable completely.
First, I will have witnesses of former employees myself. Including the former co-founder and Vice President of 3ABN, Linda Shelton, on my witness list. -- I may add that Linda is the one who hired me, and I was hired to help with HER music videos. I will not comment further on that.
Second, their witness list is more to entice than to intimidate.
I would comment on the 115 hours, but will leave that to my attorneys.