Thank you Fran, for posting this. I must say, that I have been really enjoying this quarter's lessons so far. However, been remiss in posting here. Does anyonoe have any thoughts about the lessons of the prior weeks? Here they are listed below to help jog our memories.
April 2 In the Loom of Heaven
April 9 From Exalted to Cast Down
April 16 A Garment of Innocence
April 23 The Coat of Different Colors
We had some interesting dicussion surrounding the "garments of light" tht we teach "covered" Adam and Eve. Can someone please provide biblical text to this teaching? I'll be honest and say, that I haven't found it. If not, then let's ask ourselves why is it that we believe they needed some form of covering before sin, when the Bible clearly does state about them being "naked and not ashamed"?