I have a question, although in hindsight it is probably rhetorical in nature....within the SDA Church? You do the math...
Sister, you have answered your own question but for those with challenged MATH SKILLS, 1 + 1 still equals 2, 2+2 still equals 4, 3+3 still equals 6, etc...in other words when a married man has no biblical basis for divorce and is willing to "have sexual relations with that woman"...it is still ADULTERY...Danny Lee Shelton is now an "ADULTERER...TWICE REMOVED, The story of a televangelist"...SISTER...great name for a new book.
Then there is also a need for a new serial on Tommy Ray Shelton...perhaps we can resurrect Von Braun to do a sequel "PEDOPHILE...THRICE REMOVED, The story of a Televangelist's Brother".
And just to wrap things up, perhaps a final book "RACKETEERING ONCE REMOVED..." and THE FINAL CHAPTER..."PAYING THE PIPER!!!" Bob, that would be your perfect opportunity to publish a block-buster!!!
Oh, I forgot to mention that 1+2 equals 3...three great books...now if we could just get Linda to do one. well, 3 + 1 equals what? 4 Again???
Om, my, Mr Gregory, are we just creating four new victims???
Let's go for it!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy