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Conservative SDAs want to make certain Ethnic Gospel Music appear to be more of a crime than their failing to hold errant conservative SDAs accountable for breaking the 10 commandments

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Author Topic: The Uncredible SDA President Ted Wilson': Agent of Compromise and backsliding  (Read 86058 times)

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  What strikes me is that while Ted Wilson likes to paint himself as the guardian of true Christian values - he comes across as an agent of compromise and he presents the Adventist Church as if it is laudably more about politics than it is about genuine Christianity.  ence, this focus within the Church with rubbishing "progressivism" and equating conservatism to christianity.  What I get from his inaugural speech - is that if one embraces a crude, evil conservatism, then one will embraced by Ted Wilson and the church hierarcy.  One gets from his speech -that honest persons who observe the 10 commandments but sing in a gospel choir are more evil than a dishonest conservative Adventist who has exploited women, bore false witness against others, and committed fornication.  What is interesting is how merely mere forms of worship associated with certain racial groups have been embraced as indexes of christianity above and beyond the genuineness of one's walk with faith and observance of the 10 commandments.

The bible is clear that bearing false witness, fornication, etc. are unchristian.  The bible is not as clear that drumming or clapping in the Church are unchristian.  Yet this inversion of what is important in the Church really shows me how Ted Wilson and his conservatism are agents of compromise in the Christian Church. Ted Wilson is so bent portraying  genuine christians outside of the adventist faith who are honest, and geniune in their faith as more threats to christianity than dishonest, conservative adventists who exploit others, bear false witness against others etc, are fornicators, etc..

 What is also very interesting is how Ted Wilson is determined to  and equate Christianity with secular labels - particularly "conservatism" - when conservatism since the founding of this country has been inextricably linked with sexual exploitation, and rape of women in the USA, racial injustice, racial killings and bigotry.  What is also very interesting is how Ted Wilson and his supporters could rubbish progressivism when progressivism - at least the good strains of it - have been concerned with combatting racial injustice.

This shows me that Ted Wilson and his supporters - in the Church really are the agents of compromise and backsliding in the Church.

Ted Wilson wants us to think that conservatism is automatically equated with morality  -and purity - when this is often times the opposite. It is no coincidence, that many of the "conservative" persons being won to the Adventist Faith - are no more honest, or "purer" than the general population - and their conservatism seems to be defined by the injustices and ethnic slurs that they wield, rather than by the 10 commandments that they follow.  With Adventism being such an insular proposition in the North American context - it is a wonder that Ted Wilson could adopt arrogance vis a vis other denominations in North America.  Where in the bible does it say, that in order to be a Christian - and sabbatarian - that one MUST be an Adventist and agree with the General Conference Structure with Ted Wilson at the helm.  There are many sabbath keeping Christians who view the General Conference structure and hierarchy as an unbiblical man-made hierarchy that is akin to a kind of slavery.  Invariably - to embrace Ted Wilson's dogma is to embrace a kind of moral compromise. What I get from his inaugural speech is that Ted Wilson embraces "politics" and that Adventism to a certain extent is all about "politics" rather than Christianity - and it is "conservative political compromise" at the expense of progressive christian morality and justice.  Whomever   embraces  "secular" political conservatism that is compromised because of its support for social and racial injustice, exploitation of women, etc. - will be especially promoted within the SDA Church. This is what I get from Ted Wilson's inaugural.



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Jise--welcome to Adventtalk.

I feel that you have made a sharp attack on the head of the SDA church, even though some may agree at least partially with what you say.

I have younger members of my family who believe that progressive SDA churches are a means of combatting long-held attitudes within local congregations that have literally forced new members out.

For myself, I have wondered how to correlate the laissez-faire approach of the progressives with traditional SDA church standards.
"Si me olvido de ti, oh Jerusalén, pierda mi diestra su destreza."


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Jise--welcome to Adventtalk.

I feel that you have made a sharp attack on the head of the SDA church, even though some may agree at least partially with what you say.

I have younger members of my family who believe that progressive SDA churches are a means of combatting long-held attitudes within local congregations that have literally forced new members out.

For myself, I have wondered how to correlate the laissez-faire approach of the progressives with traditional SDA church standards.
Thank you - I think your last question may be indicative of the fact that you may be more keen on playing politics rather than advocating for the christian and biblical truth.
Additionally, "church standards" are not necessarily the same as biblical standards.

You don't have any proof that progressiveness is laizze fair whereas conservativism is not.  In fact, there is plenty of evidence that conservatism is laizze faire with christian doctrine - and this is why I wrote.

It is quite unfortunate that one would have us believe that in order to be christian and to have standards -that one must embrace conservatism which is a morally compromised secular structure which tolerates lack of christian standards with regards to honesty, economic justice, racial justice, etc.

Progressives fight for these things - this is why it's interesting that you've erected a campaign against persons who are on the right side of christian justice.  Conservatism has been an instrument of an introduction of apostasy and moral compromise into the Church.


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Wow, and I thought I was liberal.   LOL!!  Welcome, Jise.
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi


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Wow, and I thought I was liberal.   LOL!!  Welcome, Jise.
Thanks - I'm just amazed at how the SDA Church is fixated on political labels.


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Well, they maybe "political" labels, becauthe that is the best terms we have at present.  However when Christ came to earth His "followers" had to leave the established church to follow His teachings because the church had waundered so far from what God intended it to be. Those followers of Christ ceased to be "named" Jews(even though it was known that most were Jewish in birth and culture), and they were called "christians" to distinguish them from the established church.  So we are in good company, Jise.  Don't worry aabout the labels..............Spiritual things are spiritually discerened", and not, they give it a label.  LOL!!!

Thanks - I'm just amazed at how the SDA Church is fixated on political labels.
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi


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Well, they maybe "political" labels, becauthe that is the best terms we have at present.  However when Christ came to earth His "followers" had to leave the established church to follow His teachings because the church had waundered so far from what God intended it to be. Those followers of Christ ceased to be "named" Jews(even though it was known that most were Jewish in birth and culture), and they were called "christians" to distinguish them from the established church.  So we are in good company, Jise.  Don't worry aabout the labels..............Spiritual things are spiritually discerened", and not, they give it a label.  LOL!!!

Thanks - I'm just amazed at how the SDA Church is fixated on political labels.
Thank you, PrincessDi

Gailon Arthur Joy

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You attack is another ad hominem attack against the Heirarchy of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist’s, with the ad nauseum contention that the “progressive solution” is somehow the direction the Hierarchy should endorse while abandoning it’s “conservativism” that represents the traditional standards of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

I will argue that neither track will bring us to that “primitive godliness” that will bring the true reformation and the “loud cry” message that will bring this earth’s history to a sure completion.
I noticed that Glenn Beck has developed a “conservative” mantra that declares that it was progressive ideas and legislation that has effectively “abrogated the constitution”, virtually destroyed the “Republic” that was born just two hundred years ago and resulted in abandoning the principles that made this nation great in an age long ago and far away. America’s “greatest generation” will never be replicated and we are now an “Empire of Debt”.

The Seventh-day Adventist church has moved in a similar direction in the hands of “progressives”. Our institutions are largely “leveraged” despite the clear direction at the turn of the 20th Century to abandon and avoid debt at all cost by the old grey haired lady of the prophetic gift.
Progressives would have us abandon Seventh-day Adventist theology to allow for “progressive” ideas that conform with “mainstream” views of a majority of the theologic and even atheistic scientific communities that would most certainly lead us into the confusion of “Babylon” and a serious apostacy of Faith.

On the other hand, Conservatives have perpetuated a “spiritless” theology that while maintaining a marginal “purity of the faith” reminiscent of the very papacy we felt we were “protesting” against, has lost it’s most prominent call to duty as “evangelism” is “purchased” and not “practiced”!!!

A church that was once known for it’s generosity and enthustiastic community services, ingathering and medical advances is now seen as a “cult” of unfriendly “Adventists” that keep the Jewish Sabbath. A  90 year old community services director once summed it up most precisely “we’re dead but we’re not buried!!!”.  A local “elder” and formerly a director of Literature Evangelists told me just this very week-end of inviting a family he has studied with for several months  to church for the Christmas Breakfast and program. He made a point of letting the church “pastor” they were coming and they received a less than “warm welcome”…the “pastor” never so much as greeted them, let alone invited them back and the rest of this church family clearly gave little concern for their “new guests” in the revelry of this special Sabbath Program. The “guests” are victims of a lay-off and could ill afford “Christmas” so a small group worked to get at least some presents to them. The “community services” director made it clear there was little the church could do to help. A call to “Toys for tots” revealed we needed to have our church pastor call…a rejected notion by the pastor and his staff.

And so we come to the conclusion that our religion is a dry as the bones in the hills of Gilboa and we have indeed reached a the point in our Laodicean experience where we must worry that we are about to be “spewed out of my mouth”  while the Lord prepares to build a “Remnant Church”.  A clear difference between Laodicea and the Remnant will be that all consuming desire to save souls for the kingdom.

There are some who would argue that 3ABN, Amazing Facts, It is Written, et al, are the “modern” evangelism. I fear that this is not the picture the Old Grey Haired Lady saw as she looked forward to the end of time. And it is illogical to assume that these “licensed” entities will play a serious effort as we near the final events. In fact, some may have less than an honest desire and have simply taken advantage of the SDA propensity to support any mass media evangelism program as God’s Annointed to achieve economic security at the expense of the faithful rather than a serious desire for the savings of souls.

So, in summary, neither progressivism nor conservatism is the solution, but rather that one on one relationship with their savior that will build that fervor for personal evangelism  and the desire to save souls from a faltering and nearly failed world.

Gailon Arthur Joy


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You attack is another ad hominem attack against the Heirarchy of the General Conference of Seventh-day Adventist’s, with the ad nauseum contention that the “progressive solution” is somehow the direction the Hierarchy should endorse while abandoning it’s “conservativism” that represents the traditional standards of the Seventh-day Adventist church.

I will argue that neither track will bring us to that “primitive godliness” that will bring the true reformation and the “loud cry” message that will bring this earth’s history to a sure completion.
I noticed that Glenn Beck has developed a “conservative” mantra that declares that it was progressive ideas and legislation that has effectively “abrogated the constitution”, virtually destroyed the “Republic” that was born just two hundred years ago and resulted in abandoning the principles that made this nation great in an age long ago and far away. America’s “greatest generation” will never be replicated and we are now an “Empire of Debt”.

The Seventh-day Adventist church has moved in a similar direction in the hands of “progressives”. Our institutions are largely “leveraged” despite the clear direction at the turn of the 20th Century to abandon and avoid debt at all cost by the old grey haired lady of the prophetic gift.
Progressives would have us abandon Seventh-day Adventist theology to allow for “progressive” ideas that conform with “mainstream” views of a majority of the theologic and even atheistic scientific communities that would most certainly lead us into the confusion of “Babylon” and a serious apostacy of Faith.

On the other hand, Conservatives have perpetuated a “spiritless” theology that while maintaining a marginal “purity of the faith” reminiscent of the very papacy we felt we were “protesting” against, has lost it’s most prominent call to duty as “evangelism” is “purchased” and not “practiced”!!!

A church that was once known for it’s generosity and enthustiastic community services, ingathering and medical advances is now seen as a “cult” of unfriendly “Adventists” that keep the Jewish Sabbath. A  90 year old community services director once summed it up most precisely “we’re dead but we’re not buried!!!”.  A local “elder” and formerly a director of Literature Evangelists told me just this very week-end of inviting a family he has studied with for several months  to church for the Christmas Breakfast and program. He made a point of letting the church “pastor” they were coming and they received a less than “warm welcome”…the “pastor” never so much as greeted them, let alone invited them back and the rest of this church family clearly gave little concern for their “new guests” in the revelry of this special Sabbath Program. The “guests” are victims of a lay-off and could ill afford “Christmas” so a small group worked to get at least some presents to them. The “community services” director made it clear there was little the church could do to help. A call to “Toys for tots” revealed we needed to have our church pastor call…a rejected notion by the pastor and his staff.

And so we come to the conclusion that our religion is a dry as the bones in the hills of Gilboa and we have indeed reached a the point in our Laodicean experience where we must worry that we are about to be “spewed out of my mouth”  while the Lord prepares to build a “Remnant Church”.  A clear difference between Laodicea and the Remnant will be that all consuming desire to save souls for the kingdom.

There are some who would argue that 3ABN, Amazing Facts, It is Written, et al, are the “modern” evangelism. I fear that this is not the picture the Old Grey Haired Lady saw as she looked forward to the end of time. And it is illogical to assume that these “licensed” entities will play a serious effort as we near the final events. In fact, some may have less than an honest desire and have simply taken advantage of the SDA propensity to support any mass media evangelism program as God’s Annointed to achieve economic security at the expense of the faithful rather than a serious desire for the savings of souls.

So, in summary, neither progressivism nor conservatism is the solution, but rather that one on one relationship with their savior that will build that fervor for personal evangelism  and the desire to save souls from a faltering and nearly failed world.

Gailon Arthur Joy

You're comments are noted - I agree with you that conservatism is not the answer - but you are not talking about the same progressivism that I'm talking about. I don't think that progressive ideas can necessarily be conflated with the evils of conservatism.

I don't support bringing secular politics into the church whether they are 'progressive" or "conservative" - but what I can't understand - is why when progressivism is concerned with "christian morality" in terms of fighting for economic justice, for the poor - against racial injustice - is there such a bid to impugn it?

Why when conservatism has been inextricably linked with injustice - with loss of life, with unequal opportunity, with deaths, with compromise - why is there such a bid to equate it to christianity?

I support the notion you brought up that it is important to stress a relationship with Christ.  When persons however, insist that  employing political terminology and literally equating "conservatism" with christian authenticity and rubbishing progressivism is to be celebrated- it seems as if they are trying to justify wrong doing and immorality.

Conservatism has come to mean for some - not an adherance to christian standards, but an adherence to moral compromise on the subject of racial injustice, etc.  People have literally and unfairly been killed, denied job opportunities, have been violated, degraded as a result of "conservative" ideas - yet we are told that if christianity is not equated to "conservatism" - then someone this is not true christianity.

What gets me- is that there are many progressive christians who do adhere to Christian standards  and there are many "conservative" christians who have compromised standards.

People need to look at a persons's actions and their pronouncements rather merely assume that because they call themselves "conservative" - that they adhere to Christian standards.

I believe that the "new" Church leadership has issued an unfair and unwarrented approach to true genuine Christians who do have standards. I think it is indeed a relaxation of standards when clapping, dancing, and emotional worship in the Church are given more importance than whether or not conservative SDAs have been permitted to not adhere to the 10 commandments and have not been called out on it by Church leadership.
« Last Edit: December 26, 2010, 04:58:37 PM by Jise »

Gailon Arthur Joy

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And you would suggest that progressivism has no injustice?

And what would you call it when progressive "debt" results in the failure of educational and medical institutions that "constituents" contributed to and even campaigned to raise funds for their establishment?

And if you think that progressive institutions are incapable of injustice, would you like to compare notes:

How about the casting aside of Virginia Jean Rittenhouse by "progressives" under the Gerrity administration for upholding christian standards?

Or how about the virtual collapse of a constituency support while we adhered to the intersholastic "Flames" while facing virtual bankruptcy and the flames practiced on Sabbath afternoons?

Or why a basketball star was allowed to stay in school after a history of vandalism and womanizing while others were dismissed by the same "Judiciary Committee"?

Or, with enrollment collapsing as constituents withdrew support and moved students to other schools hundreds of faculty careers were virtually destroyed?

Or, how a progressive hospital administrator kept borrowing and virtually hundreds of employees faced lost jobs, pensions and we lost yet another of our hospitals, one church and an academy literally ended up in the landfill?

Want to go on??? Injustice is just as viciously enabled by progressives and conservatives!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy



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next post below.


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And you would suggest that progressivism has no injustice?

And what would you call it when progressive "debt" results in the failure of educational and medical institutions that "constituents" contributed to and even campaigned to raise funds for their establishment?

And if you think that progressive institutions are incapable of injustice, would you like to compare notes:

How about the casting aside of Virginia Jean Rittenhouse by "progressives" under the Gerrity administration for upholding christian standards?

Or how about the virtual collapse of a constituency support while we adhered to the intersholastic "Flames" while facing virtual bankruptcy and the flames practiced on Sabbath afternoons?

Or why a basketball star was allowed to stay in school after a history of vandalism and womanizing while others were dismissed by the same "Judiciary Committee"?

Or, with enrollment collapsing as constituents withdrew support and moved students to other schools hundreds of faculty careers were virtually destroyed?

Or, how a progressive hospital administrator kept borrowing and virtually hundreds of employees faced lost jobs, pensions and we lost yet another of our hospitals, one church and an academy literally ended up in the landfill?

Want to go on??? Injustice is just as viciously enabled by progressives and conservatives!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy

You've raised several scenarios that are not in context - so I can't respond to each one. However, you don't mean to suggest that government overspending and bloated pensions are merely crimes of progressivism.  

I'm not pretending that liberal politics are immune from the stain of corruption - what however, bothers me - is that conservatives in the SDA Church pretend that conservatism is immune from the stain of corruption.

In my personal  opinion, I believe that progressive politics are more moral than conservative politics - but this is another story.

You talk about womanizing etc. being linked to progressives - and this is my point - the conservative leadership within the SDA Church has refused to come out against conservative SDAs who are engaged in a whole host of immoral behaviors such as womanizing, dishonesty, exploitation, etc. - instead they want to attack "emotional worship" -
Conservative politics have resulted in tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the US deficit- Conservatives have bragged about their health institutions which take advantage of the poor economically and refuse to offer affordable care to the poor.

The issue is that we rarely here "conservatives' owning up to their failures - yet they choose to want to impose their secular political practices on an entire spiritual body.  I don't think all progressives can be brushed with the misdeeds of those you've alleged to be progressive.

Martin L. King was a progressive and he never did any of those things you are accusing progressives of doing. We have Church leaders who've supported jurists who've gone out of their way to not enforce the anti-discrimination laws.  Now is this moral?

Gailon Arthur Joy

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You've raised several scenarios that are not in context - so I can't respond to each one. However, you don't mean to suggest that government overspending and bloated pensions are merely crimes of progressivism.  
Overspending and bloated pensions comes from two sources ... broadbased taxes that were unconstitutional and patronage politics which is by definition corrupt government

I'm not pretending that liberal politics are immune from the stain of corruption - what however, bothers me - is that conservatives in the SDA Church pretend that conservatism is immune from the stain of corruption.

In my personal  opinion, I believe that progressive politics are more moral than conservative politics - but this is another story.
You will have a hard time defending that as progressivism is the source of broadbased taxation that eneables immorality in alll its forms.

You talk about womanizing etc. being linked to progressives - and this is my point - the conservative leadership within the SDA Church has refused to come out against conservative SDAs who are engaged in a whole host of immoral behaviors such as womanizing, dishonesty, exploitation, etc. - instead they want to attack "emotional worship" -
Emotional worship is not "worship" but rather self-indulgence!!!

Conservative politics have resulted in tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the US deficit- Conservatives have bragged about their health institutions which take advantage of the poor economically and refuse to offer affordable care to the poor.
And from whence is it "just" to tax the rich so the less rich can take benefits for themselves and their cronies? Explain the justice here???

The issue is that we rarely here "conservatives' owning up to their failures - yet they choose to want to impose their secular political practices on an entire spiritual body.  I don't think all progressives can be brushed with the misdeeds of those you've alleged to be progressive.
Again, a matter of perspectrive...if progressives want to abandon the Traditional SDA theology...go build your own religion...don't hijack their religion for your personal purposes!!! "Buy your own box!!!"

Martin L. King was a progressive and he never did any of those things you are accusing progressives of doing. We have Church leaders who've supported jurists who've gone out of their way to not enforce the anti-discrimination laws.  Now is this moral?

I don't know where you get your history from, but Martin Luther King was known to be less than faithful to Coretta and most of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement lived well above the standard of living of those they purportedly wanted to liberate and still do this to this day with their well known "greenmail" tactics of forcing corporations to support their various "non-profits" are speaking to a person way too familiar with the filth of all sides...they are all too human and prone to serve themselves first and the people LAST!!! Stop living in a delusion world assuming one side is any better than the other and understand they ALL face hell fire and damnation...regardless of your views!!!


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Yea, I agree with whatever you two guys are talking about, visa conservatives and progressives. But can we please stop with the educated speech and bring it down to the everyday guy sitting in the pew? Let me try, the church is filled with stuffy old white guys and bitter old black guys. The stuffy old white guys see a dumming down of the White way and attribute it to drums, shake your leg music and getting high on meat eating supposed Seventhday Adventist. And the bitter old black guys think everything that came from Ellen G. White ain't right everyone is prejudice and the war on black music is just plain evil. Thus you have two groups on the same side battling with each other and as my mom use to say "two wrongs don't make a right." Whereas the above mentioned are not the only schism's between the two sides, it is still a pretty clear snapshot of the conflict between the two unconverted sides.

Thus, with every new leader of the church blame must be assigned and sides clearly drawn, because divided is the only way to truly conquer the evil pew sitters. Thus as has been stated God is about to spew our fellow evil brothers out of his mouth and set up a better kingdon to our liking.

But truth be told both sides are so far out of whack when it comes to the will of God as to be unrecognizable. Very little of Adventism is what the founding fathers under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit intended. Thus when either side finds there HOLY SPIRIT UNDER ATTACK THEY FEEL THREATENED AND UPSET. What I mean is that both sided keep trying to define Christianity by works (conservative) or (liberal) while at the same time both are completely void of the Holy Spirit. Very, very few miracles are performed in the church because God has long since been abandoned in favor of conservative agendas or Liberal agendas. Until we repent and recognize that the Holy Spirit is not leading we will continue to have division and a desire to drum up the Holy Spirit through one act or the other.

You've raised several scenarios that are not in context - so I can't respond to each one. However, you don't mean to suggest that government overspending and bloated pensions are merely crimes of progressivism.  
Overspending and bloated pensions comes from two sources ... broadbased taxes that were unconstitutional and patronage politics which is by definition corrupt government

I'm not pretending that liberal politics are immune from the stain of corruption - what however, bothers me - is that conservatives in the SDA Church pretend that conservatism is immune from the stain of corruption.

In my personal  opinion, I believe that progressive politics are more moral than conservative politics - but this is another story.
You will have a hard time defending that as progressivism is the source of broadbased taxation that eneables immorality in alll its forms.

You talk about womanizing etc. being linked to progressives - and this is my point - the conservative leadership within the SDA Church has refused to come out against conservative SDAs who are engaged in a whole host of immoral behaviors such as womanizing, dishonesty, exploitation, etc. - instead they want to attack "emotional worship" -
Emotional worship is not "worship" but rather self-indulgence!!!

Conservative politics have resulted in tax cuts for the rich at the expense of the US deficit- Conservatives have bragged about their health institutions which take advantage of the poor economically and refuse to offer affordable care to the poor.
And from whence is it "just" to tax the rich so the less rich can take benefits for themselves and their cronies? Explain the justice here???

The issue is that we rarely here "conservatives' owning up to their failures - yet they choose to want to impose their secular political practices on an entire spiritual body.  I don't think all progressives can be brushed with the misdeeds of those you've alleged to be progressive.
Again, a matter of perspectrive...if progressives want to abandon the Traditional SDA theology...go build your own religion...don't hijack their religion for your personal purposes!!! "Buy your own box!!!"

Martin L. King was a progressive and he never did any of those things you are accusing progressives of doing. We have Church leaders who've supported jurists who've gone out of their way to not enforce the anti-discrimination laws.  Now is this moral?

I don't know where you get your history from, but Martin Luther King was known to be less than faithful to Coretta and most of the leaders of the Civil Rights movement lived well above the standard of living of those they purportedly wanted to liberate and still do this to this day with their well known "greenmail" tactics of forcing corporations to support their various "non-profits" are speaking to a person way too familiar with the filth of all sides...they are all too human and prone to serve themselves first and the people LAST!!! Stop living in a delusion world assuming one side is any better than the other and understand they ALL face hell fire and damnation...regardless of your views!!!


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The more I follow discussions like this I realize that the Good Lord had a reason to provide some solid counsel through a small and uneducated lady by the name of Ellen. She told us that the same person should not be in power too long at a time. My memory tells me she gave as a reason that none are perfect, and if the same person stays in power too long his deficiencies will become more noticeable and weaken the church. Then it is better that another person whose weaknesses are exhibited elsewhere takes office for a while.

Seems like no other president served the General Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church longer than A. G. Daniells. He may have been a good leader, but finally he had to be replaced, and that gave him time to write a needed book on justification by faith.

The emphasis of each president has been different, and I'd say we needed the change, just like the United States has needed different presidents.

Seems like Franklin Delano Roosevelt united the American people when he utilized the new radio and talked the people out of the effects of the great depression. He remained in power during the war and while Truman was in power Congress voted that no president could remain in power for more than two periods. I think this was a wise decision. After Truman America needed a Republican president like Dwight Eisenhower. What a fortunate nation to have two great political parties who alternate.

Just think what would have happened to the Supreme Court of the United States if the president had always been a Democrat. Then at each vacancy the president would appoint a new judge with Democratic leanings in evaluating the Constitution. The same would apply if every president happened to be a Republican.

The United States would cease to be a democracy and become an inept state. Then you'd have the danger of the nation leaning towards a dictatorship.

Even though Great Britain is still a kingdom it is today ruled by a similar dual system where the Conservatives and Labor alternate. Freedom rules where the citizens - or the people in the pew - have something to say. History has demonstrated how this is impossible where a single party remain in power indefinitely. I'm afraid that before the end of time several powerful nations on earth will become inept states with a ruling power over all of the citizens.

So lets be thankful as long as we are able to change our rulers, presidents, etc. - also in our Church. That we do not have a pope to rule over us as long as he lives.

I have edited this to correct some twists made by an unintelligent spell checker
« Last Edit: December 27, 2010, 05:01:38 AM by Johann »
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