Grat, I think most of my husband's problems stems from the fact that his mother abandoned him at age 8. She put him out to foster care...When she did pick him for weekends, she went out on dates and had sex int the front seat with men. Not a great mother... My mother on the other hand, has always been there for me and is a great Christian woman-just the opposite of his and I think he is a little jealous, altho he says not.
I have tried to convince him that I will never abandon him, regardless, but that I also owe something to my mom and he is also going to have to accept that..I have a friend who will babysit her, if he wants to go out on dates and if he wants to go away for the day, I can arrange for a day sitter- of course that will cost us $7-10 an hour, but Mom has the money to pay for that and so do we. I would think that should be a good compromise- so far that hasn't happened.... We are going for counseling now... I hope it helps..Please pray for him, as he doesn't know Christ..that in itself would be a step forward...