What would you suggest for a solution? or the correct way to deal with molestations of youth and what and how it should be done? ...
Tinka, did you miss the answer???
“As the days go by and I see and hear what people would like to do in the name of religion, I am very grateful that I do not live in a theocracy where they could impose their execesses on the population in the name of God, EGW and Bible.” Murcielago
It is clear Murcielago has little regard for God’s Ideal Society, a/k/a a “theocracy”…or for the messages given to the world defining just what would be in their best interest and the ideals they should reach for. Bible instruction is defined as “excesses”!!!
I believe Murcielago, the bull known for having survived 28 spanish bullfighting swords, or maybe it is the Lamborghini “supercar”, although I shall presume the former, has made it very clear he does not find the theocracy of Israel an acceptable socio-governmental structure. Or is it that he simply finds the application of those same great principals to a modern world “revolting” and has not yet figured out that the reason he was subjected to 28 swords was the failure of the United States or the world we live in to abide by God’s ideal socio-governmental plan for a Judeo-Christian society???
“When good is used to justify evil, that good ceases from being good. And when evil is used to perpetuate good it negates the good and the whole thing becomes evil.” Murcielago
And here we have a clear message that capital punishment is “evil” and only “grace” for perpetrators and murderers ought to be considered. To clean up a murderous society full of sexual perpetrators by invoking capital punishment is evil and the whole concept of accountability is evil!!! I believe that is the correct and logical translation of his statement.
“We can talk about the barbaric actions of the Taliban, the Inquisition, and the Roman Colliseum, but in the name of religion or politics even the most civilized people quickly turn into inhuman beasts, using God to justify it.” Murcielago
And the summary is that religion and politics is the real root of all evil and what is really wrong with the world, so much so that religion and politics will turn people into “inhuman beasts”… now I think that is pretty clear answer to your question!!!
Gailon Arthur Joy