Yes the crimes of paedophilia and adultery are horrible. I have personally been affected by the latter though not the former. I would never want to see my former spouse stoned. I pray he can return to the things he once treated as important.
Let him who is without sin cast the first stone....who here could line up to do that?
We have all sinned and come short of the glory of God.
edited for clarity by Emma.
I realize the concept is less than acceptable to “civil” society in the current historic period.
Let me point out that when Christ was asking “let him who is without sin, caste the first stone”, he was speaking to the perpetrators, some of whom had lead the this young lady into a life of sin. This assumes you believe the Spirit of Prophecy enlightenment on this issue.
The premise that no sinner is to participate in the punishment of another sinner is perverse. Yes, it is true that we have ALL sinned and FALLEN SHORT, but it does not preclude us from imposing a death sentence upon perpetrators of DEATH SENTENCE CRIMES against society. God, specifically “The Word” gave us clear instruction on how to handle adultery in its various forms. Our failure to open our eyes to the insidiousness of the crime and why “THE WORD” required it be a Death Penalty Crime is proof of our blindness to the requirements of God and why Danny Lee Shelton can get away with his actions and remain working for a REMNANT messenger. It is why Tommy Ray Shelton has not been punished and brought to justice, and similarly all the priests and other “pastors” that get away with death penalty crimes.
I HAVE ABSOLUTELY NO PROBLEM THROWING THE FIRST STONE…and there were plenty in Israel that could easily have qualified, but the men that set up the young lady did so to trip up the Master of the universe… then realized He knew THIER sins, pointed out their sins and could cause them to suffer the same fate as the victim of their ploy. Thus they fled from the scene lest they suffer the consequences of their sins. Yes, Emma, they fled not from “stealing cookies” but because they had “unclean hands” but were themselves adulterers, AND SHOULD HAVE BEEN STONED. It was about hypocracy!!!
Our problem is that we have so diluted the consequence of sin we no longer recognize the levels of sin for what they are. Stealing cookies is not punishable by death. Destroying the life of another IS!!! And adultery and pedophilia destroy the lives of the victims…they deserve a death sentence and if we had one there would be far less of it.
We as a “CIVIL” society have gone so far from the principals of an orderly society we are now reaping the whirlwind of that abrogation worldwide with SELF GRATIFICATION being an absolute RULE OF LAW without regard to the consequences upon others. It is why we have a banking and foreclosure problem in the USA and why the world has lost all confidence in US collateralized paper. It is why we pretend to be the a noble and just empire while it is really about perpetuating our economic self interest, without regard to the impact upon the victims of our economic colonialization. It is why we send our “Divisions” and the Generals that command them (the Romans called them Legions) worldwide and why we have a “DEFENSE” budget bigger than nearly the entire worlds armies. It is why we can demand that other countries devalue their currencies or change their ”retirement age” while our own society depends upon their willingness to perpetuate our economic needs and “early retirement” runs rampant. It is why we do not mine our own resources or drill for our own oil but would rather import billions of gallons from the world and pass the resulting risk to environment on to others while we strive for a “clean, green” environment.
It is why we spend BILLIONS ON SOCIAL SERVICES for the results of our sins of open and notorious adultery, pornography and pedophilia for the victims, frequently innocent victims, thereof. Society has so decayed we no longer recognize the results of this “modern” view and the results it has rent upon Amercian Society in the name of “FREEDOM” without consequences. We are so close to the same insidious values that lead to the fall of Rome, I have no alternative but to believe that we have “FILLED OUR CUP” and it is only the Grace of God for some unknown reason that prevents our complete destruction as it is most certainly the end result of our loss of values.
Unfortunately, Emma, I have no sympathy for the “ex” and you can rest assured he will pay the penalty for his sin, whether you find it acceptable or not…and note that I am sure that you and yours suffered mightily while he played without regard to the consequences. Rest assured I would vote for and throw the first stone!!!
If I had not felt so strongly about this, I would never have spent the time and effort I did pursuing justice for DLS and TRS. I am sorry you are so reticent on the issue, but I am uncompromising!!!
And where do you really stand??
Gailon Arthur Joy