Now Mrst, with Tinka, we have been around this block before. Even before President Obama's election. Everything about the Obamas bothers her, including the kids. because they are black. Simple as that.
With Adam this is his and I first time around this block, but he sounds exactly like Tinka and every other racist person, who cloaks their racism in having issues with his political policies. Now, there are some who just purely do have a problem with his policies. I am not painting all with a broad brush and sterotyping anyone. There is a difference when they speak of their dissatisfaction. I am just going by the comments made here. When enough of these thinly veiled racist comments have been directed at you and those close to you, you can recognize it immediately and even when it is not apparently clear to others. Believe, me, they are here spinning it. Nobody but the KKK and Arian Nation openly admit racism. The rest justify with all manner of madness. Been there, done that, got the tees hirt, hap, and mug.
Now as to Michelle's know, I think she has to keep her position in mind. Plus you have to remember, she was working primarlily in law firms, then her husband was in the political area locally, etc. I just also think that her taste is pretty conservative. She could be a bit more trendy, but I don't believe that she is comfortable with that, as she seems to be dressing about the same as she always has. I have to admire her staying true to herself, and not losing herself in all the considerable hype. Bottom line, her husband not only likes it. but is openly proud of his beautiful wife. That might be enough even if he were Joe Blow on the street, but now that he is the Leader of the Free World, I wouldn't change a thing, either! LOL!!!