I don't know what I would do in your situation. Is there anyway you can help her get her green card without the wrong people finding out how long she has been here? Is there a lawyer you can talk to about this. I think I would try to get involved-much to my husband's dismay- he hates it when I get involved in other people's problems. We argue about that more than any thing else. But I am not one to sit back and do nothing if I can maybe do something....
I am being faced with something similar but not as legal... I deliver "meals on wheels" which is a government sponsored program. I meet many lonely,hurting,old people. Sometimes, it's emotional, other times it's physical- maybe it's both. I have offered to pray to alleve their hurts and they have said yes and when I leave they are happier. It got back to my boss and he told me, I could not pray with them any longer, because if their families complained that I was praying,then the government funding could be stopped and everyone would lose. I asked my boss, what happens if they ask for prayer? He said, I could not pray with them then, but I could tell them, I would pray during the day for them- What's the difference??? My driver is devout Christian and he says I answer to a Higher power and have to do what He says... so I guess I do what I have to do and hope for the best and keep my mouth shut. What do you guys think?