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Author Topic: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case  (Read 95777 times)

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Nosir Myzing

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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #165 on: July 16, 2010, 07:24:46 AM »

There were a pile of records, including medical records...state held all the aces and the joker!!! Not the kind of things you want in the public record and filling the minds of a jury of your peers with.

So there are medical records available for Tommy Shelton's victims?

No, there aren't. Think about it, Artiste.

How could there be? Aren't Doctors required to report child abuse or suspected child abuse, etc?

In the past 26 years, nothing was reported with the exception of one boy then who claimed TS verbally propositioned him. ( TS claimed he was trying to get him to admit to sexual impropieties between him and some of the other boys at the school) The boy went home and told his mother Tommy had suggested sexual stuff to him, and she reported it to the police. The police investigated it, the DA knew about it, and they charged Tommy with nothing, His church suspended his ministerial liscence pending that investigation and for improper counselling.  No medical records....

Not until 2008 when these 2 men came forward and made complaints against Tommy was anything else ever filed or reported. They allege it happened back in the late 90's, but even their families did not know to even take them to a Doctor etc, so again, no medical records.

I know there are alot of accusations here, but honestly what other medical records would there be? No other "alleged victim" has ever filed or reported anything. And no doctor has either.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #166 on: July 16, 2010, 07:33:19 AM »

Bob or Gailon--is it true that there are no medical records for any of Tommy Shelton's victims?
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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #167 on: July 16, 2010, 10:50:20 AM »

I wish some of you doubters would read what happened in a similar case in the Roman Catholic Church. How the cardinal was questioned, and the answers he gave. The thing had been going on for years, the cardinal knew about it, but just sent the offender to another parish. . .

It would greatly surprise me if any medical records are available. I am personally acquainted with several victims in Europe. They keep it all secret until after they reach maturity. No police nor physician is involved in spite of great mental pain.

This case would be very unusual if there are medical records available.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #168 on: July 16, 2010, 11:50:34 AM »

Not "saved", GJ..."savable"(This word might have come from the Princess Dictionary.  LOL), worthy of His salvation.  If He didn't see us that way, He would not have sent His Son to die for us..."While we were yet in our sins.....".  God's salvation is a rescue attempt.  If we don't grap the rope, get on the boat, etc., we will be lost.  Not that we do not have to go through sanctification, we do, But God had and has to see us as worthy of His salvation to have done what He already has, and continues to do for us daily.  When do you, as a parent, give up on your child.  remember we are God's Children.  I thnks God that He does separate the sin from the sinner, and when he lookat me He sees His Child.

This is NOT an argument for "once saved always saved".  And sorry for going off topic.....Hehehehe!

That is where we do go our seperate theological ways...the concept that God seperates the sin from the "sinner" and looks beyond the sin to see all men as "saved" is falacy. If that were the case, the logical conclusion is that we can all be saved in our sin as God will see past the sin is rebellion against God and cannot be ignored...if the man does not see his sin and is not repentant, then he IS seperated from God and cannot restore that relationship without sensing the sin, the consequences of the sin, and bear the fruits of the repentant sinner. I cannot seperate the sin from the sinner unless the fruits of open and notorious repentance is clear!!!  Death is the penalty for open rebellion against God. Clearly, Absent repentance, the sin and the sinner will die together and will be inseperable for eternity.

Gailon Arthur Joy
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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #169 on: July 16, 2010, 01:33:16 PM »

I've said this before, but Illinois doesn't have a "DA." The defenders insist on using that term. We have a State's Attorney and an Attorney General. The case never went as far as the State's Attorney's office because Tommy lied and got the police to believe him.
Duane Clem
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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #170 on: July 16, 2010, 03:31:42 PM »

Bob or Gailon--is it true that there are no medical records for any of Tommy Shelton's victims?

Gailon was talking about medical records for Tommy for when Brad and Valerie allegedly got Tommy to seek help after Rick allegedly came forward and said that Tommy had molested him.

Alex L. Walker

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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #171 on: July 16, 2010, 06:33:00 PM »

Still waiting Sam.... Maybe, I'll see you Monday morning and you can say what you posted to my face.   ;D I doubt you would though.
Alex L. Walker
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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #172 on: July 16, 2010, 08:40:52 PM »

Bob or Gailon--is it true that there are no medical records for any of Tommy Shelton's victims?

Gailon was talking about medical records for Tommy for when Brad and Valerie allegedly got Tommy to seek help after Rick allegedly came forward and said that Tommy had molested him.
Hmmm... Well I am glad you at least added "allegedly" twice, as I believe this would be very hard, actually near impossible to prove, but Gailon wasn't so careful. He said this like it was a fact and misled folks, Artiste for one:
"There were a pile of records, including medical records...state held all the aces and the joker!!! Not the kind of things you want in the public record and filling the minds of a jury of your peers with. "

That's the kind of thing which ruins people's credibility...
« Last Edit: July 16, 2010, 08:54:07 PM by Cindy »


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #173 on: July 17, 2010, 09:24:44 AM »

I wish you all you supporters of TS would get your heads out of the sand and thy to think about how you would feel if it had been you (if you are a male), your son or even your friend or nephew that had been propositioned or molested. Would you be so high and mighty to defend his actions. I can not believe in our society that so many people defend sin and leave justice by the way side.

Do you know what percent of rapes are never reported? according to RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) "Sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 60% still being left unreported."

"Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though they make up about 10% of all victims." The website can be found at

Other sites I read said it was even higher than that. They said it could be up to 80%.

Another site said :There are different types of abuse. "Intra-famial or incest offenders - These offenders sexually abuse their own children but can also abuse other relatives and neighbors and most have multiple victims. Most incest offenders appear normal and lead average lives. They may continue intimate relationships with wives and girlfriends while molesting children. If discovered or accused by their victims they are often able to talk family and friends out of reporting them. In some cases treatment may be effective."
Pedophiles - Are adults who are sexually attracted to and desire children. Often they may work or volunteer with children in positions such as coaches, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, ministers/priests, school bus drivers, day care providers. Some pedophiles believe they are showing love for the child and do not understand or care that their actions are harmful. They are likely to be single or live with their parents or have a dysfunctional marriage. Most molest many children before they are caught. Treatment is rarely effective."

It also stated that: "Most child molesters are in a position of trust and are often able to undermine the child's ability to accurately perceive the behavior as abusive. Most molesters are also able to convince other adults that it never happened or that the child misunderstood."

This can be found at

This site was so informative I encourage you to go there and read it.

Child abusers, or any abuser, know what they are doing and know how to hide it to get away with it. 

Do I believe the alleged abuse charges against TS are true? Yes I absolutely do. He is a very manipulative person who insist his thoughts are correct. He seems to not have the ability to think he could be wrong with his thoughts or actions. Have very many of you ever heard him say I am totally wrong very many times? Honestly think about that! 

Do I believe that he can get forgiveness? Yes I absolutely do. Gods grace is available to all. But the bible says in Matthew 5:24 "Leave there thy gift before the altar, and go thy way; first be reconciled to thy brother, and then come and offer thy gift." (brother in the bible is not referring to a earthly brother.) In my opinion TS has to admit the truth and be ready for the consequences. Especially when it has encompassed 30 some years and so many tween (a child between the ages of 8-12 and teenage young men.

TS did use his position to lure and manipulate these young men. To some he offered to teach them his wonderful gift of piano playing. Even going as far to violate God's church building by abusing these young men in the church.

It is a scary thing for anyone who abuses children. The Bible says in Matthew 18 :1-7:

1. At the same time came the disciples unto Jesus, saying, Who is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven? 2. And Jesus called a little child unto him, and set him in the midst of them, 3. And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. 4. Whosoever therefore shall humble himself as this little child, the same is greatest in the kingdom of heaven. 5. And whoso shall receive one such little child in my name receiveth me. 6. But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and [that] he were drowned in the depth of the sea. 7. Woe unto the world because of offences! for it must needs be that offences come; but woe to that man by whom the offence cometh!

I DO NOT want TS to be lost forever and face eternal damnation, but all of us has to keep in mind, but for the grace of God there go I. (I am not just talking about abusing children but all sin) I do want him to find forgiveness from God. Gods grace does cover us but NOT unless we are willing to be humble, honest and make right our wrongs. And I must add that it is imperative that we forsake the sins we are guilty of and not continue in them once we have done all the work to get the forgiveness.

I realize some don't agree that TS should find forgiveness and that is between you and God.

I just want to make sure you understand what I am saying. I believe he can find forgiveness but I also believe that he should be held accountable for his horrifically, appalling actions. There aren't enough words to describe this act but I think you all get the message of how I feel about it.



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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #174 on: July 17, 2010, 09:34:47 AM »

Thank you for posting all of info WFJ.

"I wish you all you supporters of TS would get your heads out of the sand and thy to think about how you would feel if it had been you (if you are a male), your son or even your friend or nephew that had been propositioned or molested. Would you be so high and mighty to defend his actions. I can not believe in our society that so many people defend sin and leave justice by the way side.

Do you know what percent of rapes are never reported? according to RAINN (Rape Abuse and Incest National Network) "Sexual assault is one of the most under reported crimes, with 60% still being left unreported."

"Males are the least likely to report a sexual assault, though they make up about 10% of all victims." The website can be found at

Other sites I read said it was even higher than that. They said it could be up to 80%.

Another site said :There are different types of abuse. "Intra-famial or incest offenders - These offenders sexually abuse their own children but can also abuse other relatives and neighbors and most have multiple victims. Most incest offenders appear normal and lead average lives. They may continue intimate relationships with wives and girlfriends while molesting children. If discovered or accused by their victims they are often able to talk family and friends out of reporting them. In some cases treatment may be effective."
Pedophiles - Are adults who are sexually attracted to and desire children. Often they may work or volunteer with children in positions such as coaches, teachers, Boy Scout leaders, ministers/priests, school bus drivers, day care providers. Some pedophiles believe they are showing love for the child and do not understand or care that their actions are harmful. They are likely to be single or live with their parents or have a dysfunctional marriage. Most molest many children before they are caught. Treatment is rarely effective."

It also stated that: "Most child molesters are in a position of trust and are often able to undermine the child's ability to accurately perceive the behavior as abusive. Most molesters are also able to convince other adults that it never happened or that the child misunderstood."

This can be found at" (shortened only for space in my reply)
"...Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. "


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #175 on: July 17, 2010, 12:19:13 PM »

You are welcome SSOM!  When I re-read my post I didn't like that I put "earthly brother," what I meant was our biological brother.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #176 on: July 17, 2010, 01:17:41 PM »


A true Christian cannot help visualizing and comprehending what terrific loss of a human being that will be left out of Eternity. I feel that way also. Although we cannot judge we can somewhat discern and believe that some that had the chance have been passed over long before their demise. In fact many, have made their long life choices even though they still have the chance to repent. But my understanding is if you've been past over and God knows the heart like he did Pharaoh, Judas the Bible calls it the "dead walking around dead". So we cannot judge who they are but their "calamities are their to discern and example where and why "  That is about the biggest black hole I can think of. God does not love them anyless and also it breaks his heart they did not chose Him back. In some of his judgements according to Bible He will let some live and live because that is all they will have on this Earth and none of the New Earth to come. Talk about sad yes, but you must realize they chose it. Doesn't it sort of come to realization that most of these molesters, in fact they say none can be recuperated. Just how far did they have to deny God to get there?? All the way and that is where we have to leave it but a Christian is very sympathetic of a lost soul but do not let your sympathy come to mind as this person chose to be a tool of the devil. TS family could not help him, evidently counseling did not help him, in fact he drug his family into it and now his family just as guilty by not having this stopped by reporting. His own siblings could not help him other then hide it. and in his position he held he did not let God help him, so he is at his last hour and what does God say....I will laugh at your calamity! Now you have a glimpse of a black hole. Yes it is horror, but did TS think of that while using wily webs of power on the child. When I looked at his picture I did not see a man!! But his sickness.

corrected misspelled  word for "while"
« Last Edit: July 17, 2010, 01:31:47 PM by tinka »


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #177 on: July 17, 2010, 01:51:46 PM »

Good points tinka. I am so glad that I am not God that I make that final determination. I will leave that job to him.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #178 on: July 17, 2010, 05:12:41 PM »

Good points tinka. I am so glad that I am not God that I make that final determination. I will leave that job to him.

Well, that is right on the judgement but one can only imagine the horror of doom and no eternity, why do something so "intentional " that you jeopodize your fate? I guess if a person is not normal they can't reason and therefore God is the judge of eternal life but here on earth the protectors of life must react too. Maybe it was --ole Grandpa Shelton --that done them all in mentally.


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Re: BREAKING NEWS -- Plea agreement reached in Tommy Shelton Case
« Reply #179 on: July 17, 2010, 09:11:50 PM »

Good point Tinka, or maybe a close friend. I just shake my head in disbelief alot. How could someone I had faith in, even though I didn't always agree with his thoughts on things, betray our trust. It is so hard for me to trust people anymore. But that is something I work on everyday to trust again. When I get really angry at the whole thing I keep hearing the words, but for the grace of God there go I. 
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