Di, I have no first-hand knowledge of Danny Shelton's third marriage. (Yes, Linda was his second.) Brandy is probably far from being as dangerous to him as he thinks Linda still is. I have really no idea what he is doing to Brandy.
I would not believe any normal person could do these things either, nor I hope would any rational being.
So, you believe Danny drives, 6 !/2 hrs or more from his place to Linda's to harrass her with this little piddly stuff? Why? Do you think he did so for 6 years while married to Brandy?
This is just bizarre. of course that window of opportunity can be defined by comparing his schedule, and documenting his activities, with her "reports" so shouldn't be hard to prove or disprove. Even if you claim it isn't him but is a "P.I." instead, do you have a legitimate reason or documentation to support your claim of them doing such illegal activities? Or is this just more surmising and conjecture?
Things are still being investigated.
Dare I ask, by whom? Are there police reports, Johann? Is this documented anywhere officially? Have you been told there is, or have you seen proof that there is? If not, why not?
Note: I am not asking you to provide any documents or to prove what you say. I am just asking you to answer why you are saying this, and answer with a simple yes or no, and explain.
Before you get outraged or take offense, yes, in asking that, I am presuming you got these reports from Linda based on what was previously reported by you and your own words about it that much of your understanding,claims and reports came via email and phone calls from Linda and others.
I admit that presumption could be wrong in this situation, so if it is , and you have received this information from others, or verified it in any way, Simply say so. - and please explain how you know what you are telling others to be fact, or what makes you believe it to be true. Again, you don't need to post documents, but please, at least, explain yourself.
Because seriously? this whole "sister story", with it's additions from you, reads like those novels and thrillers, Ellen White said to not waste our time on. (not to mention that whole gossip, tale bearing , false witness, and how to solve problems and not handle them part we are all warned about)
And IF what you claim, is true? Contrary to what you say, a restraining order is needed, and would be granted temporarily, pending a further hearing. Has that ever been done or even attempted?
Please answer.
Ok so one of them, TS, or DS is just crazy. Johann, You are telling me that Danny is the one who has remarried, and about to be divorced again, but he still is tormenting LS.......Once again, is this what he does to everyone ex-wife? Is he also stalking Brandy? Are you all sure Linda is not imagining all of this? Not that I put it passed Danny, it is a situation over which he thought he had full control and he didn't. Control freaks almost never get over a thing like that, but still....are you all certain? This sounds like a Hitchcock thriller...............
Welcome, good to see you here, Harley. Also lots of break-ins into her house. Nothing of value stolen, but pictures and documents. Now police is investigating. Other pictures and documents will be left behind. Nothing is normal. Seems like he manages to get some locksmith make a new key to her house each time she changes her locks.
Then there are the cars following her. And people following her to church and other places.
Danny apparently does not do it himself. Who? Private Investigators? No need for a restraining order!!!