Although none of us are perfect and have unintentional flaws and continually in a state of asking forgiveness for those downfalls, it is different when it is downright intentional, and lack of discernment to know where your at when greed, selfish desires and lust of evil, and a great measure of wisdom for the devilish acts and then profess alternative lies for justification of the real facts and sequence of events.
I understand where your coming from and nice gestures of statements used I'm sure for a nice try to enter "out of minds", but you can't parley with "something this foul."
I think the other side has to be heard on behalf of Linda and shown, but that is only one aspect of this 3abn saga. The misuse of funds, hidden funds, profits made from nonprofit, the protection and allowance of TS provided by the clan, Alyssa, Melody, Brandy, DNA saga, all the while they claim nondenominational with the minglers hanging on their shirts providing more funding for this foul corrupt display of SDA. This is genius wisdom of corruption. and who is at the top at this great feat and accomplishment? If non of the above is true then how did the documents happen?
There fighting for the "scheme of begging funds" not broken people and the leadership of SDA is allowing it in the name of "pilot" so all their programming shows connected. Is this what the tears of EGW were for as she wrote telling of end times and SDA? Corruption!! greed, protectors of evil. I watched GC on TV. A lot was inspiring, but a lot not. I did not know what to think of some of it and why??? But that's all is in the hand of God and his judgement not mine. We will still enter the gates on the judgement of individual basis. Sure did take milions, millions and more millions for that. It even gave Obama a "slot" as he addressed thousands by letter. But you won't change his "Muslim beliefs". or his agenda or do you think he really listened to SDA preaching
The good part was that all the "Evangelicals" and others there might have heard some truth by some good preaching.
Oh, and Di if your reading this, did you hear Abraham Jules out of New York! (smile) I think Jules really picked a good topic for His sermon. combined the whole kit and caboodle on our differance in views and the views of all visitors of all the different religions that were there. I thought that was well chosen.
edited for spelling.