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Author Topic: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton  (Read 105790 times)

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Pat Williams

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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #45 on: June 02, 2010, 08:15:42 AM »

Tinka, Ok I am logging back in here to explain something to you.
I told you who you could ask to verify what I said.

Anytime you want to know the truth of a situation you should ask your questions of the people who are involved, and ask all, not just one side. (and you should ask what the situation is and not ask accusatory questions as you just posted if you would really like them to take you seriously and answer you). You should not take the words of others about them for that is just rumors, gossip, and here say. Don't accept that from any of the people here, including myself. That is how you can get misled, confused and even form wrong opinions, and even repeat false witness and gossip. Ellen G. White said, don't do that!

« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 08:30:47 AM by 3ABN_Defender »


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #46 on: June 02, 2010, 08:33:06 AM »

Tinka, Ok I am logging back in here to explain something to you.
I told you who you could ask to verify what I said.

Anytime you want to know the truth of a situation you should ask your questions of the people who are involved, and ask all, not just one side. You should not take the words of others about them for that is just rumors, gossip, and here say. Don't accept that from any of the people here, including myself. That is how you can get misled, confused and even form wrong opinions, and even repeat false witness and gossip. Ellen G. White said, don't do that!

But 3D you made the commitment to denials. I have read most all posts for as long as this has been going on. With your statements you are sort of implying that Nathan knows all, sees all and can tell all. I am not priviledged to speak with him as he does not know me, owes me, or cares to tell me? So since your postings have made the discrepencies, I feel you can answer right up front. as I am sure Nathan cannot anwer the questions of personal of the TS saga that you implied are lies.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #47 on: June 02, 2010, 09:35:39 AM »

Ok, so 3D you are saying that Tinka shouold ask Nathan for verification on your statements?  You know, I don't really know if that is even a legitimate solution.  As Tinka says, why would Nathan talk to her?  He is being as silent on the subject as is his mother for the price of that bargain basement hush money she accept for no good reason.........but I digress.  You all, 3D, have always offered  DS, WT, etc for verification of one statement or another, but the truth is they have felt little or no obligation to answer the questions posed.  I mean, would we be here today, if DS would have only answered Bob's initial queries in an acceptable manner?  Sure Bob is like a dog with a bone, but the more reason to answer him so life can procede in peace.  I agree that DS, WT, and even Nathan have the information you suggest, however, neither is going to answer a phone or an email to give that information.  I think it might be best if you can find another source of verification. 

It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi

Pat Williams

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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #48 on: June 02, 2010, 11:01:27 AM »

Ok, so 3D you are saying that Tinka shouold ask Nathan for verification on your statements?  You know, I don't really know if that is even a legitimate solution.  As Tinka says, why would Nathan talk to her?  He is being as silent on the subject as is his mother for the price of that bargain basement hush money she accept for no good reason.........but I digress.  You all, 3D, have always offered  DS, WT, etc for verification of one statement or another, but the truth is they have felt little or no obligation to answer the questions posed.  I mean, would we be here today, if DS would have only answered Bob's initial queries in an acceptable manner?  Sure Bob is like a dog with a bone, but the more reason to answer him so life can procede in peace.  I agree that DS, WT, and even Nathan have the information you suggest, however, neither is going to answer a phone or an email to give that information.  I think it might be best if you can find another source of verification.  

Tinka keeps posting things on this forum about Nathan and Danny's relationship and claiming they have problems,, claiming Linda should have taken him and left, and Danny was never a friend or father to Nathan, and wouldn't help get Nathan help, Nathan left because of Danny etc etc etc.. which is all false witness. Even Linda said nothing which could lead Tinka to her false conclusions or to spread her false testimony. (What Linda said, is below.)

I was saying only Danny and Nathan can testify to their relationship and since no one here is going to take Danny's word about it (nor mine) then the best person to ask is Nathan as he is not going to lie about it.

If as she says "I am not priviledged to speak with him as he does not know me, owes me, or cares to tell me" then she has no business talking about him to others as if she knows what she is saying. She doesn't.

So, no, I don't need to find another way to verify my telling her what she was claiming is not true.  It's her responsibility to verify the things she says and not spread lies. If she choses to make and love her lies and keep repeating them, that's her choice.



Sept 2004
Hello my friends,


My story begins many years ago when I was only 24 years old. I was married with two small babies, Alyssa and Nathan. A literature evangelist came to my door, and after a pleasant visit she invited me to church. Three months later I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. These truths set me free to the highest degree and I was spiritually floating on "cloud nine." Yet Satan was angry. My family, at the time, had a twisted view of the SDA church, and additionally the family was heavily involved in politics. My choice was not, in their opinion, politically correct. The pressure on my husband and marriage resulted in a divorce. I was devastated. I lost my husband, my home and my security. I ended up living in a public housing facility which was completely contrary to the lifestyle in which I had been raised. Although this was an incredible blow, the lessons I learned during this time were priceless. I learned about what was really of the utmost importance in life. Still yet, it was a Gethsemane experience.

Time passed. Ten days after his vision to build 3ABN, Dan and I were married. It was an amazing experience to literally watch the hand of God build this network. It was an incredible privilege to be able to participate in a ministry that was ordained in the courts of heaven. But the battles still came...the evil one was angry with such an incredible evangelistic tool. One battle which literally brought me and kept me on my knees, occurred in 1995. After enjoying the custody of both of my children for many years, my children's father took me to court when my son, Nathan, was only 15 years old. Nathan was quite enamored with the newly acquired attentiveness he was getting from his father, so he wanted to live with him. I told Nathan that I could not, with a clear conscience, and would not place him in such an environment where smoking, drinking, etc. existed. We were in court for 3-1/2 days. Some questions I was asked were "Why couldn't my son play ball on Friday nights like all of the other boys his age?" And "Why couldn't my son eat meat like other young teenagers his age?" The opposing attorney was very successful making me, Nathan's Mom, look like an unbalanced religious zealot. I begged God to intervene. After I cried a barrel of tears I heard a still, small voice say "Just as Abraham placed Isaac on the altar, I want you to place Nathan on the altar." I said, "Please God, anything but that." But finally after crying another barrel of tears, with God's help I was able to place Nathan on the altar. The years that followed were much more than heart-breaking. Nathan become involved in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc..

His love & mine,

Linda Shelton

-------- Original Message --------
From:     Linda Shelton
To:     Johann Thorvaldsson
Subject:     Re: Greetings
Date:     Friday, April 16, 2004 4:18 PM

Nathan was just 15 when his father (who is not a Christian) took me to court to get custody of Nathan. Although the father had spent little time with Nathan during his childhood, Nathan was thrilled when all of a sudden he received special attention from him and the encouragement to move in with him. He promised lots of fishing and hunting time together. Making a long story short, I lost custody of Nathan. Less than a year later Nathan wanted to come home to live with us, but his father would not let him, and the law did not support him doing this. After this, Nathan's life became a terrible and horrifying journey as he chose a wild lifestyle with alcohol, drugs, etc. Nathan is alive today because of the grace of God, and a lot of prayer. Nathan worked in the coal mines from ages 21-23. (He's 23 now) Thus, he was able to afford the most addicting drug on the market today which is known as "meth." In one year's time, he says, he spent $20,000 on this drug. As a result Nathan looked like one of the starved Jews out of a Nazi camp with scars from the affects of the drugs all over his face and neck. Additionally, Nathan had been exposed to dangerous chemicals in the mines and he was a physical wreck. As his mother, I have been begging God for a miracle for many years.

It was a miracle when I was able to convince Nathan to go and see Dr. Abrahamsen while he was here. He tested Nathan and, of course, discovered that he was in a terrible physical condition. He said, "I think I can help you but you would need to come to Norway." Somewhere in the conversation he offered Nathan a place to stay and also treatments which would help him physically...and Nathan actually agreed to go. It was scheduled for Nathan and his girlfriend, Dava, to go about January 21. I talked to this doctor only a couple of times making the arrangements for this trip. Dan's opinion was that the doctor sounded like a "quack" but he thought just a month away from his friends would help.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 11:05:54 AM by 3ABN_Defender »

Pat Williams

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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #49 on: June 02, 2010, 11:36:07 AM »


-------- Original Message --------
From:     Arild Abrahamsen
To:     [Danny Shelton]
Date:     Thursday, February 05, 2004 5:47 AM

Hi Hon,

Sorry I've been unable to communicate before now...our sleeping schedule and activity schedule and the international phone not working has conflicted with getting through to you. But I'm sure you've been busy too.

Norway is gorgeous, but what makes it the most special is that I'm seeing a miracle happen right before my eyes with Nathan. The transformation is incredible. He looks great. He's gained weight, He's quit smoking and his attitude has been great. He's developed a real trust and friendship with the doctor, and he'd like to come back in the summer. I'm hoping you will allow Nathan to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. Please pray about it.

We leave tomorrow and I look forward to seeing you in Atlanta. Should I meet you outside of customs You can e-mail me back at this address if you have a chance. Well, gotta go.

Love you,



-------- Original Message --------
From:     Danny Shelton
To:     Arild Abrahamsen
Subject:     Re:
Date:     Thu, 5 Feb 2004 07:06:02 -0600

Hi Linda Sue,

Glad everything is going well. I woke up this morning to about 3" of snow! not good. Anyway, I suppose we'll meet you in baggage claim, after customs. I'm glad Nathan is doing better. I have been praying about his situation.

See you tomorrow night, if the runway is cleared for take off. I hope the snow will stop and the weather straighten out by then.


Your Hubby

ps. By the way, my phone number is *** ***-**** or ***-****, in case you've forgotten.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #50 on: June 02, 2010, 12:05:37 PM »

Ok I gotcha on the part about DS and Nathan's relationship.  However, 3D, and blind bat can see what Tinka is saying is true, but maybe it's just me....and Tinka....who got that revelation.  Mine came from Danny himself, when he came to BSDA to scold us, the only site not calling him and Linda everything but a child of God, about discussing their separation at the time.  He talked about the Dr. and all, but he never even mentioned that the Dr. was treating Nathan at his hospital.  He more acted as if this Dr. came on his show and from out of nowhere, stole his wife.  That was the representation as i understood it at the time.  I believe that it was whem Johann come and explained the situation in more detailed that we found out about Nathan.  

Now, I can't vouch for this, and it just comes from my own life experiences and those around me, but Linda did not do as she should as a mother and stress to Danny that her and her kids were a package deal.  In fact, I don't believe, from what I hea( or lack thereof), that Danny and Linda did a even decent job in trying to blend their families.  Now, 3D you come with this email about Linda losing custody.  This doesn't help the situation for me, though.  Something just does not add up, bt I am not asking for someone to try and clarify, just that it doesn't look right.  Also, why only Nathan and not Alyssa.  Was this her father also?

Now like I said, I could be wrong, but this is the same feeling I had when Danny came with half a story about some "spiritual adultery".........and what do you know.....Brandy at 3ABn with two kids in tow with pot nor window.........Voila!!!  a job, a house across the street from Danny, and some personal Bible studies.............married to Danny  before the ink could dry on the divorce papers.................things that make you go hmmmmmmmmmm..........

Now once again, this is all from the Book of Princess. It's just the vibe I am getting from this entire situation, but I ain't been wrong yet!

Tinka keeps posting things on this forum about Nathan and Danny's relationship and claiming they have problems,, claiming Linda should have taken him and left, and Danny was never a friend or father to Nathan, and wouldn't help get Nathan help, Nathan left because of Danny etc etc etc.. which is all false witness. Even Linda said nothing which could lead Tinka to her false conclusions or to spread her false testimony. (What Linda said, is below.)

I was saying only Danny and Nathan can testify to their relationship and since no one here is going to take Danny's word about it (nor mine) then the best person to ask is Nathan as he is not going to lie about it.

If as she says "I am not priviledged to speak with him as he does not know me, owes me, or cares to tell me" then she has no business talking about him to others as if she knows what she is saying. She doesn't.

So, no, I don't need to find another way to verify my telling her what she was claiming is not true.  It's her responsibility to verify the things she says and not spread lies. If she choses to make and love her lies and keep repeating them, that's her choice.



Sept 2004
Hello my friends,


My story begins many years ago when I was only 24 years old. I was married with two small babies, Alyssa and Nathan. A literature evangelist came to my door, and after a pleasant visit she invited me to church. Three months later I was baptized as a Seventh-day Adventist Christian. These truths set me free to the highest degree and I was spiritually floating on "cloud nine." Yet Satan was angry. My family, at the time, had a twisted view of the SDA church, and additionally the family was heavily involved in politics. My choice was not, in their opinion, politically correct. The pressure on my husband and marriage resulted in a divorce. I was devastated. I lost my husband, my home and my security. I ended up living in a public housing facility which was completely contrary to the lifestyle in which I had been raised. Although this was an incredible blow, the lessons I learned during this time were priceless. I learned about what was really of the utmost importance in life. Still yet, it was a Gethsemane experience.

Time passed. Ten days after his vision to build 3ABN, Dan and I were married. It was an amazing experience to literally watch the hand of God build this network. It was an incredible privilege to be able to participate in a ministry that was ordained in the courts of heaven. But the battles still came...the evil one was angry with such an incredible evangelistic tool. One battle which literally brought me and kept me on my knees, occurred in 1995. After enjoying the custody of both of my children for many years, my children's father took me to court when my son, Nathan, was only 15 years old. Nathan was quite enamored with the newly acquired attentiveness he was getting from his father, so he wanted to live with him. I told Nathan that I could not, with a clear conscience, and would not place him in such an environment where smoking, drinking, etc. existed. We were in court for 3-1/2 days. Some questions I was asked were "Why couldn't my son play ball on Friday nights like all of the other boys his age?" And "Why couldn't my son eat meat like other young teenagers his age?" The opposing attorney was very successful making me, Nathan's Mom, look like an unbalanced religious zealot. I begged God to intervene. After I cried a barrel of tears I heard a still, small voice say "Just as Abraham placed Isaac on the altar, I want you to place Nathan on the altar." I said, "Please God, anything but that." But finally after crying another barrel of tears, with God's help I was able to place Nathan on the altar. The years that followed were much more than heart-breaking. Nathan become involved in alcohol, cigarettes, drugs, etc..

His love & mine,

Linda Shelton

-------- Original Message --------
From:     Linda Shelton
To:     Johann Thorvaldsson
Subject:     Re: Greetings
Date:     Friday, April 16, 2004 4:18 PM

Nathan was just 15 when his father (who is not a Christian) took me to court to get custody of Nathan. Although the father had spent little time with Nathan during his childhood, Nathan was thrilled when all of a sudden he received special attention from him and the encouragement to move in with him. He promised lots of fishing and hunting time together. Making a long story short, I lost custody of Nathan. Less than a year later Nathan wanted to come home to live with us, but his father would not let him, and the law did not support him doing this. After this, Nathan's life became a terrible and horrifying journey as he chose a wild lifestyle with alcohol, drugs, etc. Nathan is alive today because of the grace of God, and a lot of prayer. Nathan worked in the coal mines from ages 21-23. (He's 23 now) Thus, he was able to afford the most addicting drug on the market today which is known as "meth." In one year's time, he says, he spent $20,000 on this drug. As a result Nathan looked like one of the starved Jews out of a Nazi camp with scars from the affects of the drugs all over his face and neck. Additionally, Nathan had been exposed to dangerous chemicals in the mines and he was a physical wreck. As his mother, I have been begging God for a miracle for many years.

It was a miracle when I was able to convince Nathan to go and see Dr. Abrahamsen while he was here. He tested Nathan and, of course, discovered that he was in a terrible physical condition. He said, "I think I can help you but you would need to come to Norway." Somewhere in the conversation he offered Nathan a place to stay and also treatments which would help him physically...and Nathan actually agreed to go. It was scheduled for Nathan and his girlfriend, Dava, to go about January 21. I talked to this doctor only a couple of times making the arrangements for this trip. Dan's opinion was that the doctor sounded like a "quack" but he thought just a month away from his friends would help.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 01:11:39 PM by princessdi »
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #51 on: June 02, 2010, 12:50:38 PM »

You still come up with your own theories of how the info I speak of and post. Not one single word of the facts came from me but as I discovered facts others documented and posted the only thing I do is keep in sequence the timing and happening. Then I put it together in fast summary that consequently presents common sense questions. None of this saga lady comes from me but the people that have lived it.
It is just like you came across like the courts awarded cutody of Nathan like she was proven bad mother. You gave wrong impressions. You gave no room for circumstances except to black her eye the best you could.

and you know the answers to all as you proclaim. But again you proclaim, (as a protector) but do not get your self out of the wet bag. Simply put-- your on and can't push the button to get off. so round and round you go and where it stops then you will know.

Button is..answer the questions.
« Last Edit: June 02, 2010, 02:42:50 PM by tinka »


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #52 on: June 02, 2010, 03:22:50 PM »

When did Danny and Nathan talk to each other as friends the last time? How often have they seen each other the last six years? Has Danny talked to him more than I have? How many meals have they had together?


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #53 on: June 02, 2010, 04:54:52 PM »


How pathetic, Linda would have to make and ask a statement like this!

I'm hoping you will allow Nathan to stay in the apartments for a couple of weeks when he gets home so his drug friends won't have easy access to him. Please pray about it.

You documemted this 3D, is this a lie to a fact????? and again why was he not allowed if such a good relationship???

Here is prime example of truth and you gave it. It came from your post.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #54 on: June 02, 2010, 05:13:55 PM »


Why don't you pick up the phone and give Barbara Kerr a call. It might be interesting for you to hear about the shocking truth she discovered after her originally ardent support for Linda.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #55 on: June 02, 2010, 07:35:54 PM »

Now who would Barbara Kerr be (although sounds familiar) and why would she be interested in telling me anything? if she can not post it ; why just not clear it on the posts and let it be sorted out.  Does she have proof, why doesn't this shocking proof flash the posts? That was one of my thoughts and wonderments that no one has come across with anything negitive other then accusations of DS from the start. DS claims all but then LS is accused of putting it public (first).  How so when DS had to say something why she wasn't there anymore.  Did the public expect to let that go as such?  Email me her phone no. Brenda W. has already been proven to falsify situations according to ticket documents. I can say I've had thoughts upon thoughts of my own but unless there is proof in hearing, and seeing instead of heresay it is pretty tough to believe. I have already made my own thoughts about the DNA saga on posts. stating that accusations would be pretty bad for other side if no proof. But then the DNA was not handled properly either for the 100%. 

Will BK tell me how TS is innocent too? and why he continued to be on 3abn?


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #56 on: June 02, 2010, 09:00:34 PM »

Barbara Kerr is a very interesting woman. She and I experienced some of the same things and we communicated quite a bit about it. Unfortunately some of her lofty dreams were never fulfilled.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #57 on: June 02, 2010, 09:47:36 PM »

You can try to minimize her testimony Johann, but that will not make it any less profound. You know she's right.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #58 on: June 02, 2010, 09:59:08 PM »

Now who would Barbara Kerr be (although sounds familiar)

You have made it very clear that you have read everything written up to this point - how did you miss the name?

Email me her phone no.

If you really have any interest at all in the truth - and that is debatable - you will find it on your own. There are enough people registered here who can send you down the right path or even give you the number. If you want truth - seek it.


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Re: Date Set for Both Trials of Tommy Shelton
« Reply #59 on: June 02, 2010, 10:05:26 PM »

Just a note. To the dismay of anyman, 3d and others, and regardless of all the smoke screens they are throwing up here, Tommy still goes on trial next month.
Duane Clem
It's not about religion, It's about a relationship
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