I am sorry, but I cannot let this go without it being addressed. Yesterday, this was posted by Cindy Conard:
Bob Pickle, you are threatening me. I know it, you know it , and more importantly, God knows it! NO, I will not be intimidated. I will post according to my conscience, and not walk in the fear you try to instill by threatening to post all for all to see.
You are privy to my identity and to personal information about me which others do not have, ONLY due to our previous relationship and confidences. (such as my mother's name, etc..) You, and no one but you, made my name, address, phone number and all of that available to all. Just because I trusted you and spoke honestly to you, does not entitle you to pass that on. You are not right, are not acting either morally of ethically by betraying me, or in putting me in harm's
way by making any of that, or those things known to others either publicly or privately -- no matter how you attempt to justify it, or how you reply here.
MY NAME IS NOT LISTED IN ANY HOUSEHOLD ANYWHERE, much less in my mother's. I already knew that, even friends (out of concern due to your posts here tried to look me up and couldn't find me) and that was what I asked you to reply to.
But if you "think" you have proof that my current address and phone number, which I have had for over 8 years now, are listed publicly anywhere under my name? Fine,please respect my family's privacy enough to not post it here, and send it to me via pm or email please as I would like to check it out myself and know where that is. Thank you.
There are legal [safety] reasons for that, with legal documents which back it up. NO, I WILL NOT post those here, (don't even ask) as that would and could further expose me and mine to harm. I shouldn't need to, you know my history and HAVE NO EXCUSE.
Because of that I asked you to pm or email me privately, but NO, you had to in your ends justifies the means, thinking and manner not only interject your own question and answer it. ( a question which I did not ask) but also instead of answering me privately , you posted this to others... You even (obviously gave that info out to others, privately. oh yeah! I saw the very public post here with the picture which was posted by a member who could NEVER have found it without you talking to others.. and who said and I quote "Cindy, is your dad in this picture?" That is direct evidence of your betraying of my confidences to you, and of you spreading that to others. Don't even try to protest or argue around that, Bob. You betrayed me to others who you know by their posts aren't my friends, and who I don't even know-- those who even hate and dislike me ) [-- and in answer to that poster, Yes I do recognize someone in the picture you posted, but no, that isn't my father, he is dead and has been for some years.. Why would you post that?!? What possible relevance did it even have? What justification or reason did you have?-- Grow up and don't be another's puppet, please.]
As far as I am concerned you are contemptible and without excuse, Bob Pickle. Offer your excuses and justifications for your words and actions to Christ, and see if that can save you, and justify you putting me in harm's way, for I, myself, will accept none of them
As for those who freaked out about what was posted to GRAT--where no private info, not even her name was revealed, and who brought up lawsuits and fear...) Those who offer no protest or disagreement here with all of this, and one, who even assisted in it? All those who have seem me being outed on this forum over and over and never saw anything wrong in that, never protested, never considered the fear this may have caused for me, but actually ate it all up and were amused?? You too can offer your excuses to Christ and attempt to justify yourselves. I am content to let Him judge you as He is the best qualified and knows your mind and heart better than myself or even you.
I am, as always, just hurt and disillusioned by this forum and all that is allowed here, and that which is not.
Cindy: First of all why do you come here trying to justify your actions against other posters as you did with 3d and grat, but when the tables are turned you come complaining? Also, how can you be sure that Bob Pickle gave me the information that you claim he did? Or is it just mere speculation? Also, I do not need to "grow up" as you claim. Your insinuations are void, Cindy. Also, I am no ones "puppet", but it does appear that you are a "puppet" for Danny Shelton and 3ABN.
Also, you say that Bob put you in harms way, yet you say that what 3d did was OK? Please, Cindy you are about as two faced as they come. It's disgusting really. As long as it's your side that is doing this type of actions, you try to allude that it is justified, but if anyone does it to any of you, you claim they are unchristian or threatening you. Which is it Cindy? You can't have it both ways.
--edited for grammer.--