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Author Topic: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document  (Read 23356 times)

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Daryl Fawcett

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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #15 on: April 10, 2010, 02:32:07 PM »

I remember this and would also like an answer by Johann to your post.

I know that the general consensus is that this statement is a matter of public record so that the feeling is it can be exploited for your purposes.  However, I'm really surprised that this letter has been revived yet again and even more surprised that it was brought up by you, Johann.  Did you run this by Linda before doing so?  I remember back in January of 2008 when Daryl Fawcett revived the letter, one that a friend of Linda's had convinced Linda's daughter to write.  I emailed Linda on January 1, 2008, and asked her in part:

I remember that I questioned you about this matter when you were here in Santa Rosa for the concert at The Light, and as I remember it you were not happy that it had been posted on the forum and were hoping that it would soon fade into the background.  As I recall, you also stated that Alyssa was not going to pursue the matter any further.  Am I correct in my recollections?  Did you agree to have this subject brought up again?

Linda's emailed response to me on January 2, 2008 was in part:

Thanks for writing.  Johann called me earlier and told me Alyssa's letter has been revived.  Her letter was NEVER intended for public viewing.  She wrote it for the purpose of church authorities getting this message only.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #16 on: April 10, 2010, 03:49:50 PM »

The stink meter is on alert on this one.

Wendall, I would be really interested in your opinion after reading the following two pages:

Based on Danny's inappropriate and reprehensible reaction to Alyssa's allegations, which have been public record, court record, since May 15, 2008, do you think Danny is innocent or guilty?

Would an innocent man take to the airwaves and publicly accuse his ex-step-daughter of being a liar and a pawn in the hands of the evil Herodias when her allegations were confidential?

Would an innocent man publicly pontificate the damnable heresy that he is like Moses, and cannot be held accountable by any human authorities whatsoever?

I'm not saying that Danny is guilty, but what he did on that broadcast let me know that something was dread wrong down at 3ABN, and I decided to get to the bottom of it.

Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #17 on: April 17, 2010, 09:24:50 PM »

I know that the general consensus is that this statement is a matter of public record so that the feeling is it can be exploited for your purposes.  However, I'm really surprised that this letter has been revived yet again and even more surprised that it was brought up by you, Johann.  Did you run this by Linda before doing so?  I remember back in January of 2008 when Daryl Fawcett revived the letter, one that a friend of Linda's had convinced Linda's daughter to write.  I emailed Linda on January 1, 2008, and asked her in part:
I remember that I questioned you about this matter when you were here in Santa Rosa for the concert at The Light, and as I remember it you were not happy that it had been posted on the forum and were hoping that it would soon fade into the background.  As I recall, you also stated that Alyssa was not going to pursue the matter any further.  Am I correct in my recollections?  Did you agree to have this subject brought up again?
Linda's emailed response to me on January 2, 2008 was in part:
Thanks for writing.  Johann called me earlier and told me Alyssa's letter has been revived.  Her letter was NEVER intended for public viewing.  She wrote it for the purpose of church authorities getting this message only.

Well, here we are back again, Grandma Nettie, interjecting yourself as the quasi-official arbiter of full disclosure...may I point out to you that this "notarized version" was indeed completeld for the "conciliation process" that proved non-concilatory...however, there was already a letter in wide circulation, completed by the same author.

As you well know, I would reject your absurd preface as just another ploy for your personal agenda and completely out of other words, back to your rocker and let the debate rage on. We do still have freedom of speech and freedom of the press in this country, albeit under attack by a socialist in the white house...and you perpetual insults, yes insults to our intelligence, just serves to raise the level of the firestorm that surrounds this great debate.

You are but a bump on the road to Berlin and regardless of your futile contributions, the battle rages on and the offensive continues until there is unconditonal surrender. I would have thought you would have learned by now to stand aside so you don't get run over by cavalry.

Your old mentor!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy



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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #18 on: April 17, 2010, 10:50:05 PM »

I know that the general consensus is that this statement is a matter of public record so that the feeling is it can be exploited for your purposes.  However, I'm really surprised that this letter has been revived yet again and even more surprised that it was brought up by you, Johann.  Did you run this by Linda before doing so?  I remember back in January of 2008 when Daryl Fawcett revived the letter, one that a friend of Linda's had convinced Linda's daughter to write.  I emailed Linda on January 1, 2008, and asked her in part:
I remember that I questioned you about this matter when you were here in Santa Rosa for the concert at The Light, and as I remember it you were not happy that it had been posted on the forum and were hoping that it would soon fade into the background.  As I recall, you also stated that Alyssa was not going to pursue the matter any further.  Am I correct in my recollections?  Did you agree to have this subject brought up again?
Linda's emailed response to me on January 2, 2008 was in part:
Thanks for writing.  Johann called me earlier and told me Alyssa's letter has been revived.  Her letter was NEVER intended for public viewing.  She wrote it for the purpose of church authorities getting this message only.

Well, here we are back again, Grandma Nettie, interjecting yourself as the quasi-official arbiter of full disclosure...may I point out to you that this "notarized version" was indeed completeld for the "conciliation process" that proved non-concilatory...however, there was already a letter in wide circulation, completed by the same author.

As you well know, I would reject your absurd preface as just another ploy for your personal agenda and completely out of other words, back to your rocker and let the debate rage on. We do still have freedom of speech and freedom of the press in this country, albeit under attack by a socialist in the white house...and you perpetual insults, yes insults to our intelligence, just serves to raise the level of the firestorm that surrounds this great debate.

You are but a bump on the road to Berlin and regardless of your futile contributions, the battle rages on and the offensive continues until there is unconditonal surrender. I would have thought you would have learned by now to stand aside so you don't get run over by cavalry.

Your old mentor!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy

I am not about to bow to your wish that I “return to my rocker” and cease practicing my own freedom of speech.  As you may have noted I rarely post here anymore and that is a practice I fully intend to continue.

You haven’t the first clue about what my “personal agenda” is, Gailon Arthur Joy, because you choose to believe whatever suits your own personal ends, whether or not it is factual.  I have seen your brand of freedom of speech at work here and elsewhere.  Eventually there will be an accounting, a revealing of all that has been twisted; the many inaccuracies that have been stated as fact and have, as a consequence, diluted the credibility of any actual issues you may have originally attempted to address; every malignant, reckless attack, that you have leveled at those who are innocent of your erroneous charges.  If these are not finally revealed by man then it will be by our Creator Himself.

You have many here who have sat at your feet and now reflect their mentor’s character very well, but you, Mr. Joy, have NEVER been my mentor.

??? ?? ??? ?? ????


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #19 on: April 18, 2010, 12:39:47 AM »

Linda's emailed response to me on January 2, 2008 was in part:

That was two years ago. Has Linda approved of you disclosing this now?

Nothing has kept you from calling church officials in the past. What response did you get from the president of the Illinois Conference on how he carried out his responsibility when he received this document? When you get an illuminating response from him on how this matter has been handled, then we can discuss it again. O.K.?


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #20 on: April 18, 2010, 04:13:43 AM »

 Eventually there will be an accounting, a revealing of all that has been twisted; the many inaccuracies that have been stated as fact and have, as a consequence, diluted the credibility of any actual issues you may have originally attempted to address; every malignant, reckless attack, that you have leveled at those who are innocent of your erroneous charges.  If these are not finally revealed by man then it will be by our Creator Himself


You need to target and bomb Melody (with your venum)for her input of her fathers actions on her, You need to bomb TS for his actions and deeds on victims of witness, you need to bomb Brenda for her lies, you need to bomb DS for mising funds spent on ego, "extravaganza lifestyle", adultery, and deed that  you call twisted, that has been signed, sealed and delivered to SDA official that hid it under the Shelton "Rug". You need to bomb SDA laxness to protect the" money pit" of their now offensive use of it.  The reason I believe it to be the truth is that it is too embarassing to ones self to stand up to do it as now the victims all have come forward and stood it. It is one sick mess that you are protecting that just happens not to be the only claim of many with the same tones of behavior. The "Shelton Song" has been sung, heard and detested by public viewers. The ones left are scrambling for their  :horse: feed.  and the "oldies that keep giving to their "ignorance of what is happening". It starts out slow but soon all will know. "Soon"

The sins definitely get found out and that is what you see happening (not just one, but many of the same slime) while you have surrendered to sympathy of protection of "Omega" of the church as they continue with unclean "corporate" hands abiding with the 3abn  :rabbit:


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #21 on: April 18, 2010, 09:38:15 AM »

Still sweeping it under the rug?

This discussion has now lasted for several years. Why?

Because the real issue has again and again been swept under the rug.

Certain people have felt a moral reform and change is needed at 3ABN, a TV network claiming to be a tool in proclaiming the Gospel Truth for today.

Others say that no such reform is needed because all the accusations are based on false rumors and lack of knowledge of the real issues.

The following  document has been posted before, but every possible attempt has been made to dismiss it. How long will it take this time before attempts will be made again to sweep it under the rug?

July 7,  2006

This is a formal statement which is long overdue. I did not disclose this information when the events occurred because I did not want to hurt my mother. I did not want to cause trouble with 3ABN and I was too embarrassed to talk about it. Now that some time has passed and circumstances have changed,  I feel I need to share this information. I want to spare others from being exposed to the same treatment that I have experienced.

1)The repeated inappropriate actions from my ex-stepfather, Danny Shelton, occurred in the summer of the year 2000.
2)I had been away af school for some years. I was happy to be returning home to attend a local university.
3)My mother always  went to bed rather early. Her bedroom was upstairs and my bedroom was downstairs. Danny started coming into my room, getting into my bed and rubbing my back. He seemed to ”accidentally” get too low. I told him I did not want a back rub. He ignored me. This happened repeatedly.
4)I began locking my bedroom door every night. Sometimes he would come to the door and knock again and again. I did not answer. He then repeatedly unlocked my bedroom door and came into my room. He would than get into  my bed. I was not comfortable with this but I was so tired I still fell asleep. I awoke sometimes with his hands in inappropriate places. He would say ”Oh, I'm sorry. I thought it was your Mom.” He told me not to tell my Mom. I told him to stay out of my room. He still came. I started sleeping on the living room couch so that he could not lie beside me.
5)I felt threatened and very uncomfortable with these things, so I made arrangements to move out.

[Signed] Alyssa Moore

[Signed] Christi L. Grant 8-9-06
Notary Public

”Official Seal”
Christi L. Grant
Notary Public, State of Illinois
My Commission Exp. 06/04/2010


Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #22 on: April 18, 2010, 09:56:13 AM »

I am not about to bow to your wish that I “return to my rocker” and cease practicing my own freedom of speech.  As you may have noted I rarely post here anymore and that is a practice I fully intend to continue.

You haven’t the first clue about what my “personal agenda” is, Gailon Arthur Joy, because you choose to believe whatever suits your own personal ends, whether or not it is factual.  I have seen your brand of freedom of speech at work here and elsewhere.  Eventually there will be an accounting, a revealing of all that has been twisted; the many inaccuracies that have been stated as fact and have, as a consequence, diluted the credibility of any actual issues you may have originally attempted to address; every malignant, reckless attack, that you have leveled at those who are innocent of your erroneous charges.  If these are not finally revealed by man then it will be by our Creator Himself.
You have many here who have sat at your feet and now reflect their mentor’s character very well, but you, Mr. Joy, have NEVER been my mentor.

Oh-h-h...I am just so dissappointed...and what would you do with no-one firing back at you, Grandma??? Your pretentious self-righteousness continues to be un-valed and I doubt you could demonstrate any statement I have made that is not based on GOOD EVIDENCE... much to your chagrin.

One thing is certain, you could not be mentored as no-one would be able to emulate your sniper approach to your every dis-approval. One thing is certain, we have all learned we do not need Grandma Nettie's approval to repost or report anything...and never will!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 10:32:53 AM by Johann »


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #23 on: April 18, 2010, 11:43:13 AM »

I know that the general consensus is that this statement is a matter of public record so that the feeling is it can be exploited for your purposes.  However, I'm really surprised that this letter has been revived yet again and even more surprised that it was brought up by you, Johann.  Did you run this by Linda before doing so?  I remember back in January of 2008 when Daryl Fawcett revived the letter, one that a friend of Linda's had convinced Linda's daughter to write.  I emailed Linda on January 1, 2008, and asked her in part:

I remember that I questioned you about this matter when you were here in Santa Rosa for the concert at The Light, and as I remember it you were not happy that it had been posted on the forum and were hoping that it would soon fade into the background.  As I recall, you also stated that Alyssa was not going to pursue the matter any further.  Am I correct in my recollections?  Did you agree to have this subject brought up again?

Linda's emailed response to me on January 2, 2008 was in part:

Thanks for writing.  Johann called me earlier and told me Alyssa's letter has been revived.  Her letter was NEVER intended for public viewing.  She wrote it for the purpose of church authorities getting this message only.

I am not about to bow to your wish that I “return to my rocker” and cease practicing my own freedom of speech.  As you may have noted I rarely post here anymore and that is a practice I fully intend to continue.

You haven’t the first clue about what my “personal agenda” is, Gailon Arthur Joy, because you choose to believe whatever suits your own personal ends, whether or not it is factual.  I have seen your brand of freedom of speech at work here and elsewhere.  Eventually there will be an accounting, a revealing of all that has been twisted; the many inaccuracies that have been stated as fact and have, as a consequence, diluted the credibility of any actual issues you may have originally attempted to address; every malignant, reckless attack, that you have leveled at those who are innocent of your erroneous charges.  If these are not finally revealed by man then it will be by our Creator Himself.
You have many here who have sat at your feet and now reflect their mentor’s character very well, but you, Mr. Joy, have NEVER been my mentor.

Oh-h-h...I am just so dissappointed...and what would you do with no-one firing back at you, Grandma??? Your pretentious self-righteousness continues to be un-valed and I doubt you could demonstrate any statement I have made that is not based on GOOD EVIDENCE... much to your chagrin.

One thing is certain, you could not be mentored as no-one would be able to emulate your sniper approach to your every dis-approval. One thing is certain, we have all learned we do not need Grandma Nettie's approval to repost or report anything...and never will!!!

Gailon Arthur Joy

If it is “pretentious self-righteousness” that motivated me to question the use of LS’s daughter’s letter when I had specific documentation from LS that her daughter NEVER wanted this matter aired publically, then I am most certainly guilty of your charges.  But why let facts get in the way?  Most reputable journalists and individuals will respect the desires of alleged victims of abuse and seek their approval before they publicize the details of that abuse.  Bob gave Duane Clem that respect before he published his letter from TS, giving Duane the opportunity to decide for himself to allow the full information to be known.

No, you do not need my approval to continue on with your thoughtless feeding frenzy.  I broke my silence and posted the documentation in hopes that you all would consider seeking the approval from the alleged victim.

“Sniper” now heading back up the ladder to my camouflaged rocker by the storm drain.

??? ?? ??? ?? ????


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2010, 05:19:53 PM »

Ok, as I skimmed this post, and before it got bogged down in personal insults and issues, I see that George tried to explain, but it was not understood.  Let me put it this way.  In every instance of physical and/or sexual there is included automatically verbal or emotional abuse.  The offenders have to keep the victim in a mind frame to accept the subsequent physical and/or sexual abuse.  As George says, that is why most cases go unreported.  There is some fear and guilt instilled in the victim by the offender.  

More to the point, *****, being 18 years of age might have understood the ramifications of her coming forward with her allegations, i.e., the impact to the ministry.  That is what is behind all of the cases that have been delayed in their reports to the proper authorities.  MJore recently, th eallegations against TS that have come some 25 years later.  Also, here in NCC the filing of a civil suit in the amount of $5 mil + for abuses at the local academy back in the early '90's.  It was proven that the abuse took place, yet nothing was done and the registered sex offender was allowed to move to yet another academy where he offended again, bit this time went to prison.  Now, none of us have to even guess how that happened, do we?..............we know it was for the ........good of the world church, etc..................

George is also right.  ridicule is also a huge factor in unreported sexual abuse.

**** name deleted by Johann
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 02:06:07 PM by Johann »
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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2010, 06:13:40 PM »

Ok, as I skimmed this post, and before it got bogged down in personal insults and issues, I see that George tried to explain, but it was not understood.  Let me put it this way.  In every instance of physical and/or sexual there is included automatically verbal or emotional abuse.  The offenders have to keep the victim in a mind frame to accept the subsequent physical and/or sexual abuse.  As George says, that is why most cases go unreported.  There is some fear and guilt instilled in the victm by the offender.  

More to the point, ****, being 18 years of age might have understood the ramifications of her coming forward with her allegations, i.e., the impact to the ministry.  That is what is behind all of the cases that have been delayed in their reports to the proper authorities.  MJore recently, th eallegations against TS that have come some 25 years later.  Also, here in NCC the filing of a civil suit in the amount of $5 mil + for abuses at the local academy back in the early '90's.  It was proven that the abuse took place, yet nothing was done and the registered sex offender was allowed to move to yet another academy where he offended again, bit this time went to prison.  Now, none of us have to even guess how that happened, do we?..............we know it was for the ........good of the world church, etc..................

George is also right.  ridicule is also a huge factor in unreported sexual abuse.

Exactly right, Di. When I was young, I could never understand how someone could be raped, sexually assaulted or otherwise abused and not report it. Now, as a victim myself, I totally understand it. It's something that will never make sense unless you've been through it.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 02:06:51 PM by Johann »
Duane Clem
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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2010, 09:55:12 PM »

You know Duane, actually if people just take a moment to read, even watch TV there are about a million documentaries, Oprah, Maury, 20/20, 48 hrs., etc.t hat will tell you that.  My experience comes from being involved in the foster care system all my life.  My parents were foster parents for as long as I can remember, and so are my sister and myself.  All it takes it paying the least bit of attention.

So when we make our comments, please remember that the person has also been mentally and emotionally abused, probably even threatened at some point to keep quiet, and imply that they actually have some responsiblity for what is happening to them.  NEVER, EVER, blame the victim for any part of the abuse, that inlcudes reporting it.  No **** story is not a little bit stinking, in it very common for that situation.

I can't believe I have to say this in 2010, and a million Lifetime movies on abuse later..............sigh..........

Exactly right, Di. When I was young, I could never understand how someone could be raped, sexually assaulted or otherwise abused and not report it. Now, as a victim myself, I totally understand it. It's something that will never make sense unless you've been through it.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 02:09:23 PM by Johann »
It is the duty of every cultured man or woman to read sympathetically the scriptures of the world.  If we are to respect others' religions as we would have them respect our own, a friendly study of the world's religions is a sacred duty. - Mohandas K. Gandhi

Pat Williams

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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2010, 10:12:39 PM »

I would just like to set the record straight here. Tinka keeps bringing up Danny's daughter, Melody and now Princessdi is.

Melody was NEVER abused by her father and has never claimed she was, and never would. They have a healthy strong relationship.

That story originated on  Blacksda by sister, and it was and still is a horrible lie based on the story she was told about how after Melody's mother was killed in the accident, she used to get up and go crawl in bed with her Daddy.

Many children during the entire history of this world who are scared, hurting or sick, go to their parents for comfort and have crawled in bed with them.  ****************************************.

Edited to delete inappropriate content.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2010, 10:25:31 PM by Snoopy »


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2010, 10:50:14 PM »

There are only two people in the world who know for sure if Melody was or was not abused by her father, unless she told someone.


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Re: Inappropriate Behavior - A Strong Document
« Reply #29 on: April 19, 2010, 02:16:48 AM »

You know Duane, actually if people just take a moment to read, even watch TV there are about a million documentaries, Oprah, Maury, 20/20, 48 hrs., etc.t hat will tell you that.  My experience comes from being involved in the foster care system all my life.  My parents were foster parents for as long as I can remember, and so are my sister and myself.  All it takes it paying the least bit of attention.

So when we make our comments, please remember that the person has also been mentally and emotionally abused, probably even threatened at some point to keep quiet, and imply that they actually have some responsiblity for what is happening to them.  NEVER, EVER, blame the victim for any part of the abuse, that inlcudes reporting it.  No **** story is not a little bit stinking, in it very common for that situation.

I can't believe I have to say this in 2010, and a million Lifetime movies on abuse later..............sigh..........

Exactly right, Di. When I was young, I could never understand how someone could be raped, sexually assaulted or otherwise abused and not report it. Now, as a victim myself, I totally understand it. It's something that will never make sense unless you've been through it.
The problem I see is that when they show the documentaries and talk shows, they always have some know-it-all psychologist or counselor on there who had no idea what they're talking about. They've read books on it and listened to lectures and seminars, but that's it. NO amount of training can make anyone understand what it feels like. To me, it is very arrogant for someone who has not been abused to get on TV or open up a practice and declare themselves an expert who can "help" victims.
« Last Edit: April 19, 2010, 02:10:10 PM by Johann »
Duane Clem
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