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Author Topic: Tommy Shelton arrested!  (Read 292698 times)

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Nosir Myzing

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #120 on: March 26, 2010, 04:00:17 PM »

I have another question here also which occurred to me as I was thinking further upon this.

You also claim to have talked to all these alleged victims and to know all the details, so it would appear they also came forward to you and made statements. Is that true?

Did you ever report any of it to either child protection services or law enforcement?

If so, when and where did you do that? and what did they tell you? If not? WHY didn't you?

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #121 on: March 26, 2010, 04:02:47 PM »

Was it about child molestation allegations?

I don't know. I'd have to check.

Because he already made his statement 26 years ago and it was already investigated by both the police and the Church of God and resolved then.

Again, how do you know it was resolved then? Have you talked to the police? To Church of God leadership? Or are you taking the word of the unreliable Walt, Danny, and Tommy?

It is very difficult to ever pinpoint exactly what you actually are saying at any given time or to consider you in anyway credible or honest when you insist on these kinds of arguments.

I think the unbiased and thoughtful consider my meaning clear in the statements you question.

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #122 on: March 26, 2010, 04:09:26 PM »

But he never reported it as the law required him to?

How would you know whether he did or not? Are you surmising?

Did you ever report any of it to either child protection services or law enforcement?

If so, when and where did you do that? and what did they tell you? If not? WHY didn't you?

Any what difference would it make one way or another? If I had reported it, would that make Tommy and Danny out to be demons or saints? And if I had not reported it, would that make Tommy and Danny out to be demons or saints?

Or put a different way, if I did report it, would Tommy get acquitted or convicted? And if I did not report it, would Tommy get acquitted or convicted?

Nosir Myzing

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #123 on: March 26, 2010, 04:50:43 PM »

No surmising. I was asking questions. Questions which I presumed men of God would want to answer and it now appears I am not the only one asking those questions. I was given the following news report. Your cohort Glenn Dryden does not seem to want to answer either.

Glenn Dryden asked why?

It has nothing to do with TS or DS, Pickle.  I was trying to understand your mindset and motivation and why you and Dryden both thought all the publicity and talk was necessary on and off the internet, instead of either of you doing what is required and letting the proper authorities handle it? This possibly could have all been resolved way before now.

Unless you did report it, and the authorities did nothing? That might be a horse of a different color.

So come clean, Mr Pickle.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #124 on: March 26, 2010, 05:06:22 PM »

I am afraid that I have to pursue the same line of questioning. Why wasn't Tommy Shelton turned in to authorities in Illinois? Or if he was, did they do nothing because of the notoriety? Was there a coverup on their part? Does the Shelton Family or 3abn have that much pull in that area to be able to do that? I realize that I don't know all the circumstances or the area government workings. But please fill me in.  :help:


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #125 on: March 26, 2010, 05:21:07 PM »

I am afraid that I have to pursue the same line of questioning. Why wasn't Tommy Shelton turned in to authorities in Illinois? Or if he was, did they do nothing because of the notoriety? Was there a coverup on their part? Does the Shelton Family or 3abn have that much pull in that area to be able to do that? I realize that I don't know all the circumstances or the area government workings. But please fill me in.  :help:

I don't know to your first question, other than there was one complaint filed back in 1984 by one boys Mother and Grandfather claiming Tommy had verbally propositioned him at the Church of God school where Tommy was Pastor (and I think Principal), whereas Tommy claimed he was wrong and had been trying to get the boy to admit to some improper things going on at the school between a couple of boys there. The police investigated and did not file charges, The Church of God investigated and sent an apology to the boys family for improper counseling practices. When Pickle contacted the boy now grown he claimed he never heard that excuse before and the Shelton's pulled strings, he admitted to his Mom getting an apology from the Church but did not say what that was about that I know of. If Pickle knows he hasn't said. You could try asking him...
( BTW, The Man I am speaking of is one of those that both Dryden and Pickle claim is a victim of child molestation)

Bob Pickle who claims to know all said the youngest alleged victim he knows of is 38, so it is obvious that whatever allegations exist they must all date back to the time 3abn was just being built or started.  The founders were carpenters and locals but didn't have any money or special clout.

So in answer to your question, no the Shelton's do not have that much pull in the area, and if you listen to the little group here always accusing 3abn, ( as in read what they have been posting for years) you will find they all claim the locals don't even like the Shelton's or 3ABN. In fact one of the moderators here posted that exact thing at the beginning of this thread.

edited to add clarification
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 06:03:02 PM by Ian »

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #126 on: March 26, 2010, 06:26:32 PM »

... instead of either of you doing what is required and letting the proper authorities handle it? This possibly could have all been resolved way before now.

I specifically asked the authorities whether I was required to report it, and I was specifically told that I was not.

The authorities can't do anything if the statute of limitations has already run out.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #127 on: March 26, 2010, 06:29:49 PM »

Bob Pickle who claims to know all said the youngest alleged victim he knows of is 38, so it is obvious that whatever allegations exist they must all date back to the time 3abn was just being built or started.

I never said any such thing. The youngest I currently know about is Alex Walker, brother of Brad Walker, Tommy's son-in-law. He's one of the two who went to the authorities in Virginia. And he's far from being 38.

We really need to keep everyone in prayer: Tommy, his wife, his kids, their families. It's all so embarrassing and devastating. We also need to keep each alleged victim in prayer because this kind of thing can resurrect all the pain and bad memories buried for so long. And we also need to keep Danny and 3ABN in prayer, and everyone else who helped to cover up Tommy's vile deeds.

The Lord is plenteous in mercy and ready to forgive, if we lay our sins and perplexities at the foot of Calvary, and follow the Bible's conditions for receiving the blessing of God.
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 06:36:12 PM by Bob Pickle »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #128 on: March 26, 2010, 06:42:32 PM »

Bob Pickle who claims to know all said the youngest alleged victim he knows of is 38, so it is obvious that whatever allegations exist they must all date back to the time 3abn was just being built or started.

I never said any such thing. The youngest I currently know about is Alex Walker, brother of Brad Walker, Tommy's son-in-law. He's one of the two who went to the authorities in Virginia. And he's far from being 38.

Niiiiice, have their names been released and made public already, or did you just throw them under the bus?

In any case, this was unnecessary Bob. I was answering our newest member's question asking this:
"Why wasn't Tommy Shelton turned in to authorities in Illinois?"

and so I was referring to you saying the following in this thread (Reply #105 Yesterday at 06:44:22 PM )
"There are quite a few alleged victims from Illinois. I don't know any from Illinois that are younger than 38."
« Last Edit: March 26, 2010, 06:46:44 PM by Ian »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #129 on: March 27, 2010, 07:42:55 PM »

Bob Pickle who claims to know all said the youngest alleged victim he knows of is 38, so it is obvious that whatever allegations exist they must all date back to the time 3abn was just being built or started.

I never said any such thing. The youngest I currently know about is Alex Walker, brother of Brad Walker, Tommy's son-in-law. He's one of the two who went to the authorities in Virginia. And he's far from being 38.

We really need to keep everyone in prayer: Tommy, his wife, his kids, their families. It's all so embarrassing and devastating. We also need to keep each alleged victim in prayer because this kind of thing can resurrect all the pain and bad memories buried for so long. And we also need to keep Danny and 3ABN in prayer, and everyone else who helped to cover up Tommy's vile deeds.

The Lord is plenteous in mercy and ready to forgive, if we lay our sins and perplexities at the foot of Calvary, and follow the Bible's conditions for receiving the blessing of God.

Somehow you failed to mention that this is Brad's adopted brother that came to his parents home as a foster child and then they later adopted. The Walkers have been foster parents to a large number of children and also adopted quite a few of them. You also failed to mention that he was known in his own family as a habitual liar and that at one time, even Glen Dryden said he wasn't credible.  Maybe that last statement escaped Dryden's memory.

As for your facade of sympathy to pray for these stupid do you think people are?  You bring all the dirty innuendo and accusations to the internet and make it public. Then you contact these men from "heresay" that you have worked diligently to get, give them your version of things and all your twisted thinking and information and try to get them to "do the right thing" and come forward. After all there could be some money in it for them..right?  Look how much the Catholic church paid out to alleged victims. After years of emails, phone calls and letters between you, these men and Glen Dryden, you finally succeed in getting charges pressed. The truth doesn't matter as long as your vendetta's succeed.  Then you have the audacity to come here and ask for prayer for the man and his family that you have worked so hard to "set up"?

The above didn't even address the fact that most people's reaction is "what does this pickle guy have to do with anything"?  Of course the answer is that Pickle doesn't have any first hand knowledge of any thing. Pickle doesn't personally know the man he accuses or his family. Pickle doesn't personally know the men he has persuaded to make these charges. Pickle is not a social worker, an attorney, a member of law enforcement or even a reporter. So, what in the world is he doing involved of something of this nature?

ANSWER: His tireless quest to try and bring down Danny Shelton and 3ABN. Yet another person that Pickle has never met, and has no personal knowledge of. He has never even been to 3ABN. 

Bob Pickle, if you think that people don't smell the stench of this set up, you are badly mistaken.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #130 on: March 27, 2010, 08:16:22 PM »

Niiiiice, have their names been released and made public already, or did you just throw them under the bus?

See filed on February 26. See also

and so I was referring to you saying the following in this thread (Reply #105 Yesterday at 06:44:22 PM )
"There are quite a few alleged victims from Illinois. I don't know any from Illinois that are younger than 38."

Thank you for the clarification, but I believe that you previously misstated what you now quote me as saying.

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #131 on: March 27, 2010, 08:44:24 PM »

Somehow you failed to mention that this is Brad's adopted brother that came to his parents home as a foster child and then they later adopted. The Walkers have been foster parents to a large number of children and also adopted quite a few of them. You also failed to mention that he was known in his own family as a habitual liar and that at one time, even Glen Dryden said he wasn't credible.  Maybe that last statement escaped Dryden's memory.

Your statements above are quite revealing, Sam. It demonstrates just how morally bankrupt the Shelton gang is, that they would stoop so low as to attempt to smear an individual who claims to have been a victim of child molestation.

It is just such depravity that led me to get involved in the first place, when on Danny's August 10, 2006, broadcast, Shelley Quinn likened Danny to John the Baptist, Linda to the evil Herodias, and Alyssa to Salome, whom Shelley accused of being a liar.

That was wrong of Shelley to do that. You don't trash a woman who claims to have been sexually assaulted, even if the alleged perpetrator is Danny Shelton, just because you have access to a microphone and a TV camera. Danny should have called a halt then and there to Shelley's sermon, and forbade reruns.

Only the naive would not suspect that Shelley's trashing of Alyssa that day was what Danny wanted.

As for your facade of sympathy to pray for these stupid do you think people are?

I said what I meant, and I meant what I said. If you don't want to pray for them, then don't. But I would suggest that everyone pray for you too.

After years of emails, phone calls and letters between you, these men and Glen Dryden, you finally succeed in getting charges pressed.

Odd that I was recently accused of never going to the authorities. Now I'm accused of being the spark plug behind getting the charges pressed.

The truth doesn't matter as long as your vendetta's succeed.

1) Are you denying that Tommy molested minors? Are you denying that Tommy cheated on his wife by engaging in unseemly conduct with males?

2) What vendetta? We first reported on Danny's cover up of the child molestation allegations against Tommy Shelton in late 2006. What vendetta could I possibly have had against Danny prior to that point in time?

3) I guess we could push this back a long time. What sort of vendetta are you suggesting I had when Tommy's license was suspended in 1985?

Then you have the audacity to come here and ask for prayer for the man and his family that you have worked so hard to "set up"?

So are you denying the charges, and asserting that Tommy was framed?

The above didn't even address the fact that most people's reaction is "what does this pickle guy have to do with anything"?  Of course the answer is that Pickle doesn't have any first hand knowledge of any thing. Pickle doesn't personally know the man he accuses or his family. Pickle doesn't personally know the men he has persuaded to make these charges. Pickle is not a social worker, an attorney, a member of law enforcement or even a reporter. So, what in the world is he doing involved of something of this nature?

ANSWER: His tireless quest to try and bring down Danny Shelton and 3ABN. Yet another person that Pickle has never met, and has no personal knowledge of. He has never even been to 3ABN.

Sam, don't buy into the lies of the Shelton gang. It's not worth it.

If someone is concerned about Danny's cover up of the child molestation allegations against Tommy, then the Shelton gang accuses that person of wanting to "bring down 3ABN." It's a lie, a political ploy.

I have been to 3ABN, and I have first hand knowledge of some things about all of this.

Moreover, I have sat in meetings where instruction was given about churches avoiding liability. Therefore, when Walt informed me that he never contacted any of the alleged victims or their families or the two ordaining associations as Dryden invited him to, and that he had instead relied on what Danny told him, even though what Danny told him could not possibly be true, I knew a grave mistake had been made which potentially threatened 3ABN and the Illinois Conference, and I wasn't about to keep quiet about the utter irresponsibility of Danny Shelton in the matter.

The 3ABN Board has had over three years since our reports to address these matters in a responsible way. Instead, they voted to sue us and gave Danny $96,000 in land, plus more than $52,000 in 2009, all beyond his salary.

If I apostatize to the point that I cover up child molestation allegations too, will the 3ABN Board vote to give me land and money too?

The Board has had over three years to deal with it. If the trial of Tommy Shelton for child molestation creates bad press for 3ABN, it isn't my fault.

If 3ABN is adversely affected, lay the blame where it belongs: at the feet of Danny Shelton!


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #132 on: March 28, 2010, 12:21:55 AM »

There was another victim in Illinois that would have come forward, but first gave Tommy the option of entering into counseling to deal with his pedophilia, with the understanding that otherwise he would go to the authorities and report the molestation that had taken place. The man's family name is Shelton.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #133 on: March 28, 2010, 09:19:29 AM »

Bob Pickle who claims to know all said the youngest alleged victim he knows of is 38, so it is obvious that whatever allegations exist they must all date back to the time 3abn was just being built or started.

I never said any such thing. The youngest I currently know about is Alex Walker, brother of Brad Walker, Tommy's son-in-law. He's one of the two who went to the authorities in Virginia. And he's far from being 38.

We really need to keep everyone in prayer: Tommy, his wife, his kids, their families. It's all so embarrassing and devastating. We also need to keep each alleged victim in prayer because this kind of thing can resurrect all the pain and bad memories buried for so long. And we also need to keep Danny and 3ABN in prayer, and everyone else who helped to cover up Tommy's vile deeds.

The Lord is plenteous in mercy and ready to forgive, if we lay our sins and perplexities at the foot of Calvary, and follow the Bible's conditions for receiving the blessing of God.

Somehow you failed to mention that this is Brad's adopted brother that came to his parents home as a foster child and then they later adopted. The Walkers have been foster parents to a large number of children and also adopted quite a few of them. You also failed to mention that he was known in his own family as a habitual liar and that at one time, even Glen Dryden said he wasn't credible.  Maybe that last statement escaped Dryden's memory.

As for your facade of sympathy to pray for these stupid do you think people are?  You bring all the dirty innuendo and accusations to the internet and make it public. Then you contact these men from "heresay" that you have worked diligently to get, give them your version of things and all your twisted thinking and information and try to get them to "do the right thing" and come forward. After all there could be some money in it for them..right?  Look how much the Catholic church paid out to alleged victims. After years of emails, phone calls and letters between you, these men and Glen Dryden, you finally succeed in getting charges pressed. The truth doesn't matter as long as your vendetta's succeed.  Then you have the audacity to come here and ask for prayer for the man and his family that you have worked so hard to "set up"?

The above didn't even address the fact that most people's reaction is "what does this pickle guy have to do with anything"?  Of course the answer is that Pickle doesn't have any first hand knowledge of any thing. Pickle doesn't personally know the man he accuses or his family. Pickle doesn't personally know the men he has persuaded to make these charges. Pickle is not a social worker, an attorney, a member of law enforcement or even a reporter. So, what in the world is he doing involved of something of this nature?

ANSWER: His tireless quest to try and bring down Danny Shelton and 3ABN. Yet another person that Pickle has never met, and has no personal knowledge of. He has never even been to 3ABN. 

Bob Pickle, if you think that people don't smell the stench of this set up, you are badly mistaken.
Disgusting, Sam. Very disgusting.

Even if Alex did have a problem with lying, how is it that his story is so similar to other victims? I have talked to Alex personally and he has given me details that have never been made public in any victim's statement. He told me things Tommy has said to him, things that were said to me and that I have also heard from other victims. He has never talked to any of these other people. Are you saying this is just coincidence?

Money? Do you think any amount of money is sufficient to cover the damage that has been done? $50 million, billion or trillion dollars couldn't erase what has happened to me or any of the other victims. Your insinuation that this is about money is just plain sick.

In closing, you sound like you might be someone who has attended the Ezra Church of God in the past. You know way too many details about things (even though you are deliberately twisting some of them) to be hearing this second or third party. Why don't you man up and post your name? What are you hiding?'s a lot easier to hide behind a screen name and trash people anonymously, right?
Duane Clem
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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #134 on: March 28, 2010, 09:46:46 AM »

Fear of just this sort of thing is why most abuse victims, children and adults, will never come forward and speak of it.
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