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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #45 on: March 20, 2010, 06:04:40 AM »

Junebug and Ian,
It sounds if you really have been a grandma. In grandma land where your time is nothing more then that. A true grandma is a person that can teach reality, true facts, and how to deal with them. I am a great grandmother and with much experience have tried to teach the tricks of Satan to my off spring. First of all no.1 is to teach them to trust no man as we are instructed. (Have you run across that yet?) as you trust DS and are a sympathizer against the facts that are in plain view, actions and documents and you choose that sin is not possible here. This world is and was never rosy as you pretend and want it to be. If you present that to your grandchildren they will fail to your cover up of life.  Our family has well discovered it. It is lies, greed, cheat, adultery,stealing, and limbo nuts.  and what is worse you probably helped support DS to lose his soul if he does not repent as you must have contributed your loyalty with money. This has caused the black eye to the beliefs of SDA people plus used their money to DS desires of lust and "extravaganza lifestyle". Where have you been other then "Grandma land". Did you realize that you can cover all you can for your "own self" and others against sin and then lose your own soul? That happens when you do the perfection yourself, for yourself with no care for victims and their pain or other peoples calamities. Just hide it so you don't come out of roseyyyy perfections.

and Ian, I may not get all the facts perfect as you try with your (lawyer?) abilities but the picture is painted in clear colors. Yes, I am an outsider and clear away from it. There fore stepping back I am able to get clearer view as I do care for the cause of God. but what is worse in your case is that I detect that you must be very close to the subjects and that gives you privilege to know actual facts. Therefore your facts you imply on here do not match the documents and behavior problems that are in clear view of public scrutiny. So it is obvious when you are that close to the issues, you always come back with some sort of confused misunderstanding of a fact when other poster on here comment and many times I end up asking "what in the world does that have with the price of a hill of beans". It seems your in "Grandma land" too. I call that cover up or your being fed part of the  :horse: feed.   I ask questions but you give off wall answers. Quite confusing.  I also call what you both do is seared minds and in your own worlds.  I would prefer to live like all is rosy but experience does not let you until that great day. We are here to deal with Choice of experience. We are given eyes and ears to decide and sympathy and compassion. The sympathy and compassion is where Satan can get you. He uses this the most on what christian people have. Do you think I like this for the church that for me is 5 generations old, we have protected it many times and now I see the big picture of letting or covering people up to destroy it. and that is fact!!!
DS socked it to the SDA people and no getting around it. and the minglers of it to boot. They need to come clean away before all this is exploited

Ian, you say you have the knowledge of truth so state it and clear it all up as a witness. That is your duty according to scripture. Not to taunt and can't deliver.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 06:12:13 AM by tinka »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #46 on: March 20, 2010, 07:10:44 AM »

And no, I am not going to tell you anything about it, it's not your business imo.

Danny said on the air that it was everyone's business, to a point. He said that in 2004. And since in America marriage licenses and divorce records are public record, then your statement is false.

Bob, you and I both know what the deal is and just so you know, and between you and I, I personally consider you more accountable than Grat for the lies and false accusations you are allowing and condoning and defending here... You have no excuse afaic.

Bob and Gailon-- Your posts to Junebug again reveal how ignorant you are and how you say the falsest things about people as if you know what you are talking about and actually believe you do.

I know her, and I know from your posts that you are clueless about her...

Then I suppose you could inform everyone what sort of teacher Junebug is.

Now honestly, Cindy, what do you think about a teacher who claims to be a conservative Adventist who can't bring herself to say that even if the minor was "consenting," it was still wrong, Tommy needed to go, and Danny was wrong in covering it all up?

How would you as a parent or grandparent feel if your kids or grandkids were being taught by Junebug?

Bob, I know Lee also, and I know what she meant with her question ( not statement of her belief) to you, and I know she was asking about the age of consent, I also know you twist and distort things even when they aren't phrased badly so you will continue to harp on this forever, as your track record proves you are like a dog with a bone and a broken record regardless of who tries to correct the situation or your personal opinions.

As far as you other question goes, well my kids are grown, but if Junebug was a teacher I would not hesitate to have her watch over my grandson or teach him, and I am very protective of him, ok?

But as I said you are clueless and I know you won't care what I have to say about this or allow it to stop you even though you ask.. Because imo you are more than sorry, you are just plain sad..

This is all off topic here also btw, so am done speaking of it..


P.s. *****************************************************( wipe wipe, closing door quietly, and leaving)

Edited to remove inappropriate content.
« Last Edit: March 20, 2010, 08:26:03 AM by Snoopy »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #47 on: March 20, 2010, 08:27:39 AM »

How about if we all take a break from this thread today and enjoy the Sabbath for what it is meant to be?



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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #48 on: March 20, 2010, 06:01:38 PM »

I hope everyone enjoyed a peaceful Sabbath!


Gailon Arthur Joy

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #49 on: March 20, 2010, 08:12:40 PM »


Your "teacher" status was clarified and I frankly owe you an apology. One cannot take back the written word or even the spoken word, but I wish to clarify that  my "disdain" commentary was indeed out of line and unacceptable statements and should be stricken from the record, if it were possible. But, when one understands the fine art of trial law, one also understands that once said, it is heard, and while it can be struck from the record by opposition objection, it cannot be struck from the human mind. Frequently, even the objection will simply serve to bring even greater emphasis to the statement and is often better to leave it alone and attack it's foundational premise instead.

Therefore, let it be clear that this a formal and public retraction of of my "disdain" and I ask your apology for the comments in relation to the same. Sometimes "free speech" can be abused and that was done here and by me. My sincerest apology, Junebug.

Apologetically Yours,

Gailon Arthur Joy



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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #50 on: March 20, 2010, 08:23:35 PM »

According to a report I found TS was living in Marion KY working in a school.   Does anyone know if that is a fact?  

In regards to adultery issue, would not DS be a double adulterer?  He put away his wife and married another.  The another he married had been put away.

First Grat, you would need to know what if anything was the problem between Brandy and Danny. It is obvious from your post here that you are clueless or you would not have written what you did. You really should imo learn to ask questions and get the facts before judging another, and if you don't have them, learn to keep your mouth shut. And no, I am not going to tell you anything about it, it's not your business imo.

Ian - Why would I need to know the problems between Brandy and Danny when I NEVER said anything about their divorce.  You are reading much into what I said that simply was not there.  You need to slow down and take a deep breath sometimes and read only what was written.  DS Put Away His Wife (Linda) and married a divorced woman (Brandy).  So where did I judge anyone?  Then in another post you accuse me of "lies and false accusations".  Is it a lie that TS was living in Marion Ky and working in a school?  Was it a lie that DS divorced LS and married Brandy a divorcee?  Maybe you should be the one to learn to "keep your mouth shut" when you don't know what you are talking about. 

Bob Pickle

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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #51 on: March 20, 2010, 08:31:12 PM »

Bob, I know Lee also, and I know what she meant with her question ( not statement of her belief) to you, and I know she was asking about the age of consent, ...

By her question Lee very clearly indicated that she thought a minor "consenting" could make a difference. No Bible-believing Adventist that I know of would think that a minor "consenting" would make a difference.

Lee has had more than two years, I think, to set the record straight that she did not mean that. She repeatedly refused to do so on BlackSDA, and she has refused to do so anywhere else as far as I am aware of. Correct me if I am wrong.


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #52 on: March 20, 2010, 09:29:40 PM »

Are you either going to tell us what he claimed or give us the link to the video, or are you just playing games here?

Ok, Ian. Since you asked so nicely, here's the link:
Duane Clem
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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #53 on: March 20, 2010, 09:38:24 PM »

Are you either going to tell us what he claimed or give us the link to the video, or are you just playing games here?

Ok, Ian. Since you asked so nicely, here's the link:

Do you think Dryden will share some information at some point about going/not going to the authorities back then? Maybe in the court room?
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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #54 on: March 21, 2010, 01:47:36 AM »

Do you think Dryden will share some information at some point about going/not going to the authorities back then? Maybe in the court room?
I hope he is forced to answer that at some point. The reporter in the video actually asked that at my suggestion. It really infuriates me that he was such a coward after so proudly stating in that letter that he had information on 6 boys who had been molested. Dryden is the type that just wants to make sure that everything goes through him so he can know what's going on. As recently as 2 days ago he was STILL calling at least one of the victims giving suggestions about what to do. The man disgusts me.
Duane Clem
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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #55 on: March 21, 2010, 05:56:41 AM »

As far as commenting on posts, the only thing you have to go by is words, suggestions, intents and sometimes that is even hidden to draw out comments from unknown parties. It is maybe a chance you can read between the lines to understand what a person is trying to get across and not always clear. So then you start prodding  and suggesting more depth to get answers to the ripple of peoples nerves and their characters then show out.

 I have a bad habit of maybe reading something just to see who the author really is and about them instead of their content. In order for me to believe EGW I had to read how she wrote whether she was inspired or not. There was no doubt as is was in the same form as I received from reading the Bible. Hers was just in smaller detail but the same "Inspiration effect". She never gave you all the answers until you read all. You can read the Bible and have many questions as you go but soon the Golden Thread all connects.

Do not know who anyone on here is except 4 of one that does not seem to be on here anymore and I miss. Junebug I do not know.. neither Ian except she suggests on posts that she is very close to the "clan" possibly a paralegal or spends her time looking at law and either she or I are off on understanding of how the courts work and their extreme concoctions. I have also watched maybe not so much all content but how Bob and Gailon have had knowledge of the law to handle what surpasses the lawyer's, and courts workings of corruptions or should I say maneuvers to save the Plaintiffs hand that feeds them. It is with no doubt. They do not miss a word or intent. The other side would not have to go through so much if they did not lie so much.  These men know how to keep the hammer on by using their facts of record. It takes brilliance to do that as facts of complications is pretty hard to do if it is not your own.

But I don't see how it makes a difference on who you are by what you post. You either stand without a bias mind to what is presented in facts, view and actions sympathize with wrong calamities when your strong christian sympathy rolls out for the human calamity instead of stopping the deed. SDA's have the strongest feelings in this manner. We hate to see loss of souls no matter what side they are on and I also feel the same. But...we are also instructed to deal with it head on and there are at some guess.... several on here that do that.  You can only react to what you read and that may be a hang up for getting into posts. I am sure we all love each other in the end. and yea, Ian I rattled on several things here.. and yes, Junebug is a loving person and appreciated her comment to me but there is a line to draw to stop deeds that hurt another by another.  Jesus has to do it too much as he hates it but through Love He intervenes with the devils folly and is our example.

Again, if all was pure as presented  in beginning 3abn would not be the scene in public view for outsiders like me that contributed to want truth. I have never spent my time doing this until 3abn saga. and I conclude that many SDA do not have this knowledge what goes here and therefore DS has the upperhand on the Beg-a-thons and still survives on pew money. It needs to change hands completely. It could all be so easy, all have come short and all can recover in Heaven. (IF)



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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #56 on: March 21, 2010, 08:35:53 AM »

Quote from: GRAT
According to a report I found TS was living in Marion KY working in a school.   Does anyone know if that is a fact?  

In regards to adultery issue, would not DS be a double adulterer?  He put away his wife and married another.  The another he married had been put away.

First Grat, you would need to know what if anything was the problem between Brandy and Danny. It is obvious from your post here that you are clueless or you would not have written what you did. You really should imo learn to ask questions and get the facts before judging another, and if you don't have them, learn to keep your mouth shut. And no, I am not going to tell you anything about it, it's not your business imo.

Ian - Why would I need to know the problems between Brandy and Danny when I NEVER said anything about their divorce.  You are reading much into what I said that simply was not there.  You need to slow down and take a deep breath sometimes and read only what was written.  DS Put Away His Wife (Linda) and married a divorced woman (Brandy).  So where did I judge anyone?  Then in another post you accuse me of "lies and false accusations".  Is it a lie that TS was living in Marion Ky and working in a school?  Was it a lie that DS divorced LS and married Brandy a divorcee?  Maybe you should be the one to learn to "keep your mouth shut" when you don't know what you are talking about.  

I am sorry if I misread or misunderstood that part, Grat. Much has been assumed and presumed about Brandy and Danny without bothering to get any facts and I didn't read your post well enough to recognize you weren't actually doing that, thus my kneejerk reply. To clarify, my focus and reply was actually more directed toward your question/accusation/judgment that DS was a presumed adulterer, and maybe even a double adulterer. I didn't and still don't believe that is justified or even close to proven. Nor do I believe we are in possession of all the facts about Brandi's earlier marriages and divorces, or  how her alleged conversion and baptism may have affected that. That is probably a discussion for another time and thread tho --

I don't know where Tommy was working since leaving 3abn, or even if he has been working. I do know he is past retirement age.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 09:12:47 AM by Ian »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #57 on: March 21, 2010, 09:05:32 AM »

Do you think Dryden will share some information at some point about going/not going to the authorities back then? Maybe in the court room?
I hope he is forced to answer that at some point. The reporter in the video actually asked that at my suggestion. It really infuriates me that he was such a coward after so proudly stating in that letter that he had information on 6 boys who had been molested. Dryden is the type that just wants to make sure that everything goes through him so he can know what's going on. As recently as 2 days ago he was STILL calling at least one of the victims giving suggestions about what to do. The man disgusts me.

Thanks for posting the link, Duane. I long ago asked why, if he really had info, did he not give it to the authorities- as even apart from the laws requiring clergy to do so which some state have, I thought he would be bound to do so ethically and morally if he was telling the truth and not just out to get TS. It caused me then and still does to discount his claims and question his motivation.

[To clarify, Virginia state law does not mandate it, but Illinois law where Dryden previously Pastor-ed, and claimed to have information about allegations does, as does Bob Pickle's home state. Being that it has been claimed Pickle is a Pastor, I long ago asked him the same question, and don't recall him answering...]

One thing I have always agreed with you on Duane, is in your opinion of Dryden. He ran interference when I tried to contact his Church board with my inquiries also btw. He wanted me to go through the third degree with him before he would give me any names or contact info for them or pass the message on. When I asked what more was needed other than my name, contact info and reason for trying to get in touch with them, he never answered, and I had to find another way outside of the churches contact addresses and numbers to do so.

 So how did you happen to be talking to the reporter mentioned, Duane?

I am sure that is an interesting part of this story which more than myself is wondering about.
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 09:09:04 AM by Ian »


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #58 on: March 21, 2010, 09:20:52 AM »

Bob, I know Lee also, and I know what she meant with her question ( not statement of her belief) to you, and I know she was asking about the age of consent, ...

By her question Lee very clearly indicated that she thought a minor "consenting" could make a difference. No Bible-believing Adventist that I know of would think that a minor "consenting" would make a difference.

Lee has had more than two years, I think, to set the record straight that she did not mean that. She repeatedly refused to do so on BlackSDA, and she has refused to do so anywhere else as far as I am aware of. Correct me if I am wrong.

Bob, I have no idea what was ever said or not said about it in the last few years, nor do I feel the need to go research that. That isn't the point, You asked me, so I answered and corrected your misunderstanding as I long ago was talking to her both before and after the post you refer to and I know what was meant.

This is just as I said, you ask, but don't listen to the answer and just continue claiming and believing what you choose based on your own opinion anyway. Your choice, but it is both ridiculous and not right imo.

Now I really am moving on, and am getting off this rabbit trail. You can join me, or not..


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Re: Tommy Shelton arrested!
« Reply #59 on: March 21, 2010, 10:16:24 AM »

Do not know who anyone on here is except 4 ...neither Ian except she suggests on posts that she is very close to the "clan" possibly a paralegal or spends her time looking at law and either she or I are off on understanding of how the courts work and their extreme concoctions.

Tinka,  I am going to try here one more time.  Again, I am not a lawyer nor do I have anything to do with the legal proffession, and to further clarify I have never tried to suggest or imply I am close to "the clan" in my posts here, nor would I.  Please put that out of you head.

Yes, you and I are off on our understanding as you say. You can disagree with me, and my views, I don't care about that, that never bothers me, but please try and understand.

All I have tried to do throughout this is get both sides of the issues and the facts when and where that was possible, , and supply the other side here to balance out what is being said here for those who read and lurk here. Thus I post the legal documents from the court case (which is available online on a government site to anyone,  if you register there and pay for them.) I do that to balance out the side and views as posted here by Bob Pickle, so that people can consider and have both sides and make intelligent and informed choices and judgments.  I don't feel the need to give Pickle's side, as he and his crew already do that both here and on his websites.  Yes in doing that I have formed my own opinions and judgments along the way and sometimes post about that, but I can do that as can you and everyone else. It's allowed. :)

See I think the bible is very true when it says:

"The first one to plead his cause seems right, Until his neighbor comes and examines him."

I take very very seriously the principle that we are to prove all things, and only hold fast that which is good, that is why that bible verse is included with every post I make.

that to me means:
"enquire, and make search, and ask diligently" - not just one side, as often happens here,  but both sides- without bias and without being partial or preferring one over another.

   One witness shall not rise up against a man for any iniquity, or for any sin, in any sin that he sinneth: at the mouth of two witnesses, or at the mouth of three witnesses, shall the matter be established.
If a false witness rise up against any man to testify against him [that which is] wrong; Then both the men, between whom the controversy [is], shall stand before the LORD, before the priests and the judges, which shall be in those days; And the judges shall make diligent inquisition: and, behold, [if] the witness [be] a false witness, [and] hath testified falsely against his brother; Then shall ye do unto him, as he had thought to have done unto his brother: so shalt thou put the evil away from among you.And those which remain shall hear, and fear, and shall henceforth commit no more any such evil among you.

I believe that also, Tinka, and I don't believe that can be done with anonymous sources and accusers. I believe  God's law reflects his character of love, which is both merciful and just. So I don't care how many jump up here and claim well we have 2 or 3 witness all saying this same accusation against DS or 3ABN is true, so that according to the bible proves it!

It doesn't.

MY belief is that those saying that lack understanding. Everyone and all testimony and evidence has to be examined carefully including the credibility of each witness, their motivation and their actually testimony and only if all check out do they count as a true witness.

See many jumped up and accused Jesus too, but although they may have agreed in their claims against him, none of their testimony about those accusations were in agreement and so they didn't have the two or three needed to convict him.

I think those same principles hold true today and we are all accountable, and I am sorry but You came into this forum said "I have been reading here 11 hours" and announced your opinions and judgments based on one side, Tinka. You have used the opinions you formed then to judge anyone who disagrees with that, or what is posted here. And imo you are very wrong in some of those things. I know because you keep doing it to me, and in reply to what I try and post to you.  It makes me tired. I want to answer your questions but I don't feel that you really want the answers I give as your replies don't demonstrate that to me.

So I don't know why I should waste my time trying, when I can spend that same time talking to another who does have an open mind and ears to hear, and at least gives me the respect of weighing what I am saying even if they do disagree with me, instead of just attacking me personally, capiche?
« Last Edit: March 21, 2010, 10:34:47 AM by Ian »
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