No, I have not displayed our web site on here but to certain ones I trusted that if they would vouch for us having a web site.
No our case was not the same but the tactics were if you read it more clear. I really don't care if you believe or not. You really do not need to know who I am, nor what we went through which now provides a clear shot of the political system and how it works big time for us with no doubt. We were a target for what we owned, worked and lost because of its value. They could not win by intimidating but they won with corruption. Some of the worst corrupt people involved came right out of the State of Ill orginally and moved into our area. The Attorney that wrote most of the lies even signed an affidavit stating the lies were true. (laugh) we have the proof. IF we could have presented to the court he would lose his licence. He felt assured with the backing he had politically. We were accidently given some codes by mistake and found in State records where top officials covered up. So be it. It is in God's record. so don't trust no man of which I see going on here.
People are gullible, thinking the system is true blue. Auditors, IRS, EPA, Acorn, greenies, Private property takers, and corrupt parties of both sides of the gov of America. It's here, its, time and more is coming as we are not the only ones this has happened to and people like you that lean to actual happening and then hiding it. You are more then welcome to email the documents of truth. But I doubt I will hear anything from anyone. and besides that I am only one person and what I say means nothing. It is just an eye view different from yours of what I see with patterns of evil mingled with in. Show me something substantial as my comments are to draw out truth in case you think I'm pretty abrupt and cannot tolerate when I hit the nerves. But so far all I see on here is quotes on what attorneys say and the sympathizers agreeing with them. Nothing else is presented but denials.