The world is full of conundrums. Greek and Latin literature, art, architecture, philosophy, science, and government are the foundations on which much of the good in our society is built. The time during which Greek and Latin art and literature were consigned to the trash heaps of history is generally refered to as the Dark Ages. The Rennaisance brought open thought, debate, and freedom that philosophers such as Ovid taught, yet never experienced to the extent that we do. Neither the Roman Catholic Church, or the Protestant movements approved of freedom of thought and religion. With few exceptions, both sides mandated their own opinions and theologies with a heavy hand. Calvin had Catholics burned at the stake in Geneva, just as the Catholic Church had Protestants burned, yet the humanist Rennaisance reformers ended up starting a movement that within a few centuries brought freedoms in thought and religion that were unheard of under any of the religious systems that abhorred Greek and Latin influence, and allowed for both to practice their religious convictions in peace.