After reading all this "c_ _ p", I figured I would add my thoughts because 3D, anyman, and grasshopper came here with a purpose in mind of mudding the water, so I can do that too, right. I am going to go back further than Bob!
Power, absolute power belonged to Danny, “the supreme being” that he feels he is! It was accepted by many that his word was God's word! It is true. He has always been this way; "My (Danny's) way, or the highway!"
It happened in the boardroom the time that LINDA convinced the board to vote against Danny! Yeah, it really and truly happened on more than one occasion! Danny would not let it happen again! One instance was about who could sing on 3ABN. Linda thought everyone singing on 3ABN should not be an adulterer or be smoking or drinking! The board agreed and voted in agreement with Linda! However, Danny wanted his daughter to sing, and she did just that, defying the board and his wife! What a slap in Danny’s face to have his wife and board to dictate to him about Melody, his own daughter, even if she was committing adultery and smoking.
Then, back several years, the board knew about Tommy. The board and Linda voted not to allow Tommy on the 3ABN payroll! That was it! Danny was livid. He began his vendetta against Linda! Danny hired Tommy under contract selling and installing satellites. So he did his in your face task and went about his merry way and eventually Danny put Tommy back on the 3ABN payroll with NO BOARD APPROVAL just Danny’s!
Then that dastardly Dryden letter came in 2003! This is when Danny rounded up those most faithful to him to pray with him to get Linda off the board. She was fighting him! Thus came the, "I no longer was my vice president!" The group had finally done Danny dastardly deed!. The doctor was nothing but a convenient target. Linda was the cause of this mess, but for the reasons I speak and NOT for committing adultery! Something new has hit the light of day and is about to become public. What a breath of fresh air! The Lord will shine the light of day to help put this puzzle together once and for all. What is it? Beats me, but I am getting excited to find out! Why else would the Dannyites be out in such force? I am going to count on something about to hit the fan. This is all just my opinion. Now, just to give you liars a bit to fodder, Tax investigations are still ongoing as of my report last week. Tell me how stupid I am. I could care less. You are the ones that are not looking at the facts! And I did share with one person my information. Chew that cob! My story is as valid as yours is. You have no evidence for your “c_ _p”! So I am no stupider than you are!
I need to start a blog! I read so many of those things. I am spitting mad that they dare come over here and accuse Johann of not knowing what he did or did not do. I am waiting for the hammer to fall. The ONLY I agree with them about is that it was started by Danny, because LINDA voted against him on GODLY PRINCIPALS! Danny went straight against those votes based on God’s word! He usurped GOD’S desires and replaced them with Danny’s desires. Danny has placed himself in God’s place. God, please save his soul!