Seems to me George that after the fall and sin All are doomed, sinners, and lost unless they come by the rules of truth, and honesty by the way of the Holy Spirit, the Son and can live according. Our ONLY responsibility is to share the good news for those that except. Satan has always used the sympathy theory to down the followers of Jesus because we are human. It is Satan's way of distributing away to another and fall to deceivement. (Ya know sort of sending all the crying for money to DS before being deceived.) We are our brothers keeper, but our brother is to be evenly yoked and brother in biblical means Christians. But there is priority of funds as it was in biblical days.
An example is if a child and mother were the only ones involved and if the mother starved herself to death to feed the child they would both die because no one would be there to take care of the child. So we are told to be reasonable in all things.
First of all--All humanity is lost if they do not come on their own to God. The US cannot save the world and every countrys' people. The US is this strong because they fought against on how other countries cannot support their own people. In their weakness they look and take or rob the ones that prevailed.
There are those that believe what you just saw posted and they are already seared to the hilt of "One should not have more then another"
and a true Christians know better then that. This type of person is indoctrinated from another culture or just plain racist hiding behind an agenda to help bring down what this land was built on and I've known for sometime now this harassment specifically for this purpose of nasty posting. So far I have read nothing sane coming from closed minded and distorted belief.
When you spread the wealth is only helps the robbers do more robbing. It will only finish taking their soul. They never learned, heard or been taught self help, independence in work thinking or ability to manage. Just get it however you can. (hmmm, like OBAMA did)!! IT IS UP TO INDIVIDULALISM TO HELP THE POOR. WE WILL NOT BE JUDGED AS A NATION ON TAKING AWAY FROM OUR PEOPLE TO GIVE TO ANOTHER. IT USUALLY IS POLITICALLY REASONED. We have organizations that do help our own that is voted to do so. but now they plan to force us into oblivion. What is so crazy is that on top of that we will be taxed even more for doing it.
Guess BO's ploy for games in Crime Town cost about $1,000,000 blew out in the jet stream!! He could have saved it and called me!! I knew the outcome as it was not hard to judge but him and ol Opry who I
used to love to watch and MO had a nice vacation didn't they!!
Oh and she had another cartoon dress on that was highly laughable. In fact I alway look now when I hear she is on as my curiosity and funny bone looks for the next creation of the MO dress. The gold one last time --was that supposed to represent a rooster's tail out the back.
?? Then in the next shot it appeared they took it off. I think the ones taking the shot really were shocked as they seemed to catch it at the right funny angle. I just burst out laughing.
Believe me, I could have made her look a lot better, as in my day I have created and designed wedding, dresses and etc, custom drapes in some pretty high class homes and offices, wedding cakes and sort of have a taste for refined, conservative and elegant look. I could have done it for a lot less money,and made her actually look good but then again I blame it on her own taste of dress. and that says a lot for a person like that. I would not be caught looking like that for no money.
I'll be glad when this fisaco is over and it is coming....