So, to be clear, there should not be financial fillings and reports with Jim Gilley's name as president until they filed in 2009 for financial filings and reports in 2008.
I feel I need to say this here: Although I may not always agree with you, I certainly do appreciate and applaud your uncompromising way of addressing all and trying to get to the bottom of the issues and establish things here. Thank you. I know it doesn't always earn you the popularity vote., but I like that. (Actually, your post here is the only thing which made me change my mind about posting further here.) So, in reply and to be as clear here, and as honest as I can; I really don't personally know all the specifics regarding all the filings and due dates, Princessdi. I wish I could be more precise.
The truth is some may have been due in 2008, while others would have been due in 2009. 3ABN, has various licensing in different states, and even countries around the world in relation to their broadcasts and the years which each require reports for vary because their fiscal or annual/biannual report dates are each different. What I do know is that it is 3ABN's financial officers job to be apprised of and knowledgeable about all of that and that Ewing has the highest recommendations and track record and steller character references, and that even Gailon joy posted here to that effect when Ewing had to resign due to family issues unrelated to his job. Because of that and more, I believe he knew what he was doing and filing and why.
That make perfect sense to me. I just have one question. What would happen for 2007 when they both served, would that just be noted when Pastor Gilley to over?
Having someone what of a finance background, this is just a question for information sake.[/color]
Please bear with me here. Usually only one report can be filed a year. and Mr Pickle was correct when he quoted the state of Michigan requirements:
"Q. If the corporation officers and/or directors change after I file my report, do I need to file another report for the same year?
A. Only one filing is required for each report year. The updated information would be provided on the next report owed by the corporation. The information on the report or statement (officers/directors, purposes, resident agent, registered office, etc.) should reflect information as of the due date of the report."
The info did indeed need to reflect the current info as of the report. I believe and think it did. I believe the problem with Bob's understanding and POV is based on the fact that he misunderstood, and still does. Yes, 3abn announced on a September 6, 2007 broadcast that Jim Gilley had been asked to be the new President of 3abn and that he had accepted that request, and so according to the vote of the 3abn board he was the new 3abn President. What Pickle fails to understand is that Jim Gilley did not take over the next day. He fails to understand or consider that there was an interim period, and that during that period, [actually just 20 dys later] Larry Ewing filed his report on September 26, 2007. During that interim period Danny Shelton continued to both be and act as President, while Jim Gilley was trained in his new job and position..
This concept, and the way it worked, are really not so hard to understand if you think about and consider both the election and the inauguration of our own U.S. Presidents. Our new President is voted in and declared the new President after the Nov 4th elections, but he does not actually take office or begin to act as such until after his own training/the interim periods between Presidents is over. That occurs when things are actually handed over to him months later in January of the new year.
It is my belief this was the case with the 3abn presidents also, and the messages of the 3abn presidents in the 3abn publication "3abn world" reflects this changing of the guard. Danny Shelton continued to write them even after Jim Gilley was announced as the new President, and then Jim Gilley took over and has been doing so ever since. All of this, I can and do believe accounts for apparent discrepancy's in dates and reports of who the 3abn president is and was.
I hope and pray this all makes perfect sense also.
In any case, Happy Sabbath, Princessdi.