Who is president of 3ABN? Anyone know? Can you prove it?
Why do I ask? I believe it was on September 6, 2007, that Danny Shelton et. al. announced on 3ABN that Jim Gilley was no president.
However, Larry Ewing on September 26, 2007, signed the annual report 3ABN must file with the state of Michigan, which then was received by Michigan on October 1, 2007. Page 2 of that form says that Danny Shelton is president. See the form at
According to
http://www.michigan.gov/dleg/0,1607,7-154-35299_35413-136482--,00.html, Larry was required to report who was president as of the due date of the report, which according to the report was October 1, 2007:
Q. If the corporation officers and/or directors change after I file my report, do I need to file another report for the same year?
A. Only one filing is required for each report year. The updated information would be provided on the next report owed by the corporation. The information on the report or statement (officers/directors, purposes, resident agent, registered office, etc.) should reflect information as of the due date of the report.
Larry Ewing moved on, and Brian Hamilton took his place. Brian filed the following form with the state of Florida on April 16, 2008:
http://www.3abnvjoy.com/mad-07cv40098/mad-07cv40098-doc-127-45.pdf. He reported how he had replaced Larry Ewing as "T" for treasurer. He also reported Danny as "PD" for president/director.
I find it highly unlikely that Brian Hamilton, who had I believe been a treasurer for a conference, would have been so sloppy as to falsely state that Danny was president when Jim Gilley was. And not that Larry left and Brian came onboard long after Jim allegedly replaced Danny.
Thus, based on these official filings by 3ABN with two different states, Danny is still president, and Jim Gilley is not. Therefore, people who think that things have changed, that there is a new administration, have been suckered and deceived.